barbara s duncan: Greetings from the bottom of the drawer. Barbara. Hankerchief.
- 01/03/25 11:09 AM
Greetings, Barbara!! It is time to clean up, get rid of, look again, wonder where this stuff came from, drag out, sift through and be amazed at the pile of items. That is what I was doing. Two bottom dresser drawers had not been touched in many years. Where did all these lovely ladies vintage hankerchiefs come from? What about all these old scarves from the 50's, 60's, 70's and even further back? Remember women's slips? Back when we had to wear dresses.....Gloves? Back when we had to wear gloves with the dresses.....Panty hose? Back before ladies just quit wearing hose at all....
barbara s duncan: Happy Memory! Fishing trip. Leon Person. Toby Noble. Historic Photo.
- 12/16/24 10:05 AM
Example of Happy Times! Leon Person and his friend Toby Noble. I borrowed this wonderful picture from Sherry Quattlebaum Person, who married Leon Person many years later when they became adults. Noble Motel, in Searcy AR, was a very popular spot. Click to see the very beginning of the motel started by Toby Noble. The picture you'll see there was given to me by his son. Back to the picture above. The Christmas-looking tree in front makes me wonder if they picked up a Christmas tree on their way to the fishing hole and doubled their pleasure! They evidently had a successful fishing
barbara s duncan: Searcy AR Courthouse drawing. Tommy Jackson. Searcy Daily Citizen 1986
- 12/05/24 12:06 PM
White County courthouse drawing. 1986 is the date signed by the artist and must be the approximate date of the drawing for this plan for the courthouse grounds. I clipped this article by Tommy Jackson, editor of the Daily Searcy Citizen, but I did not keep the extension of the article on page 3A. The article says there was a move afoot to enhance the beauty of the courthouse which was built in 1877. The White County Quorum Court had agreed to match on a dollar-for dollar basis up to $3000 for contributions made by the public to the Courthouse Grounds Beautification Committee
barbara s duncan: Curtis Kindergarten signs. About 1997. Phyllis Alexander artist.
- 11/13/24 05:21 AM
Remembering Curtis Kindergarten in Searcy Arkansas again with two signs. The signs were painted by a wonderful local artist, Phyllis Alexander. At the recent estate sale, I found the original two signs. Here they are. They were painted in the late 90's. I bought them and made a surprise delivery to the artist. She definitely was surprised and thanked me for bringing them. I thanked her for accepting them and she gave me two pictures of how they looked when newly finished. They follow below. The little girl above and the boy below. Notice how the colors were so bright and vivid. After
barbara s duncan: Searcy's Historic Black House Art Gallery displays old pictures.
- 11/09/24 10:12 AM
A little bit strange curved wall? I didn't take this picture so I don't know how the photographer took it. Below is the more realistic bath room. She achieved her purpose in this one and you'd love to visit. The Historic Black House of Searcy AR found lots of old historic photos of people and things. Debbie Higgs, who maintains the home, had this very creative and different way of displaying them. They are beautifully arranged using matching tacks and spaced in a lovely manner. Look at the next two historic Searcy pictures.
These pictures were taken by Faylen Waggoner, apprentice at the
barbara s duncan: Searcy AR postcard from Snowden's. Old car show downtown.
- 10/28/24 12:30 PM
When did they narrow the street Sure looks wide in this old picture post card but I guess that over the years the vehicles just got longer, especially trucks. Do you sleuths know the age of the cars? The street in Searcy AR does look delightfully wide! I was downtown on Saturday 10-26-24. There was a great vintage car show going on. Here are a few shots. Doesn't the street seem narrow? Car pictures below.
Remember? The court house is older than any of the cars! The car show was a good exhibit
barbara s duncan: McRae AR historic house. Built in 1921. For sale now. Downtown.
- 10/07/24 11:13 AM
l have always stared at it! Every time I drive through McRae AR I stare at this house thinking that it is the extreme example of an old house that seems to be original and needs work. It has suddenly been listed and is for sale. So I can see it thoroughly. It was built in 1921, says the listing. Pretty old!! Look at this pretty entrance. It must be from long ago but is still fashionable and has class! Great detail. And here's an excellent example of chipping paint that a lender would never allow. How many of us as real estate agents
barbara s duncan: Over 50 years ago. Searcy AR courthouse. Parking meters. Statue.
- 10/05/24 04:57 AM
Searcy Arkansas Courthouse Painting Notice the date of this painting that I did about 54 years ago! It has just resurfaced and I had not seen it through all those years. It is mainly of the statue on the court square that was done in memory of the Confederate Soldiers of White County AR that served in the war between 1861 and 1865. I must have been trying abstract painting. The composition is good but the detail is definitely abstracted. Most interesting is possibly the parking meters that were there! Remember parking meters? I wonder what year they went away. Here's the signature.
barbara s duncan: EGGS'travaganza! Remember? 1998. Liz Howell organized. Fine artists!
- 09/16/24 11:49 AM
Painted eggs from May 1998 EGGS'travaganza Way back in 1998 many citizens and I attended a corporate fund-raising event at Harding representing the White County Medical Center. Way back then lots of folks around Searcy were raising ostriches and other different birds or animals. Ostrich eggs were plentiful. Local artists were asked to contribute a hand painted egg for auctioning off. Liz Howell, now a highly successfuly REALTOR with her own real estate office, planned and held the auction. Eggs were displayed on tables and a silent auction was held! I bought two. One by Lee Freppon and one by Phyllis Alexander. (see
barbara s duncan: Winners! White County Fair. Portrait of Cleo. Barbara & Valerie Smith
- 09/14/24 07:43 AM
Portrait of Cleo 1966 This has been White County Fair Week in Arkansas. Memories return. Here is a strange one. Yearly, there was an art contest along with pickles and sewing and all kinds of other things. I entered this painting of a lady named Cleo. She actually sat and posed for me. It won first place at the fair and I have had it since. I'd like to know where she is and perhaps she'd like this picture for her family. Children's art winner. My daughter, Valerie Smith, attended McRae Elementary back in the 60's. She painted and entered this one. She won!!
barbara s duncan: Bronze Sculpture. New addition. Gary Price made in 2001. Estate Sale.
- 09/11/24 02:09 PM
New addition to my art collection. This little fellow is new to my home. He was bought for me by my daughter at a recent estate sale in Beebe, AR. It is my first bronze sculpture and it brings up new questions. How do they make copies of them. I know how an art work can have copies printed and they will be signed with something like 45/500 which means that this is #45 out of 500 copies. So, art lovers, tell me how they make copies of bronze sculptures. I researched and saw copies with the copyright numbers so they do make
barbara s duncan: 1953 Arkansas Girls State, Group picture, 27"x7". Legs, girls. Anita
- 09/01/24 10:09 AM
WOW! Lots of legs! And girls. Are you present? This is an old and somewhat fascinating picture of a huge group of girls who were selected to attend Girls State in 1953. It was given to me by one of my most dedicated Searcy Sleuths, Anita Hart Fuller. I had to put an arrow beside her head. She and others (I don't know who they were or where they are in this picture.) represented Searcy AR.
It is fun to look back and notice styles at that time. Plaid shirts and caps and shorts were in. Notice one girl on the front
barbara s duncan: Houses change! 1310 W. Arch. Searcy AR New look. Built in 1925. Historic.
- 08/31/24 07:54 AM
The picture above shows an old view of a house that still occupies 1310 W. Arch in Searcy AR. Take time to hustle to and read an old blog that I did in 2013. Also read the many comments about it and check the pictures. Wonderful Searcy history. Now go forward and check this old blog from May 4 2024. More interesting pictures and some repeats. But it had just sold. I went by and snapped a picture. And
barbara s duncan: Searcy AR artist! Becoming famous! Rick VanHook. His latest painting!
- 08/14/24 05:17 AM
I had the privilege of visiting Rick VanHook in his art studio! He told me this picture is his latest finished artwork and the detail is amazing. I love it! WOW! This second picture shows part of the studio. I found the studio stunning and so full of creativity! I immedately thought of a famous artist, Jackson Pollock, whose studio looked a lot like this one. (Click and check out Pollock.) I have said many times that VanHook my be on his way to becoming famous!! His studio has so many items in it that I don't understand and I have an art
barbara s duncan: Schroeders Catfish Paradise? Anyone remember? Garner AR. Near Searcy
- 08/08/24 01:36 PM
Traveling the back roads I admit. I like the old roads when I can take them. Avoiding the heavy traffic and the crazy speeders on the main roads is relaxing. I have traveled through the tiny town of Garner several times lately and always notice this big building that was once a catfish paradise restaurant. Seems as if I did go there in the past but how far back was it? Searcy Sleuths surely can fill in the blanks in my memory because we have a hard time forgetting great catfish places! (Remember the one just past Bald Knob when heading for Augusta?)
barbara s duncan: Betty Robbins, Searcy AR, Chicken Cookin' Queen, Still perfect cook!
- 07/21/24 08:03 AM
How long since you have seen one of these? Pineapple upside down cake!! Isn't it beautiful! And one of our Searcy AR Chicken Cookin' Queens from 1972 make it yesterday, July 20 2024, and brought it to me! The mystery is whether they are still as popular as they were so many years ago! I was absolutely amazed at the beauty!! Here's the queen back in 1972. And here's the blog that I did just a few days ago with her as a finalist. She still reigns supremely! Thank you, Queen Betty!!
barbara s duncan: Chicken Cookin' Queens! Searcy AR. No names but winners. Betty Robbins
- 07/15/24 12:19 PM
Ladies from Searcy AR Way back in the 1970s Searcy had a lot of Chicken Cooking Queens. I loved seeing their newspaper clippings and as I have complained about before, we were lovely ladies but had no names. We were called by our husband's names in the clippings. In the one above, 1973, notice Mrs. Benson Robbins (Betty) who was a finalist. This blog has come to my attention because she just gave me a gift. She became the winner in 1978 and she just gave me a little copy of her recipe. Here it is! Wonder if she still makes the dish! Congratulations, Betty,
barbara s duncan: Failure. Girl's football. Searcy AR 1973. Harry Miller. Ouida Fincher
- 07/02/24 07:35 AM
Girl's Football Searcy AR Here's an old Searcy Citizen photo from 1973 that I saved and recently came across. Why did I save it? Someone very close to me is in it and mama's always clipped pictures. But pictures get lost or mixed up so I just now discovered that I had done a blog about this a few years ago. A good blog! It even told about the program from the person who started the program, Harry Miller. So click and read all about it! If you have more to add
barbara s duncan: Kensett AR. Tiny Town. Big Gin. Searcy AR neighbor. Historic building.
- 06/30/24 10:36 AM
Historic building Kensett AR Kensett AR is a very close neighbor to Searcy AR.....almost like a subdivision in the town of Searcy. But is is so peacful there with little traffic and some very historic places to see. The pictures above show one. Every time I go to Kensett, I admire this building and wonder about its history. This time I took a picture and one is a close-up of the name and there is a mural on one side of it. So what is that picture of? Looks like cactus to me and I had thought this was possibly a cotton gin?
barbara s duncan: Who remembers Ed Ortcotter? Christmas, animal, people lover Searcy AR
- 06/12/24 01:31 PM
Original watercolor honors Mr. Ortcotter It has been over 20 years since Searcy lost Ed Ortcotter but probably lots of Searcy residents remember him. His profession was painting houses but he also loved painting pictures and took art lessons. The one above was done by Searcy artist, Terry Williams, as a tribute to his good friend, Mr. Ortcotter, after his death. I remember him because of his love for Christmas. He dressed up his yard and house with decorations. He sometimes had a Santa's Workshop in his front yard and at times dressed as Santa and handed out candy to kids who drove