When working daily with homeowners who are in hardship, I hear plenty of stories of how particular lenders are unwilling to cooperate with the sellers. Many homeowners feel like saying, "My Bank is Against Me". Have you heard that before? I have seen this case many times where the owner has atte...
There is certainly no shortage of potential short sale transactions in the current housing market. In fact, according to some estimates, about 1 in every 4 homes for sale is up for short sale. That’s 25% of the market! However, with the advent of government programs designed to help homeowners ge...
As homeowners who want to sell their home, should you be skeptical of selling your home to an investor? You can find these investors usually by the signs they place on the side of roadways stating " We Buy Houses". Here in Atlanta, especially my area of Cobb, Fulton and Cherokee County, GA, you ...
If as a homeonwer you find yourself behind on mortgage payments in Cobb County, GA, the good news is there are still options for you to avoid losing your home to foreclosure. As someone who works primarily with distressed homeowners, my heart goes out to those who are facing hardship. As an ag...
As the housing market continues to be unpredictable, although many experts do believe that it is finally stabilizing, the volume of short sales and would-be short sales continues to rise. In fact, short sales account for nearly a third of today’s home sales, and far more than that in some markets...
No Spring Seen in Housing Market This blog is based off the article the Wall Street Journal wrote on March 23, 2011. You can see that article in full at It wasn't too long ago that I heard economists being optimistic ...
If you are a homeowner and wondering if a short sale is right for you, then you must ask yourself a few important questions first. For those of you who live in Cobb, Cherokee or Fulton County GA I offer my advice as someone who can help. The first of many questions is, Are you behind on your mort...
Like many other States in the country Georgia and particularly Atlanta has seen its share of foreclosures over the past couple years. Everyone wants to know when the housing market is coming back and home prices will start to rise again. The Atlanta Journal Constitution featured an article with J...
The importance of having a short specialist represent you during the short sale process is highly recommended. If you live in Cobb, Cherokee or Fulton County Georgia and faced with selling your home through a short sale, please don’t hire your friend who’s a Realtor just because you know them. Th...
The discussion of should you buy a short sale can often bring about much debate, but I will offer my view as someone who deals with many short sales. Now you probably think I would have a bias view that all short sales are great, but don’t think so fast. Let me share Short Sale Pending Bank Appro...