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bellingham appraisal appraiser fha real estate appraisal home appraiser divorce appraisal reo forclosure: Project Updates: Bellingham's Waterfront Redevelopment
- 04/27/09 08:27 AM
Here's some interesting information about Bellingham's Future Waterfront redevelopment:Per the Port of Bellingham Spring Newsletter "In March 2009, a group of local volunteer architects made a presentation to the Council and Commissioners regarding waterfront redevelopment concepts. Since that time, City, Port, Western Washington University, members of the local volunteer architect group and others have discussed priorities and options that would support finalizing a waterfront master planning process."See the pdf report here: http://www.portofbellingham.com/library/files/Waterfront_Redevelopment/2009-03-04-waterfront-architects-report.pdfFor more information meetings on the subject will be held:6:30 - 8:30 p.m. April 29 Port & City Waterfront Public Information Meeting, Update on Planning Framework & Planning Assumptions, Bellingham (0 comments)
bellingham appraisal appraiser fha real estate appraisal home appraiser divorce appraisal reo forclosure: Washington State's Financial Institution Information
- 09/30/08 04:29 AM
With all of this scary financial news, it is difficult to keep up with all the latest developments! One place to gather information about Washington State Financial Institutions is the WA DFI: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/ This website has an excellent question and answer section that covers such current changes in the market such as; deposit safety, money market funds, AIG, mortgage payment issues, etc. here: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/consumers/economy.htm Another helpful link (FDIC) on the financial health of your current baking institution can be found here: http://www2.fdic.gov/idasp/main_bankfind.asp A helpful link o the finacial health of your credit union can be found here: http://www.ncua.gov/indexdata.html Here is a set of (0 comments)
We are a leading provider of real estate valuations for the mortgage lending marketplace. We have a proven track record of reducing lenders time, efforts and costs in managing the appraisal process. We currently service the Greater Bellingham area including all of Whatcom and Skagit Counties
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