chicago: Mortgage Fraud in Chicago - 08/23/10 03:43 AM
Mortgage Fraud in Chicago
Reuters UK shows just how easy it is to steal over $300,000 from a bank in 2010.
The house on the 53rd block of South Wood Street in Chicago’s Back of the Yards doesn’t look like a $355,000 (227,200 pounds) home. There is no front door and most of the windows are boarded up.
Public records show it sold in foreclosure for $25,500 in January 2009, then resold for $355,000 in October. In between, a $110,000 mortgage was taken out on the home, supposedly for renovations. This June, the property went back into foreclosure.
To Emilio Carrasquillo, head … (0 comments)

chicago: High End Chicago Area Homes are being Foreclosed. - 08/09/10 08:42 AM
High End Chicago Area Homes are being Foreclosed.
This is such a rare event for the Lake Forest area. Not any more. It is finally being released from the banks, that short sales are incompasing the  complete real estate market. How about your area? Now Banks can not longer hold on to the high end properities due to changes in regulations. So the fall market will be a very soft market for the high end homes too.
From the New York Times Chicago News Cooperative:
“In the first half of 2010, the largest increases in new foreclosures occurred in the … (2 comments)

chicago: New Home Sales Are Down - 06/28/10 08:00 AM
New Home Sales Are Down
This is the kind of news that is exactly what I knew was coming. Now that the government is out and the credit is ended, maybe just maybe we might be able to bottom out and start to rebuild.
This is the slowest sales pace since the Commerce Department began tracking data in 1963. The prior record was set in September 1981, when new homes sold at an annual rate of 338,000.
A consensus of economists surveyed by had expected May sales to slide to an annual rate of 430,000.
Home sales had surged in … (2 comments)

chicago: The Hawks Win...Chicago is the Best. - 06/10/10 08:22 AM
Congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks and the winning of the Stanley Cup. It is a fun place to be and the party is just starting. THe Parade is on Friday and the celebration is just beginning. Whoo hoo.

chicago: Foreclosures up 8%, Chicago, LaGrange, Hinsdale, DuPage County - 04/16/10 03:25 AM
Foreclosures up 8%, Chicago, LaGrange, Hinsdale, DuPage County
This is the newest report out from the Chicago Tribune. SO once again, the government needs to get out of this and let us do our jobs and hit the true botom of this market. We are not even there yet and the government is in the way, and has NOT given the people a solution to this mess.
From the Chicago Tribune:
In January, nearly 6,000 Illinois homes became classified as real-estate owned, or bank-owned. That compares with 2,641 in January 2009. In February, it was nearly 5,000 properties, compared … (0 comments)

Beth Brace, Hinsdale, Oak Brook, La Grange, Homes (Roudebush Realty,Inc.)

Beth Brace

Hinsdale, Oak Brook, La Grange, Homes

Hinsdale, IL

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Roudebush Realty,Inc.

Address: 34 S Washington, Hinsdale, Illinois, 60521

Office: 63(032) 312-3400

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