sellers: Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Armed Forces. - 11/24/10 12:46 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Armed Forces.
Please remember our armed forces who is sacrificing for this great county of ours. It is because of them we all sleep at night in our safe homes.

sellers: Happy November 2010,Commissions for agents are down 50% - 11/09/10 06:11 AM
Happy November 2010.
According to Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors, gross commissions for real estate agents are down 50 percent from their peak.
That essentially means that the real estate industry is playing with half the money it did back in 2006. And then we have the other kicker…
The ranks of real estate agents has only fallen around 25 percent.
That means the if there was 100 dollars of commissions for every 100 agents at the peak of the market there is now only 50 dollars for every 75 agents.
That is some seriously … (2 comments)

sellers: Get Out and Vote Today - 11/02/10 02:40 AM
Get Out and Vote Today
With all the changes going on in our nation , please take time to get out and vote today. It is everyone's responsibility tohear your voice counted in this election. There will be change and with our industry in the dump we need to look for a solution. I hope that all of you, vote today.

sellers: WOW, you did sign on the dotted line.... - 10/02/10 05:52 AM
WOW, you did sign on the dotted line....
THis is from an article in the Chicago Tribune.
In the eight-county Chicago area, 19 percent of mortgages — representing nearly 1 in 5 residential properties with a loan — are delinquent by at least one month, helping create an inventory of almost 204,000 homes at risk of reverting back to lenders, according to data provided to the Chicago Tribune by John Burns Real Estate Consulting in Irvine, Calif. That “shadow inventory,” as experts define distressed homes not yet put up for sale, is the largest in absolute terms for any metropolitan … (2 comments)

sellers: Let's Get to THe Bottom - 09/07/10 07:23 AM
Let's Get to THe Bottom
I read this and I am thrilled that we are starting to see other people thoughts on getting to the bottom. THe government needs to get out and we will settle down and start to climb. The sooner the better..... Buyers are not dumb and there are plenty of them out there just waiting to move.
As the economy again sputters and potential buyers flee — July housing sales sank 26 percent from July 2009 — there is a growing sense of exhaustion with government intervention. Some economists and analysts are now urging a dose of … (2 comments)

sellers: Mortgage Fraud in Chicago - 08/23/10 03:43 AM
Mortgage Fraud in Chicago
Reuters UK shows just how easy it is to steal over $300,000 from a bank in 2010.
The house on the 53rd block of South Wood Street in Chicago’s Back of the Yards doesn’t look like a $355,000 (227,200 pounds) home. There is no front door and most of the windows are boarded up.
Public records show it sold in foreclosure for $25,500 in January 2009, then resold for $355,000 in October. In between, a $110,000 mortgage was taken out on the home, supposedly for renovations. This June, the property went back into foreclosure.
To Emilio Carrasquillo, head … (0 comments)

sellers: High End Chicago Area Homes are being Foreclosed. - 08/09/10 08:42 AM
High End Chicago Area Homes are being Foreclosed.
This is such a rare event for the Lake Forest area. Not any more. It is finally being released from the banks, that short sales are incompasing the  complete real estate market. How about your area? Now Banks can not longer hold on to the high end properities due to changes in regulations. So the fall market will be a very soft market for the high end homes too.
From the New York Times Chicago News Cooperative:
“In the first half of 2010, the largest increases in new foreclosures occurred in the … (2 comments)

sellers: A New Happy way to build Client Relationships, Hinsdale, La Grange,Il - 08/09/10 04:20 AM
A New Happy way to build Client Relationships, Hinsdale, La Grange,Il
What a new and graceful way to make someone day happy. I am thinking that if we keep in touch with our clients this way at their front door or car what a statement. IT does not have to be expensive,just a happy reminder that we are working for them.
This is from Secret Agent email.
I just wanted to take a minute to say that I am so overwhelmed by the amazing and loving responses the Secret Agent L Project has been getting as a result … (3 comments)

sellers: Government Obama to the rescue to 2011....wait a minute. - 08/05/10 02:45 PM
Government Obama to the rescue to 2011....wait a minute.
Main Street may be about to get its own gigantic bailout. Rumors are running wild from Washington to Wall Street that the Obama administration is about to order government-controlled lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to forgive a portion of the mortgage debt of millions of Americans who owe more than what their homes are worth. An estimated 15 million U.S. mortgages – one in five – are underwater with negative equity of some $800 billion. Recall that on Christmas Eve 2009, the Treasury Department waived a $400 billion limit on … (3 comments)

sellers: The Front Door Tells The Story....... - 06/29/10 07:43 AM
THe Front Door Tells The Story
I am always asked what to do to get my home ready to sell. I feel there a many ways to add value with a lot of elbow grease and time. First off is to paint your front door. This is the best first show of what the house has to offer. If is in great shape ,it says come in for the rest of the show to better inside.Photos from
 The Little Greene; BH&G; Blissfully Domestic; Hooked on Houses; Apartment Therapy; Yellow Front Door

sellers: Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve Luxury Homes, Oak Brook, Hinsdale, DuPage,Il - 05/12/10 12:26 PM
Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve Luxury  Homes, Oak Brook, Hinsdale, DuPage,Il
There is a lovely area just north of Odgen Avenue that has some of the woodsy homes in Hinsdale and Oak Brook. It is surrounded by the Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve. This area is home to many wildlife and an abundance of fawn and flora. It is  a woodsy area and quite a peaceful environment to have a home. Yet you are only 20 minutes from downtown Chicago.
The lot sizes of this area are large ,usually .5 - 8.0 acre of land. The Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve is … (1 comments)

sellers: Chicago is Down in Equity Value - 05/11/10 09:49 AM
Chicago is Down in Equity Value
This is just released and it is interesting to note that if you are not buying, you should be for prices are at their best now.
First American CoreLogic just released its first quarter report on negative equity in the United States.
The Chicago market has more homeowners underwater than you would think (and I don’t know if this means Chicago, the city, or the entire Chicagoland area.)
The metropolitan markets with the most underwater home owners in first quarter were:
Phoenix: 550,000 Riverside: 463,000 Los Angeles: 406,000 Atlanta: 399,000 Chicago: 365,000 Report: 11.2 … (1 comments)

sellers: Southeast Hinsdale, Homes that are Moving, Hinsdale, Du Page County, Il. - 05/10/10 07:39 AM
Southeast Hinsdale, Homes that are Moving, Hinsdale, Du Page County, Il.
The area in Hinsdale that is known as Southeast Hinsdale, is the top living area of the town according to the area residents. What exactly does that mean? Well I will try to explain.
The area I am defining is approximately from Garfield street on the west to the Woodlands on the right, the northern boundary is from the train tracks to 55th stret on the south. This area is considered the most desirable place to buy in Hinsdale.
The grade school is Oak School with he average class size … (1 comments)

Beth Brace, Hinsdale, Oak Brook, La Grange, Homes (Roudebush Realty,Inc.)

Beth Brace

Hinsdale, Oak Brook, La Grange, Homes

Hinsdale, IL

More about me…

Roudebush Realty,Inc.

Address: 34 S Washington, Hinsdale, Illinois, 60521

Office: 63(032) 312-3400

Mobile: (630) 464-2633



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