archagent: The Magical Box - 06/17/10 10:54 AM
Over 16,000 years ago the first human inhabitants of the Americas located themselves in what is now Clovis, New Mexico.  In 1932 an archaeological expedition discovered their artifacts and this led to some astonishing revelations.  For years it was believed the first people of the Americas had migrated from Patagonia, but no evolutionary trail could connect the Clovis people to Patagonia.  The Clovis people were far more advanced, in fact light years ahead of the people of Patagonia.  However, it seems their existence was very short; perhaps only ten years.  It was as if the people of Clovis just magically appeared, evolved at warp speed and then disappeared.  What was most astonishing was their homesteads.  They were very … (11 comments)

archagent: The Flyer Box That Never Needs Filling - 06/15/10 04:57 AM
Sometimes we believe we lose business due to opportunity cost.  We console ourselves with the euphemism, “You can’t win them all.”  No, you can’t win them all because that’s unreasonable, but you can win significantly more simply by offering prospective home buyers choices when they wish to receive your marketing information. 
Consider this scenario: a home buyer searches the internet and writes down a few properties.  He drives by your $600,000 listing.  The flyer box is empty.  He looks down at the next property on his list and heads there.  He also owns a $400,000 property that he will need … (3 comments)

archagent: A Cell Phone Is No Longer A Phone… So What Is it? - 05/20/10 10:08 AM
It’s a data delivery device.  It’s Facebook, iTunes, a GPS locator, email, TV, gaming, voice memos, reminder lists and apps like Restaurant Roulette. 
In May of 2010, the CTIA (the international association for the wireless telecommunications industry) published a report stating that, for the first time in the United States, the amount of data in SMS/text, email, video, music and other services that smart phones are designed to do, surpassed the amount of voice calls.
The original purpose of the cell phone, talking, is decreasing, while SMS/text messages have increased by nearly 50%.  Smart phone design is trending towards data functionality, such as full … (11 comments)

archagent: Did the first-time home buyer tax credit really help? - 05/05/10 10:26 AM
Of course…
Over 1.8 million people purchased homes using the tax credit.  This credit helped increase sales of single family homes almost 27%.  Underlying trends, such as mortgage rates, perception of an improving economy, and home prices remaining steady, are increasing consumer confidence that the worst is over.  
Not so fast…
While the credit did provide a short term stimulus the likelihood is that most of the homebuyers that would have purchased later this year moved early to receive the credit, thereby compressing purchasing into a narrow window.  These buyers are now off the table creating a soft second … (3 comments)

archagent: Do Auto-responders Comply With The Updated Federal Trade Commission’s Telemarketing Sales Rule? - 05/04/10 11:06 AM
Our company, Arch, has recently received several calls inquiring about the ability to automatically send a prerecorded call or SMS/text to a consumer who called their 800 call capture number. 
The short answer is “no,” you cannot send auto-responders in the form of prerecorded calls or SMS/text messages.
Please note:  The following information has been produced by Arch as a result of consultation with an attorney prominent in this area.  While we believe it to be accurate and representative of the primary issues concerning our subscribers, it is impossible for Arch to evaluate specific situations or present the rules in … (2 comments)

archagent: Winning Expired Listings - 04/22/10 05:38 AM
Expired properties may be one of the most competitive types of listings you can target.  They are easily identified; typically your MLS will send you a notification when a property expires, or allow you to perform a targeted query.  The challenges presented by expireds are many.
You have to:
Find the missing data, such as the owner’s phone number that has been removed from the MLS or by the previous listing agent Understand and appreciate the seller’s mindset Present a succinct and comprehensive marketing plan on why you are different than the previous agent  
Find Missing Data
There … (30 comments)

archagent: Five Things We Learned At RainCamp That You Can Implement Right Away - 03/18/10 10:23 AM
RainCamp was different; specifically Ben Kinney was different.  Ben taught tools anstrategies that he actually uses; most of them are free.  These are the type of things that you can’t read in a book and no-one else is teaching.  Ben learned these techniques by trial and error.   Guest speaker, Marianna Wagner, a KW MAPS coach and Realtor® in the Denver area declared, “well you know I’m giving all my secrets to my competitors…”.  I’ve never heard a speaker say that before. 

Although we don’t sell real estate; we do provide applications that assist real estate agents to sell.  Over … (6 comments)

archagent: Why Google Loves Single Property Sites - 03/03/10 08:23 AM
There are FOUR RULES that any agent can use so that Google will find and place your single property websites on the first page of a native search.
AR RainCamp speaker and KW MAPS coach Ben Kinney, an expert on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), internet marketing, and social networking recently held a webinar in cooperation with Arch on how he targets Google to increase internet traffic to his websites, with specific attention paid to the use of “single property sites.”    
 The value of having search engines find your sites and rank them high on the native page cannot be over-stated: … (3 comments)

archagent: Understanding Green Design and Construction Can Help You List and Sell More Homes - 02/04/10 06:31 AM

The aim of green architecture and construction is to help us be good stewards of the land.  The ultimate goal is to be carbon neutral, meaning the home consumes as much carbon during its lifetime as the carbon released during its construction.

Green homes use less energy, water and natural resources.  They create less waste and are healthier and more comfortable for the occupants than homes built otherwise.  To accomplish this, architects and builders focus on two main elements: design and materials, with materials being divided into sustainable, recyclable and local.    
Design typically costs no more than a … (2 comments)

archagent: Four Simple Strategies, You Can Do Yourself That Will Help Search Engine’s Find You… - 01/27/10 07:29 AM

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Arch Telecom

Austin, TX

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