real estate in phoenix: Intrest Rates on the Rise?
- 06/22/08 04:36 AM
I just learned from a very reliable source in the bond market that interest rates could rise as much as 2 or 3 points in the next 9 months. Although I have yet to confirm this with a secondary source, this would make a huge impact on the home-buying landscape. 2 to 3 points means an 8 or 9 percent interest rates, which means hundreds of dollars in monthly payments. If this turns out to indeed be true, then my suggestion is to buy now and lock it in while you still can. This is probably as affordable as our housing market (1 comments)
real estate in phoenix: Make it Happen...Phoenix Sports Complex!
- 06/03/08 04:24 PM
You still have time to make a difference and help secure land for a newly proposed Phoenix Sports Complex instead of condos. There are so many benefits from having a city park in this particular location, I can't see any other development doing greater good for that area. Please get involved today with this! On that note, here's the latest update recieved on the Phoenix Sports Complex proposal as sent to me by our wonderful neighborhood proponent, Barbara Avallone ( Hello Friends, I am writing to you today to let you know that we are making some progress but time is so short (4 comments)
real estate in phoenix: How to get rid of Mosquitos at the Vacant House Next Door...
- 05/14/08 02:52 PM
Armls ( posted a new bulletin for agents visting its site recently about how neighborhoods can combat the Mosquito epidemic that has been sweeping the Valley as a result of the Foreclosed homes with standing, untreated pools. You know the type...The kind that turn green (sometimes brown or black), grow algae almost to the point where you swear the creature from the black lagoon will pop out of it. It is common knowledge that standing water attracts mosquitoes, and that pools left without running pumps can be a breeding ground for these mosquitos. In fact, there has already been a human (2 comments)
real estate in phoenix: Managing Expectations in Real Estate
- 05/12/08 02:17 AM
I was in the office the other day when I overheard a colleague say something profound. He was on the phone with someone else when he said "Our job is not so much about Real Estate as it is about managing expectations." The moment he said it, it made perfect sense. 80% of my job is managing expectations. As a REALTOR, I really don't have the real decision making ability in the transactions I perform. I am there to inform, protect, and set up proper expectations. For example, one of the trends that I have been noticing as of late (2 comments)
real estate in phoenix: Is the Real Estate Market Crash Really Over?
- 05/09/08 03:04 AM
After reading the Wall Street Journal's "The Housing Crisis is Over" by Cyril Moulle-Berteaux, the whole real estate community is excited at the prospect of being over the worst of the crash. All the economic indicators point to a market that has bottomed out and is on track to be on the way back up. After all, we're seeing a reduction in inventory over the past several months, and less inventory will lead to a better ratio of sales to homes on the market, which will lead to a better market, right? I mostly agree with that, and would completely agree (2 comments)
real estate in phoenix: My first Blog on Active Rain
- 04/28/08 08:58 AM
I just signed up for Active Rain after taking a blogging course in Chandler. I have a blog that I've been writing at for about 4 months now, but became very interested in Active Rain when I heard such positive feedback about it. I sell homes in the Phoenix area and am looking to get connected to buyers, sellers, and agents from all over the world. I look forward to more and more blogging as I get into this, and I look forward to meeting and conversing with some fantastic people. Thanks you, Candice Robinson, for introducing me to this (12 comments)