Barry Owen's Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Pareto Realty - TN #251071
Tips and commentary For Home Buyers & Sellers and REALTORS with primary focus on LIVE - Work - Play - Life Rhythm - Life Performance Oriented thinking for regular folks



Are your relationships prescriptive or descriptive of who you are? Many say we are defined by the 5 people closest to us. So . . . If we don’t like who we have become and are feeling less than authentic, do we first, then, take a close look at our “friends”? What’s this say about our Facebook “fr...
What is the REAL value you bring to other people? Seth Godin’s Freelancer Course Challenged me to publicly answer this question. List 10 things you deliver to your clients Things that aren’t the thing. Things like timeliness, confidence, respect, a story, etc. Be Specific. Mine . . .  Strategy Co...
Are you a Legend in your own mind? When is the last time (if ever) you took a serious look at how you rank in your career amongst your colleagues? THIS is my homework for Lesson #13 of 87 in Seth Godin’s Freelancer Course, and as with ALL assignments in this course, I am required to publish my re...
Don’t worry! Be Confident! This is the time of year when I’m often asked: “How will the Nashville Real Estate market fare in 2017 and in the next 5-10 years?” When I ask: “Why do you ask?”, The prevalent answer is: “I’m worried it’s been too good for too long, and we are due for another down-turn...
You have the power to positively influence anyone and everyone you meet. This is REAL power, and it’s yours . . . No one else has YOUR power. OWN this power and simply be who you are – always. When you don’t, you cheat yourself and the rest of us from benefiting from your natural gift to humanity...
It's January 9, and I just heard that most people break their New Year Resolutions by the 4th - YES . . . Most people don't even make it 4 days without falling off the wagon. We all need all the help we can get when it comes to making positive change within ourselves because it takes consistent a...
What do people buy when they buy from you? Do you know? Is it a thing with unique character or quality? Is it an experience? Do they feel safer, better, or happier when they buy from you instead your competitor? Could it be convenience? Are you their only local source of that thing or service the...
My homework assignment about me . . .  I’ve been instructed to answer these questions “online, in public” as an assignment for Seth Godin’s Freelancer Course, so what better place than here? I hereby invite YOU to follow suit and answer these questions in your public space – and/0r click the link...
Whatcha gonna DO about it? Seriously! Unless your life is perfect in every way as it is now, you’ve got some work to do. You know the term: “Living the Dream”, Yes? Birthed as an abbreviation of “Living the American Dream” which is generally referencing taking full advantage of the FREEDOM of liv...
For most, submitting a written offer is a no-brainer. Some don’t initially. They ask the REALTOR to ask the Sellers if they’ll accept $450,000. “Let’s just throw a number at them and see if it sticks.” We REALTORS encounter this more frequently than one might think, and because we are ethically r...

Barry Owen

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smartphone(615) 568-2123
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Stream of consciousness commentary on the real estate industry from the perspective of a Principal Real Estate Broker and Founder of Pareto REalty, LLC in Middlle Tennessee - Also a Career Development Coach with vast Organizational Development/Transformation training and experience - in the industry since 1993