anne marie malfi: Are you an "ACE" when it comes to giving great customer service?
- 02/24/11 02:39 AM
Unlike our computer keyboards there are no shortcuts to great customer service. Here's a recent experience I had that I hope will remind us all that customer loyalty is all about earning trust and building relationships that will go beyond just one transaction. As many of my family and friends know, I recently purchased a snow blower to help me endure the tough weather we were experiencing in Bucks County, PA. Not only would it help me to move the snow more easily but it would help me reduce the amount of time spent away from conducting business and meeting (5 comments)
anne marie malfi: Is your work week missing this important day?
- 01/10/11 09:30 AM
Have you ever said to yourself “I’ll do that when I have more money” or “when I have more time?” I think we’ve all been there – overwhelmed, wanting to do everything we can to grow our business and opportunities but finding roadblocks – lack of time, lack of resources and just plain uncertain of how to get started.
Instead of putting off those projects and tasks and talking yourself into the fact that you just can’t accomplish something challenge yourself to say I can do it, I want to do, I need to do it and I WILL do (11 comments)
anne marie malfi: A tool that will help you Stay Up to Date and Engage with Your Connections on Social Media Sites and Save Time!
- 06/04/10 05:56 AM
You’ve heard the saying “Just give it to me in a nutshell.” So many of us have a limited amount of time for working and knowing all that's going on with our associates, clients and friends. So here’s a way to catch up and find ways to engage with your connections on some of your favorite social media sites if you’re pressed for time or even if you’ve missed something that you would like to comment on. It's Nutshell and It's easy to setup! Simply visit this link, enter the email you want to receive your updates and a password. Then (19 comments)
anne marie malfi: What does doing a good job and giving your best really mean anyways?
- 03/18/10 04:21 AM
What does doing a good job and giving your best really mean anyways? I think so many of us have learned from and been inspired by someone - whether a parent, colleague or mentor - "to always give our best." Here's an example for you to understand where I'm going with this: You have a builder laying the foundation for a home (maybe yours?) If it's not set the right way there will be problems. What if the foreman said to his worker don't worry about having it "just right" "no one will know" because he's more concerned with the schedule (16 comments)
If you've ever watched The Grinch you might remember the valuable lesson he learned in realizing that the most precious gift you can give doesn't come from a store: He stood puzzling and puzzling. How could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. And he puzzled and puzzled then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. Maybe Christmas he thought doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.
Whatever holiday you celebrate, I believe we can all give those special people in our lives a very precious gift (13 comments)
anne marie malfi: Memories of my childhood was perfect (to me) and I simply can't do it justice with the writing of this post
- 08/04/09 04:58 PM
Before my blog post starts I want to apologize - I pride myself on posting blogs that are visually appealing and help the story but for some reason I'm having lots of issues with uploading photos into AR. Despite that I wanted to post this blog because it's been a crazy day and it seemed like such a waste for it so simply sit in draft mode - I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more about me and my childhood memories - I'm sure many of you will be able to relate. I was so fortunate to grow up (21 comments)
anne marie malfi: We all have it, we keep it for a long time and we don’t even need it...
- 07/24/09 12:35 AM
What could I possibly be talking about? There are many words you could use to describe it - clutter, junk, odds and ends, disorder, chaos, confusion, and mess. Perhaps you experience the same - there is just never enough time to sort through the many rooms in our homes to remove the clutter that we all accumulate. Last weekend we tackled the garage - the place (besides the basement) that we seem to dump the items that we don't know what to do with them -and usually they stay there until we finally decide we have not used them or even touched them since (13 comments)
anne marie malfi: Life just doesn’t come with an instruction manual but we can still provide great content and lessons…
- 05/21/09 05:26 AM
Over the last few days I visited with my parents in Boston. As many of my friends here know my dad was recently diagnosed with cancer and will have a long and tough battle to fight. During my visit I watched my dad, a man of great determination, faith and fight in him, realize that his life was changing. Some of his choices have been taken away from him but he does still have choices. He can choose to live life as fully as he had before his diagnosis or he could choose to give up. As he goes through his (13 comments)
anne marie malfi: We all seek advice in life...Some of the Best Advice I ever got...I got from my mom
- 05/08/09 03:05 AM
I don't know about your mom, but I think my mom has special physic powers. She always seems to know, even knowing she lives in Boston and I live in PA, just when I need a phone call. Often these phone calls involve her giving me the simple gift of listening and other times she is giving me some much needed advice on parenting, love and work. She just seems to have a special knack and way of giving sound advice (and she does it in a way that is not pushy and demanding) in such a loving and supportive way. (13 comments)
anne marie malfi: I’m always up for a challenge and this is no exception…
- 04/20/09 10:12 AM
There are many things I love in this world, my husband, my children, family, friends, chocolate and a great glass of wine. In my work world, I love creativity, sharing of knowledge, great to work with clients and colleagues, LINK LOVE, subscribers, readership, being a Rainmaker and SEO just to name a few. So why am I telling you these things? I want to take you through my latest challenge, in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog. I think we all realize we can learn from one another and if I can share just a few things that (38 comments)
anne marie malfi: Hold that elevator please....
- 04/16/09 02:13 AM
I was very excited when I saw the initial email from my Philly friends, the Somers Group, asking people to join them in the Probloggers 31 Day to Build a Better Blog Challenge. They were so excited they even started a group for us to all share our experiences - check it out. I thought - who wouldn't want to improve their blogging abilities while at the same time, growing their business, their knowledge and having a way to stay accountable to those tasks? Then, the excitement turned to panic as I took on some new clients in the past (10 comments)
anne marie malfi: I've often been told I'm full of it...That's right I've got the "Spring Fresh" Attitude
- 04/15/09 03:58 PM
When I think about Spring the main thought and image that comes to me is Cleaning. I'm not just talking about spring cleaning my house - removing the clutter, giving away the things I no longer need, and removing all the reminders of winter but removing the clutter from my mind - old ideas, negative or defeating thoughts, old hurts that have simply been held onto with no real purpose except to take up space - cluttering my life. Spring is the ideal time to do some routine cleaning for both our homes and our minds. Not only is it (26 comments)
anne marie malfi: Series - Sales Tools anyone can and should use – Part 1
- 03/24/09 08:36 AM
Back from my days of training, I was responsible for helping sales managers create their own sales toolbox. Yes, it was an actual box with some of our collateral and forms but it also contained items that I will share with you that were helpful visuals and reminders on how they could approach clients and situations and feel that no matter what, they could meet the needs of our clients. Many of my sales reps attending my training were surprised to realize that they already had everything they needed but just needed to look at the contents of their toolbox a (8 comments)
anne marie malfi: Are you doing these 5 simple things to make your clients and prospects feel important?
- 03/23/09 04:28 AM
In one of my recent posts, I shared the quote from Mary Kate Ash "Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, "Make Me Feel Important." Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life." Mary Kate Ash What are you doing to make your clients and prospects feel important? I don't know about you, but I love that feeling I have when someone does something to make me feel that I'm special and important to them. I also get that feeling when I have done something for someone (15 comments)
anne marie malfi: Free Tool to use on it's own or in a social networking site - LinkedIn
- 03/20/09 02:33 AM
Have you heard about this cool tool/feature that you can use either on it's own or via one of the great social networking sites you may be using already - LinkedIn? Want a place to: Store files Share files Keep track of your "to do" list The solution is: Huddle. No, I'm not talking about a football huddle when a team gathers together in a tight circle to strategize and motivate each other for the next play on the field. I am talking about a secure, online workspace that allows you to store, share files (documents, graphics and videos) and ideas and (11 comments)
anne marie malfi: What it will cost you if you don’t focus on this "1" key aspect of your business...
- 03/16/09 07:20 AM
Here's the scenario: Prospect calls or emails with a request about your services. You prepare information for them. You wait for a response And you wait And you continue to wait You follow-up with an email or call Perhaps you hear they haven't gotten to look at it yet, or you just get their voice mail or you simply send an email with no response back. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this is the case for many of us that provide services and receive inquiries about our services via our websites or email. We receive a request for information and contact only to (16 comments)
anne marie malfi: You too can make a positive difference to your clients (and your business) this simply…
- 03/13/09 05:48 AM
Did you ever watch the show Frasier and do you remember his famous tag-line from his radio show "This is Dr. Frasier Crane, I'm listening." I love that line and it got me to thinking about the Art of Listening. Many of us think about ourselves "I'm a great listener" but are we really? Do you often find yourself thinking about what you're going to say next instead of truly listening to the person speaking? I think we're all guilty of that from time to time. I've also read a lot of posts lately on the subject of listening and (44 comments)
anne marie malfi: Here’s a quick and easy way to Satisfy your clients…
- 03/11/09 04:28 AM
Great news! You have a listing appointment on the property you have been wanting to represent and you work hard on creating a CMA report that will detail all the comparables for the local area and recommended pricing for this home but are you missing another important piece in this report? I'm talking about an important aspect for many people making the decision to sell their home which is how and where are you going to market my home to get to my desired outcome - to see a sold sign on my front lawn? What kinds of information should (69 comments)
anne marie malfi: 40 years of lessons comes down to 1 realization...
- 03/06/09 09:19 AM
I think it's safe to say that we've all learned many hard and valuable lessons throughout our lives. Have you ever truly reflected on them? Was there 1 key moment, event or person that truly made a difference in your life and helped shape who you are? Today I'm celebrating the BIG 40, I wanted to share with you some of the top lessons I've learned over the past 40 years. We all live in different parts of the country, have different childhoods and experiences and then of course there are many of us that seem to live parallel lives. (17 comments)
anne marie malfi: Want a unique and creative way to get an important message to your clients?
- 03/04/09 02:56 AM
I'm always looking for new and creative ways to stay in touch and reach my clients with important information and I share many of these creative ideas with my clients to ensure that one of the most important groups of people, their Sphere of Influence, receives regular contact, communication and information from them. In my last post, many commenters (I won't name any names) mentioned that they need to do a better job with reaching out to their Sphere of Influence (SOI) and so I thought I would give you a real example of how you can do that simply and (18 comments)
Malfi Marketing Solutions ~ for real estate professionals
Office: (267) 793-0373
Fax: (419) 831-6561
A “Marketing” Virtual Assistant that will partner with you to increase your online and offline marketing. This blog is where I will share everything from helpful marketing, branding, time management tips and solutions to tons of advice, motivation and inspiration so that you are working smarter - not harder! I look forward to getting to know you and your business more.