CRE Lending

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Commercial Real Estate Agent - Matthews Capital Markets - NMLS 2415712
America's #1 Mortgage Broker, Brian Brady. You'll never wonder where he stands when you read Brian Brady. He's not always right but he's always...OPINIONATED



Most mortgage companies offer a VA no down payment option up to $417,000 but did you know that VA loans can be for much more? The Veterans Administration works off of a "guaranty", meaning that they pay the lender 25% of the loan amount should the veteran default on her mortgage.  Pragmatically, ...
Solid real estate agent relationships are the cornerstone of any professional loan originator's business plan.  While the mortgage industry has done an excellent job at consumer direct marketing, home buyers still consider the real estate agent the "gatekeeper of the transaction" and even rely on...
I'm a Del Mar Race Track junkie.  Actually, I've been a fan of horseracing since I was a kid, playing at the Garden State Park, in my hometown of Cherry Hill, NJ.  When I moved to Solana Beach, I was attracted to the the beach, San Diego, and best of all, the proximity of the World Famous Del Mar...
The following Mission Valley Condo complexes are eligible for FHA and VA financing (as of 8/6/09): Friar's PointeFriar's HollowFriar's MissionCreekwood at River RunThe FranciscanFriar GardensUnion SquareRiver SceneMission GateMission GreensMission HeightsMission PlaymorMission PlazaMission Villag...
This isn't a sales pitch; it's some straight talk about the reverse mortgage market.  If you're considering a reverse mortgage, you ought to do it now.  Not tomorrow, not next year, The reverse mortgage market has a ticking time-bomb in it much like the sub-prime market did; it's priced ...

Brian Brady

local_phone(858) 777-9751
smartphone(858) 777-9751
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