usarealty: Kentucky Housing Market Update!! - 07/25/18 11:26 AM
Kentucky Housing Market Update 2018
Even with the decline, total home sales were the second highest ever for the month, reaching 5,057, versus 5,395 in May 2016. Year-to-date, homes sales are down 2 percent with only 410 more homes sold across Kentucky in the first 5 months of 2016 than this year.
Median Home Price of $133,856, up 2.5 percent from May 2016 when prices were $130,569. For the year, Kentucky’s median was up just over 6 percent to $128,845 versus the 2016 median of $121,471. The in-state median for May was the fifth highest month ever recorded and the highest ever for … (1 comments)

usarealty: A DAY at the Races!!! - 04/23/18 11:06 AM
Great time at Keenland for the Races.  This was RPAC fund raiser for the Ky Associate of Realtors.
Great food and  Wonderful Friends!!

usarealty: Cheek Turner Road, London, Ky - 03/19/15 06:48 AM

This newly remodeled Home has 3 bedrooms 2 baths New Kitchen Cabinets, appliciances
Large deck on front and back. Hardwood floors and ceramic tile all setting on half Acre Lot
$92,500  Great place to Live!! London, KY Call Stephanie 606-521-0025 

Barbara Flannery, "Homes for Everyone In London Kentucky" (USA Realty,Inc.)

Barbara Flannery

"Homes for Everyone In London Kentucky"

London, KY

More about me…

USA Realty,Inc.

Address: 930 E 4TH ST, London, Ky, 40741

Office: (606) 521-0671

Mobile: (606) 521-0671

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