willow brook animal hospital: Pet allergies and their itching - 02/07/13 01:28 AM
I know all too well about this ailment in pets.  My chihuahua Sarah, kept scratching her back ever since we moved to an apartment.  She has had to share the territory with other pets and feral cats.
I noticed she kept scratching even though I would bathe her in flea medication on a weekly basis.  Plus she was getting stinky that we did not want her in the bed anymore.
I finally took her to the vet and bought her a food brand specifically for skin conditions.  I believe it has helped because no more stinkies and itching.
Willow Brook … (1 comments)

willow brook animal hospital: Pet's with good dental care lead to happier pets. - 01/28/13 04:05 AM
February is dental care month for pets. Fido or kitty do not always have the best breath but a visit to the veternarian will help alleviate any future health problems and that stinky breath.   Literature provided by Willow Brook Animal Hospital Desoto.   Put Some Teeth Into Your Pet’s Dental Care  
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Contact <!-- Begin Contact Module Code --> Willow Brook Animal Hospital
710 North Hampton Rd
Desoto, TX 75115
Get Directions Phone: 972-223-1100 Fax: 972-223-4408 Email Us  
Angelia Garcia  (pet owner of 4 kitties and one dog)