The motto of this business is "Its all about the bread"
Yet the message on the window says "Sorry out of bread"
Hmmm…Just a fluke for that particular day? Actually no. I see this sign up often and think to myself: Poor planning on their part (someone is not very good with ordering the necessary product to deliver to consumers) Consumers are left with a poor image of this business Consumers going elsewhere to another establishment that can deliver (I bet the other businesses in this shopping center love (32 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: One Simple Task to Getting a High Grade from Clients - What's Your Grade?
- 07/18/11 11:05 AM
Remember when you were in school and you received extra credit for showing your work? Same holds true for business. Almost every day I receive an email from a client in which their client is requesting something or checking on why they’re listing appears in a particular neighborhood when they’re right on the border, and so on. The point I’m trying to make – they’re checking on all that you promised in that listing appointment. So, instead of getting those emails or forgetting what marketing has been done for your listings, be ahead of the inquiries and do the one simple task to (8 comments)
If you’re like me, you’re reading a lot all over the internet you’re keeping track of projects and “to do” items organizing thoughts and ideas for future blogs or just investigating tools and resources to tap into now and in the future How do you keep track of everything for that rainy Saturday that you (14 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: A Tool to Share Your Message and Extend Your Reach - The Possibilities are Endless!
- 06/27/11 12:43 AM
Hi, it’s me again…I know I’ve regrettably been missing from this great network and if you like I can provide a list of my clients that you can talk to! Truthfully I've been busier than I ever imagined I could be (a great problem to have!) and so grateful for all the opportunities since so much of my business success has come from the Reach of Activerain. (Take note: blogging on AR works!) All kidding aside, I wanted to bring your attention to a new tool I’ve been using that has so many great uses and it’s easy to use. (10 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: Are you an "ACE" when it comes to giving great customer service?
- 02/24/11 02:39 AM
Unlike our computer keyboards there are no shortcuts to great customer service. Here's a recent experience I had that I hope will remind us all that customer loyalty is all about earning trust and building relationships that will go beyond just one transaction. As many of my family and friends know, I recently purchased a snow blower to help me endure the tough weather we were experiencing in Bucks County, PA. Not only would it help me to move the snow more easily but it would help me reduce the amount of time spent away from conducting business and meeting (5 comments)
Within all our business models, there’s a need to wear a sales hat. But what if you took off that "sales hat" and instead wore a "service provider hat"? Stay with me on this. Almost every client and prospect you come into contact with has at some point been mislead, misinformed maybe even blatantly lied to. Maybe they heard idle promises and this left them with a feeling of mistrust of all “sales” people. I know I encountered this quite a bit when I sold temporary (12 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: Is your work week missing this important day?
- 01/10/11 09:30 AM
Have you ever said to yourself “I’ll do that when I have more money” or “when I have more time?” I think we’ve all been there – overwhelmed, wanting to do everything we can to grow our business and opportunities but finding roadblocks – lack of time, lack of resources and just plain uncertain of how to get started.
Instead of putting off those projects and tasks and talking yourself into the fact that you just can’t accomplish something challenge yourself to say I can do it, I want to do, I need to do it and I WILL do (11 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: Real Estate is a "Contact" Sport...Do you have a Game Plan?
- 07/19/10 05:16 AM
I think we can all agree that our clients all want to feel special, whether they are new or they have been working with us for months or even years. They will also continue to go to where they feel they are wanted and appreciated. Think about it from your own personal experience. Would you continue to go to a restaurant or service provider that didn’t make you feel invited or special? If they didn’t recognize you or provide you with an exceptional customer service experience would you return, mention them to others or would you simply move on? (6 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: A tool that will help you Stay Up to Date and Engage with Your Connections on Social Media Sites and Save Time!
- 06/04/10 05:56 AM
You’ve heard the saying “Just give it to me in a nutshell.” So many of us have a limited amount of time for working and knowing all that's going on with our associates, clients and friends. So here’s a way to catch up and find ways to engage with your connections on some of your favorite social media sites if you’re pressed for time or even if you’ve missed something that you would like to comment on. It's Nutshell and It's easy to setup! Simply visit this link, enter the email you want to receive your updates and a password. Then (19 comments)
I don’t mean this literally, although it would make for some interesting reading. I’m talking about showing your clients and potential clients who you really are –human, vulnerable and worthy of their trust.
Sure it’s easier to be real, honest and vulnerable with people we really know and who we’ve built a trust with. But how can we take on business so important to our clients (their home and money, etc.) if we aren’t human and real with them? The key is to (6 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: Connecting to your local community gives you something very important...visibility...visibility...visibility
- 04/21/10 07:19 AM
Connecting to your local community gives you something very important...visibility. As a business owner you know the importance of keeping your prospective customers and clients informed about your organization's activities easily and consistently. I love looking at community calendars especially on a weekend that we don't have any plans (rare but it does happen) as well as subscribing to many rss feeds for local community pages so that I'm aware of all the local events going on in my area and I don't think I'm alone in this when I look at all the people commenting on many of the local (12 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: Enhancing your image w/ one of your greatest sources & becoming their most valuable resource
- 02/05/10 12:13 AM
With so many tools, websites and vehicles available to us to extend our reach and communicate with the general public, I think too often we forget about one of our most valuable resources - our past clients - when it comes to growing our business. They are one of our greatest resources for new business and in this post I would like to share some thoughts and ideas for enhancing your image and becoming one of their greatest and most valuable resources. Does this scenario apply to you? You're at the closing table with your client, the keys are handed to (47 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: The Power of Active Rain – Connections are made every day!
- 01/28/10 09:08 AM
Lisa Udy asked in her blog post entitled The Power of Active Rain Contest that we put together a blog post to share the benefits and the Power of Active Rain. It's funny because I didn't have to think long or hard on this oneat all and have been in the process of sharing this post with all of you to illustrate Lisa's point exactly and here's how I harness the Power of Active Rain. Since joining Active Rain in August of 2008 my business has more than doubled and it has not only brought me new clients but friendships that go beyond (18 comments)
Knowing which specific areas of your marketing strategies are working will without a doubt save you money and time as you will be spending your money and time on the areas that are working and more focused on providing to the customers that are connecting with you in those areas. If you can't answer the following questions than you have no way of knowing what in (63 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: What does complaining get us? Isn’t it better to simply work harder and smarter?
- 01/06/10 03:02 AM
Think about the energy it takes to fret, complain and worry about problems. Have you ever encountered someone that complained about everything under the sun? Did you purposely seek them out to have another conversation or interaction with them? Probably not - you probably thought "what a downer" and "I hope I don't have to talk to them again." I've often noticed that I'm drawn to people who don't complain but instead are proactive and look for ways to fix a problem or create a solution. I also think they are highly successful and productive because they are always looking for (17 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: Another simple way to show your expertise and extend your reach and it’s right here on ActiveRain – are you doing it?
- 11/24/09 01:56 AM
I like simple and easy ways to connect with consumers and they're all around us from blogging to social networking sites. If you go to any one of my blogs or sites you will notice a consistent message that I try remind you of: "If it's not evident to you by now, consumers are very knowledgeable and computer savvy and are using the Internet to not only search for homes but for real estate agents and real estate professionals who they feel are like minded and can lead them to the results they are looking for." That being said, I wanted (17 comments)
Producing quality content for your devoted readers and subscribers is providing an essential service that is one of the reasons you choose to blog. You're meeting their needs by discussing things that are important to them - things they want to know more about and hitting a cord that (10 comments)
Information - your blog content, an online journal of information, content that fulfills your subsribers and potential client's needs. Dedication - to blogging, your real estate business, to clients, and to your subscribers. Evolution - Real Estate and blogging are constantly evolving. Association - being on a network like AR we are able to connect and associate with link minded professionals as well as extend our reach with social media sites with people we may have never met otherwise.
Isn't it funny how we seem to (16 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: You’re doing it wrong if you’re using the “Baby come back” method of marketing to your past clients…here’s a better way
- 11/05/09 04:26 AM
I think by now we've all seen this commercial: The Swiffer commercial has a "regular" mop asking, ok, begging and trying to "woo" the customer to come back to them with flowers and song dedications on the radio, now that they've switched over to using the new and improved Swiffer mop. The woman's reaction - "too little, too late Mr. Mop." It doesn't matter what you did before, and what you'll do now to try to get me back - I'm convinced I no longer need you. I think the commercial is brilliant for the message Swiffer is trying to communicate to it's (13 comments)
malfi marketing solutions: A nice addition to your website to encourage visits and revisits from prospects, past clients and search engines
- 11/04/09 04:55 AM
Often times websites are created and change very little or only certain pages change. There are many reasons for this: We build it and forgot about it We are driving visitors/traffic to our other sites (blogs and social media sites - important, yes, but if you have a website you want to make sure it's receiving traffic and directing traffic bank and forth to all your sites) We simply don't have the time to update our sites So here's your opportunity to regularly change the content on your website to encourage visitors (prospects and past clients) to visit again and (9 comments)
Malfi Marketing Solutions ~ for real estate professionals
Office: (267) 793-0373
Fax: (419) 831-6561
A “Marketing” Virtual Assistant that will partner with you to increase your online and offline marketing. This blog is where I will share everything from helpful marketing, branding, time management tips and solutions to tons of advice, motivation and inspiration so that you are working smarter - not harder! I look forward to getting to know you and your business more.