remax advantage realtors: Norma Young. Kay Wright. Kay's Kitchen book. 1971. Dipper's Nuggets.
- 02/15/25 09:19 AM
Norma Young and Kay Wright Remember 1971? Searcy AR was home to a wonderful cook who may have invented Chicken Dipper's Nuggets and won a $10,000 award. (How much would that be today? Google says $77,927!) Norma Young is shown on the right above and her daughter, Kay Wright, on the left. I cannot remember going to a restaurant and ordering chicken nuggets at that time so that is why I say she possibly began them. I am showing her recipe below. She entered a cooking contest and won! I just rediscovered the cookbook, Kay's Kitchen, which was published in 1984, and written
remax advantage realtors: Work of art. Just noticed. Fence. Beebe AR. Stunned while visiting.
- 02/10/25 05:17 AM
What! A fence blog? I admit that I might be a little amazed that I am putting this picture on a blog. But I was in Beebe AR, which is a neighbor to Searcy AR, on a dreary rainy day in a private yard. When I got out of the car, walked around mudholes to get in, I noticed nothing unusual. Then when I got back to my car, opened the door and got inside and looked out the driver-side window, I did a double-take! I shouted, "That fence is a work of art!" This picture does not do it justice but you
remax advantage realtors: A wonderful memory. Romantic hubby. Valentine's Day. 2008.
- 02/07/25 08:39 AM
Handsome Hubby Always a great memory from 2008! I have blogged this before but it is still one of my favorite Valentine's stories and so true. Valentine's Day has rolled around again and this memory always pops back up! It is about my husband and a new side of him. He has never been a romantic! The club that we attend decided to delay Valentine's until Saturday night and charge an enormous amount for the dinner. Well, our buddies decided along with us that we'd boycott the dinner and celebrate Valentine's Day on the proper day. We were sitting around the table
remax advantage realtors: Great tour of 605 Race Avenue Searcy AR, Lightle House, 100 years old
- 02/06/25 11:11 AM
Tour was so delightful and educational. This historic home is for sale right now and the REALTORS were invited to tour it. I accepted the invitation and was delighted to see all the historic items still in and around the house. The windows in the house are original. The tile on the roof had to be special ordered to be the same type as the original when built in 1924 and designed by Charles Thompson, architect. The Edward Lightle family moved into the house in 1926. Thus, the name Lightle House. Notice the wonderful brick work that looks as if it could be
remax advantage realtors: Lovely small building. 110 Spring St. Searcy AR. Old look and today's look.
- 01/31/25 05:04 AM
Recognize this? The small building on the left is still in Searcy on Spring Street at 110 Spring just before you get to Spring Park. The info at the court house says it was built in 1950 and is 1152 sq. ft. in size. Sleuths, anyone know who the guys were? This picture shows it a little on the left and a parade was going on with a date of 1955. The larger building was a depot, I think, and is now long gone. I love this building! I admire it when I drive by and I took this picture a few months
remax advantage realtors: Phyllis Alexander, Searcy AR, Artist of Great Talent, surfaces again.
- 01/26/25 05:26 AM
Phyllis Alexander, Searcy artist, impresses me again! I have blogged (bragged) about this lady before. She has been a successful Searcy AR artist for many years and here she has accomplished another successful venture. She has illustrated two children's books! Here she is in my kitchen (she is also my neighbor) and I asked her to let me picture her with the books! One is written by Wesley Thompson and the other one is written by Stephen W. Smith. She did wonderfully expressive illustrations on each page!! You would love going back to two of my blogs and see other examples of her
remax advantage realtors: HELP! Searcy AR Sleuths! I don't remember this! SACK for SEARCY? 1993
- 01/13/25 11:37 AM
This artistic bag, or sack as I call it, popped up in an upcoming estate sale. I do not remember its being done so tell me if you Sleuths remember. About 33 businesses evidently advertised on the outside of the bag. I think you can see the names in the pictures of the bags. Notice in the picture above there is a "Free Kittens" ad. Wonder who paid for it? In fact, the artwork is pretty creative and humorous. But in the final picture it has a name and date but I can't tell what the name is. So that is the reason
remax advantage realtors: Greetings from the bottom of the drawer. Barbara. Hankerchief.
- 01/03/25 11:09 AM
Greetings, Barbara!! It is time to clean up, get rid of, look again, wonder where this stuff came from, drag out, sift through and be amazed at the pile of items. That is what I was doing. Two bottom dresser drawers had not been touched in many years. Where did all these lovely ladies vintage hankerchiefs come from? What about all these old scarves from the 50's, 60's, 70's and even further back? Remember women's slips? Back when we had to wear dresses.....Gloves? Back when we had to wear gloves with the dresses.....Panty hose? Back before ladies just quit wearing hose at all....
remax advantage realtors: Razorbacks! Hog fans! Something new! Bath sink! Didya ever see one?
- 12/31/24 10:11 AM
Hey! Razorback fans!! This is a new one for me! I had never seen one before! It is in a lovely house that is now listed and even though I have been in the house several times, I noticed it in the listing pictures on the internet. All we know is that it had been specially ordered for the laundry room of this home by an ardent Razorback fan. In case you are not from Arkansas and are not familar with "Hogs" it is the nickname for the football team at the University of Arkansas. The Razorback Hogs are loved by so many
remax advantage realtors: 25" Waistline. Santa heavy. Liz Taylor. Memories. Merry Christmas.
- 12/22/24 04:53 AM
Wasn't Liz Taylor lovely? We are so involved with Christmas and Santa Claus right now that finding this old picture in my collection makes me wonder how Santa Claus got so heavy! I again recall that growing up way back with bobby sox and saddle shoes, we were taught to be thin. Go back to this blog for a minute and see pictures and read what we were taught in school. Looks as if Liz had a 25" waist if anybody could have! We girls tried way back then but we never
remax advantage realtors: Santa of the 50's. Favorite. Saddle shoes. Bobby Socks. '57 Chevy.
- 12/20/24 05:26 AM
A Favorite Santa I have a small collection of Santa Clauses and this is one of my favorites. It is called a 20th Century Claus and personifies the traditional American Santa. I love his bobby socks and saddle shoes that were so popular in the 50's. And be sure to see what he is gifting. Television set, '57 Chevy, record, Cola, and a blonde possible Marilyn Monroe doll! I wish all of my activerain friends a happy holiday season!!
remax advantage realtors: Happy Memory! Fishing trip. Leon Person. Toby Noble. Historic Photo.
- 12/16/24 10:05 AM
Example of Happy Times! Leon Person and his friend Toby Noble. I borrowed this wonderful picture from Sherry Quattlebaum Person, who married Leon Person many years later when they became adults. Noble Motel, in Searcy AR, was a very popular spot. Click to see the very beginning of the motel started by Toby Noble. The picture you'll see there was given to me by his son. Back to the picture above. The Christmas-looking tree in front makes me wonder if they picked up a Christmas tree on their way to the fishing hole and doubled their pleasure! They evidently had a successful fishing
remax advantage realtors: Another one bites the dust. 704 E Race. Bodyshop. Duncan's car lot.
- 12/13/24 12:06 PM
Old Duncan's car lot bodyshop. This building is not historic except as being a part of a successful car lot for many years. Folks may remember Duncan's Chrysler Plymouth Jeep Eagle located at 704 E. Race Street in Searcy AR. They may chuckle as they remember V. W. Duncan, famous for the saying, "What Ole Po Dunk says it is, it is!" Po Dunk was a fantastic salesman and started the car business at 202 S. Main in 1946. He moved to the Race Street location and in 1964 acquired the Chrysler-Plymouth line and added Jeep products in 1979. Duncan's had great repeat
remax advantage realtors: Searcy AR Courthouse drawing. Tommy Jackson. Searcy Daily Citizen 1986
- 12/05/24 12:06 PM
White County courthouse drawing. 1986 is the date signed by the artist and must be the approximate date of the drawing for this plan for the courthouse grounds. I clipped this article by Tommy Jackson, editor of the Daily Searcy Citizen, but I did not keep the extension of the article on page 3A. The article says there was a move afoot to enhance the beauty of the courthouse which was built in 1877. The White County Quorum Court had agreed to match on a dollar-for dollar basis up to $3000 for contributions made by the public to the Courthouse Grounds Beautification Committee
remax advantage realtors: Unbelievable! Fat-Ten-U Foods Ad. Gain weight. $2 month's treatment.
- 11/22/24 10:40 AM
Can you believe this advertisement? All we see now are advertisements for LOSING weight! I found this old ad while sifting through all my saved items and could hardly believe what I was seeing. It says it was done by Key Publishing Co but has no date on it. The fine print at the bottom says, "The accompanying portrait is that of Sarah MacHenry, Philadelphia, posing with her two sisters, who writes: 'FAT-TEN-U FOODS increased my weigh 39 pounds, gave me new womanly vigor & developed me finely. My two sisters also use FAT-TEN-U and because of our newly found vigor we
remax advantage realtors: Kiwanis Club Searcy AR 1934. Group. Wilbur Mills and important people.
- 11/18/24 05:07 AM
Refound! Is that a proper word? But I was checking into an old trunk and there it was and had been for many years so I did refind it! Look at the important Searcy AR people from 1934 gathered for a photograph of the Kiwanis Club. The copy of this picture was given to me by a lady who gave me old house pictures that I've posted in the past. Perhaps the Historic Society could use it? I did a blog about this picture a few years back. That was in 2010. Click to see it again. The names of the
remax advantage realtors: Curtis Kindergarten signs. About 1997. Phyllis Alexander artist.
- 11/13/24 05:21 AM
Remembering Curtis Kindergarten in Searcy Arkansas again with two signs. The signs were painted by a wonderful local artist, Phyllis Alexander. At the recent estate sale, I found the original two signs. Here they are. They were painted in the late 90's. I bought them and made a surprise delivery to the artist. She definitely was surprised and thanked me for bringing them. I thanked her for accepting them and she gave me two pictures of how they looked when newly finished. They follow below. The little girl above and the boy below. Notice how the colors were so bright and vivid. After
remax advantage realtors: Searcy's Historic Black House Art Gallery displays old pictures.
- 11/09/24 10:12 AM
A little bit strange curved wall? I didn't take this picture so I don't know how the photographer took it. Below is the more realistic bath room. She achieved her purpose in this one and you'd love to visit. The Historic Black House of Searcy AR found lots of old historic photos of people and things. Debbie Higgs, who maintains the home, had this very creative and different way of displaying them. They are beautifully arranged using matching tacks and spaced in a lovely manner. Look at the next two historic Searcy pictures.
These pictures were taken by Faylen Waggoner, apprentice at the
remax advantage realtors: Smiles begin at entrance. Christmas at Warehouse. Des Arc AR. Guess's
- 10/30/24 01:26 PM
Entrance I entered first. First smile started so I got this picture taken. I loved those giant red bells at the entry. So did my daughter! And they were available in all sorts of colors. Walking on through the giant warehouse of Christmas decorations, held yearly by Guess & Company in Des Arc AR, we were absolutely amazed at the variety (a huge section of The Grinch items) of beautiful and creative items. Then this was a favorite of mine. A pink Volkswagen! I had to have another picture! The trip was so thrilling. And perhaps most fun of all was seeing so many
remax advantage realtors: Searcy AR postcard from Snowden's. Old car show downtown.
- 10/28/24 12:30 PM
When did they narrow the street Sure looks wide in this old picture post card but I guess that over the years the vehicles just got longer, especially trucks. Do you sleuths know the age of the cars? The street in Searcy AR does look delightfully wide! I was downtown on Saturday 10-26-24. There was a great vintage car show going on. Here are a few shots. Doesn't the street seem narrow? Car pictures below.
Remember? The court house is older than any of the cars! The car show was a good exhibit