graphic design: Similar yet different....
- 02/11/10 12:35 AM
Many of my clients are franchises of the company Showhomes. We service clients from New Jersey, to Miami, to Orange County and back to Minneapolis MN. While we adhere to a strict graphic standard, we also develop a identity for each office. Many of the offices are currently running a promotion that offers a free video tour when you contract during the month of February. Below are examples of 2 ads we created that display just how different you can be in your advertising. If you would like to see an example of one of the video tours, please click the
graphic design: From my home to yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
- 12/13/09 06:10 AM
Just a quick note to wish you a Merry Christmas. Please take a moment to remember those who are no longer with us and to say a prayer for the brave men and women who are fighting to protect the way of life we all hold so dear. We all have so much to be thankful for...and should all hope that others around the world will be able to share in the many joys and magic of the holiday season. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
graphic design: Send your holiday message with a custom holiday e-blast. Be Direct. Be Creative. Be Effective.
- 12/09/09 09:27 AM
Several of my clients know the importance of maintaining a strong web presence and have developed some great e-marketing pieces with us. Below are a few of the most recent Holiday cards we've sent out. If you have a message to convey, LET US HELP YOU make it beautiful! Turnaround time on most jobs is a matter of a few hours and our rates simply can't be beat. ALSO, please be sure to check out the recent Holiday video we created for Showhomes Minneapolis. Take your marketing strategy to the next level!VIDEO: Showhomes Minneapolis Showhomes Richmond Showhomes St. Petersburg
graphic design: Personal Holiday videos send a great message!
- 11/28/09 01:32 AM
We recently created a completely personalized holiday video for a client in Minneapolis MN. We incorporated several images from her portfolio along with some nice stock music and graphics to create a short but informative video. It took only a few hours to put together and some collaboration back and forth, and in the end my client had an incredible marketing tool to send her greetings and well wishes. Take a moment to view it and let us know what you think.
graphic design: Happy Thanksgiving!
- 11/25/09 03:41 AM
As the big day approaches, the many things that I am thankful for begin to race in and out of my mind. It has been a great 4 years and I owe it all to my incredible clients. Without you guys I would not be where I am today. For all that have given me their confidence and loyalty I say THANK YOU. I have been a very lucky man this year...and look forward to the future.
graphic design: MUST SEE VIRTUAL TOUR! ***7121 Kiva Way Gulf Shores, AL 36542***
- 10/21/09 01:48 AM
7121 Kiva Way Gulf Shores, AL 36542$1,940,000 4 Bed, 4 Bath | 3,804 Sq Ft | MLS #155518 | The day was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT and the home was AMAZING.Incredible views of the Gulf from the nearly 2000 sf of decks on this beautiful, custom built, European styled beach home. World class golf course & beaches. Spacious open plan with two living and dining areas - one with fireplace and one with gulf views. Built to exceed current codes. 3 floor elevator. Chef-entertainers kitch w/granite, large pantry, butlers pantry and wine cooler. Must see.TOUR LINK:
graphic design: A great way to network, get referrals, and be remembered AFTER closing the deal.
- 06/30/09 02:05 AM
I recently picked up a new client that has a pretty impressive product to offer. They specialize in high quality gift baskets used as closing gifts. They take it a step further however and offer ways to pick up a little extra income, increase the number of QUALITY referrals and to increse the results of your networking efforts. Please see the most recent e-card we've created below. Feel free to investigate them further! Visit their site at:
graphic design: Promotional Videos....what they can do for you and your business.
- 06/05/09 01:54 AM
In a recent newsletter I sent out, I discussed the many benefits of having a promotional video to add to your marketing campaign. These videos can be uploaded to sites like facebook, youtube, or any other blog site. They can be linked to your e-campaigns or can be distributed on CD or flash drive. This is a service that we have recently began offering and have had promising results and feedback. To see an example, please click HERE Any feedback is certainly welcome AND appreciated
graphic design: We are offering 15% OFF Brochure Printing
- 03/24/09 04:39 AM
Brochures are excellent for menus, sell sheets, pamphlets or event posters. Our glossy coated 100 LB brochure stock displays your images/graphics in amazing color. Provide your readers a wealth of information in an easy-to-read format.PRODUCT DETAILS:Color - Full Color 4:4 PrintingPaper Quality - 100# Gloss BookCoating - Aqueous Gloss FinishPrint Time - 3-5 Business DaysQuantities - 100-100,000GIVE US A CALL TODAY or simply email us at for more information.
graphic design: You can never have enough friends...
- 03/21/09 01:45 AM
With that said, I would like to invite you to become my friend on FACEBOOK. It is a great way to network and we will be sending out promotions on occasion through Facebook. It so easy to connect with us, just follow this link: Thank you and have a great weekend! James L. Avera
graphic design: Avera Design just celebrated its 2 year Anniversary! HELLO YEAR NUMBER THREE!
- 03/20/09 03:47 AM
Thats right...two years down! It certainly feels like a lifetime! With everything I've learned and the changes I've seen, I now understand how people become "married" to their business. March 15, 2007 is the single most important day of my life to date (besides my own birthdate of course!). I look forward to many many years to come.
graphic design: Graphic Design awareness
- 03/04/09 01:43 AM
Excellent design is crucial in effectively conveying your message to the public. At Avera Design, we understand what it takes to turn ideas into results. As part of our marketing efforts, we have put together some key benefits of hiring a professional designer. Please review the information below and let us know your take on it all. Please feel free to add additional thoughts or share your experiences with us. THANK YOU
graphic design: When designing and ad...
- 03/03/09 12:13 AM
This short movie/ad is so funny, but at the same time hits VERY close to home. The one thing I always run into when designing any sort of ad or e-campaign is the client will want to fill every inch of white space available. The one thing I express over and over is "Would you take the time to read this? Probably not...that is the same idea the general public will have." When designing anything, its always good to entice your audience with great graphics and tag lines. Make them investigate your product and force them to be eager to learn
graphic design: New Virtual tours in New Orleans and Slidell LA
- 02/08/09 03:49 AM
Below are several virtual tours I completed last week in New Orleans and Slidell Louisiana. The properties range from new construction to historic properties. I am in New Orleans atleast once a week and would love to go over our services if you are interested. Please check out my site at Thanks for reading, James
graphic design: We are offering NEW SERVICES
- 01/19/09 03:16 AM
As the New Year begins, we at Avera Design have changed a few things. First we have a new look. Please feel free to visit to check it out. Secondly we have added to and modified the services we offer. Please find all information below. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, PLEASE let me know. CLICK HERE FOR A DEMO: VIDEO Thank you, James Avera
graphic design: JOB FAIR - Showhomes Denver needs your professional skills to grow!
- 01/18/09 01:49 PM
Please find below an e-campaign I recently designed for Showhomes, Americas largest home staging company. This particular office is located in Denver and they are hosting a job fair this week. If you are in Denver or the surrounding area, please sign up by clicking the link below. It will be held Wednesday January 21, 2009.
graphic design: New Home Staging business in St. Petersburg FL
- 01/18/09 01:03 AM
I would like to introduce you to a new, innovative home staging company in the St. Petersburg area. Showhomes, Americas largest home staging company is gearing up to "Set the stage to sell!". I currently manage all of their E-Marketing (nationwide) and below is one of their first e-flyers. Please feel free to check out their website at If you would like more information regarding my services, please check out my profile or visit Thanks, James
graphic design: Care about your image? Hire a graphic designer
- 01/08/09 12:29 AM
First impressions are everything, especially in business. The moment you meet a prospective client, you are judged in every category: hair, make-up (for women), accessories, clothes, shoes, your handshake, the expression on your face, and your business card. Your business card is the first most important piece of information you give to your new potential client, and it says a lot about who you are as a professional businessperson. However, your logo identity and business card can either make or break that new deal with your prospective client. All to often, in order to "save a little money", people try to
graphic design: New listing video: 1010 New St Francis Street Mobile Alabama
- 01/04/09 02:23 PM
I've created a new video tour for a listing in Mobile Alabama. Please feel free to offer feedback (I'm actually looking for constructive criticism). Thanks, James
graphic design: I just created a new promotional video for my company...can you offer feed back?
- 12/30/08 03:34 AM
This is a promo video I created for my company. It discusse the various products and services we offer clients throughout the country. Please feel free to offer feedback. PLEASE BE SURE to click the "HQ" button on the lower left to view the video in the highest quality. Thank you for viewing and have a great day! Kind Regards, James L. AVera >