real estate virtual assistance: ‘Slow Sallies’ and Overpaying Your Buyer’s Agent
- 06/02/15 10:25 PM
Why do top teams pay a Buyer's Agent the same for a buyer web lead as a seller from your listing who needs to buy a new home? Are you overpaying your Buyer's Agent? See below. Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. · Time Management - Steve's Weekly Calendar · Buyer Management - Introduction to New Concept in Industry Are You Overpaying Your Buyer's Agent? I have seen almost ALL top teams with a crazy compensation model which makes no sense to me. Let's say they are paying Buyer's Agent on a 50/50 split. If a Buyer's Agent makes 200 dials on the (2 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Client Case Studies - Quick Tips
- 06/01/15 11:28 PM
Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. · Laws of Subtraction - Time Management Tip - Delete Stuff · Steve's Home Office View: Global World Headquarters of Best Agent Business Here are some quick tips based on recent client calls or meetings. Do any of these situations apply to you? Call Seller BC Leads: I had at least five conversations this week with Clients/Leads doing over $200,000 GCI and every single one of them is wasting Seller BC leads, which is most profitable type of lead backlog. Agents call me and ask me to hire us to help call buyer web leads, and (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Email Management With Ease
- 05/29/15 01:24 AM
Do you cringe before you open your e-mail? You know you have to open it, but there could be a hundred new messages in there that need to be managed. Is this a good use of your time? Probably not. We can help manage your email. Reply to this blog or email me with your top three Email Management problems and I will give you some quick tips which you may have never heard before. Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. · Think like a Billion Dollar Agent - Both/And Thinking · Lots of Listings? - Get a Listing Assistant not a Listing (0 comments)
If you have someone helping but they are not doing a good enough job, we can take it over, or work with them and document the process and system to make it smoother.
See HERE for our approach. If you’re already a client and you’re interested, contact your Key Assistant. If you’re not a client but you’re interested, call me, email me or reply to this blog.
Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe (1 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: No Such Thing as a Past Client and Use Your Leads
- 05/11/15 10:51 PM
Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. Billion Dollar Agent - Time Management Tips - Delete - Subtract Hyper Harry Driving - Do spend too much time driving around? Keep in Touch with Past Clients Oops, did you see I used that evil phrase Past Clients? Never use that word. Call them Clients. I spoke to a Client who last worked with us in 2008. We had 'kept in touch' over the years with monthly emails, periodic mailings, a hand-written note once or twice and quarterly calls. He said that if he treated his Past Clients the way we (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Client Case Study - Lead Lessons
- 05/04/15 11:25 PM
Can you send me a photo or short 10-second video of your office desk area? I am sharing some Lead Lessons from a few client case studies this week. Put them all together and the lesson is Stop Wasting Leads. So…when I asked you to send me a photo a few seconds ago, was your reaction of pride to show off your organized physical space? Or was it one of dread, guilt, laughter of NOT wanting to show off the piles of files and papers and junk in your physical space. Go ahead....share. Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Stop Buyer Agent Madness Part I
- 04/30/15 08:52 PM
Why would you expect that a Buyer's Agent is good at calling buyer web leads for 2-3 hours per day, showing homes to buyers, and doing closing management paperwork? Out of 10 buyer's agents you have hired, how many have been really good at all three of those talents? Watch the two videos below to catch my drift. Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. Mail to Buyer Web Leads Lazy Buyer's Agent - Silly Business Owner Focus Unique Talent - Stop Buyer Agent Madness In the same way that a full-time assistant cannot be GREAT at all (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Try Out New Services
- 04/22/15 10:19 PM
We are always running into new real estate services. Across our 100+ clients, we use and support over 200 real estate vendor/marketing services. See below for a few newer ones. Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. Calling Balance - Keep Now and Future Business Balanced for Calling Chocolate - Addiction and Distraction Real Estate Services If you currently use any of the below services, please reply with comments/feedback. We started using these a year or so ago, and I’d like some follow-up feedback if you’d care to give it: HomeSnap HomeSnap, formerly Sawbuck, is an (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Future Business is More Profitable Than Now Business
- 04/21/15 04:08 AM
Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. Future Business is more profitable than Now Business This includes content from a call with a client...The real estate business is composed of NOW business which goes from new lead to listing signed or buyer under contract within one month and FUTURE business which is one month to a few years in future. Bold statement: We have concluded that FUTURE business is more profitable than NOW business. This includes Future business from repeat/referrals from Clients/SOI, as well as the percentage of Buyer BC, and Seller BC leads which buy/sell with SOMEONE (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Time to Start FSBO & Expired Marketing
- 04/16/15 03:39 AM
Every single agent over $500,000 GCI should be doing FSBO and/or Expired Marketing. Time to start. Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. Lead Management is Everything FSBO Marketing Plan FSBO and Expired Marketing If you are doing Expired Marketing, you should add FSBO. If you are doing FSBO, you should add Expired. The systems, skills, and resources are the same. I spoke to a client this week who has been doing $100,000 - $200,000 GCI per year of Expired Marketing, but had not yet added FSBO, even as market shifted and FSBO count has grown. Stop Wasting Time (2 comments)
I know I wrote briefly about this a couple weeks back, but this is the time of year that it matters most so I’d like to elaborate a bit. Too many agents fail to add more staff in spring/summer to handle business surge. Most agents could do 30% more deals in spring/summer if they just staffed up temporarily in spring/summer with more assistant and calling help. Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. Lazy Buyer's Agent Weekly Review of Schedule - Time Management Tip Too Busy? - Get More Help Now Every year, the majority of our (0 comments)
Leverage Other People's Listings Agent Recruiting Busy Spring/Summer - Staff Up Now I encourage you to consider staffing up now with in-house or our team to handle spring/summer business. Every year, I have noticed that agents get busy and happy with cash flow, but I see tons of business being missed or left on the table because the agent or team did not have the CAPACITY to handle the lead flow, be responsive, cover showings, and get stuff done fully. Does (2 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Radio Advertising and Call Clients in April/May
- 03/24/15 11:20 PM
Question of the Week - Do you manage Closings to get Referrals? - Please Reply Do you manage your Closings in order to get, and increase referrals from all parties involved? Or do you just consider it a cost center? Call Clients/SOI in April/May We suggest a big push to work together to call ALL of your hundreds or thousands of Clients/SOI in April and May. This is the perfect time, when business starts to slow down a bit (depending on where you are, of course) to call through entire database of Clients/SOI to thank them for their business and referrals, update contact information, (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Roost, Time Management, Quickbooks, and Dave Beson
- 03/23/15 11:17 PM
Question of the Week - Time Management - Please Reply What would be a Perfect Morning for you from wakeup to 11am? I’d love to hear your answer in detail. Call me, email me, reply to this blog, and let me know. Time Management - Free for You - $99 for your Friends/Fellow Agents I love helping people with Time Management. I have a passion for Time Management for Small Business Entrepreneurs. Best Agent Business can help you with Time Management to help you create a Perfect Day. For current clients, we will provide this service for free as added value - just email (0 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Nix the Drama Llamas and the 20-Headed Hydra
- 03/02/15 09:11 PM
The 20 Headed Hydra or Focus, Focus, Focus Yesterday I spoke to a client who voiced concern that he feels like his business is a '20-Headed Hydra;' and time management and time blocking to focus on his unique talents is difficult. My response is that he only needs to focus on three things: Client Marketing, Buyer Lead Management (currently getting BoomTown to add to mix), and Seller Expired Marketing. Everything else, which is really a 100-Headed Hydra, not 20, should be delegated and done by a combination of Best Agent Business, his in-house assistant, and his buyer's agents. Focus, focus, focus. Inside Look at (5 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: What Are Your Buyer’s Agents Doing? & Keep Your Site Updated
- 03/01/15 10:52 PM
What do your Buyer's Agents Actually do with 40-50 Hours per Week? Well, they are either calling leads, showing buyers or not working. Most buyer's agents do not work about 50% of the time. They are not managed. They are not held accountable. Do you have this problem? We can help ASAP. Best Agent Business can manage buyer's agents and hold them accountable with our Lead Management, Weekly Lead Reports, Daily Log and Showings Log systems. We can make sure they are working all of the time including holding more open houses, attending business networking events and more. For most buyer's agent, we can double their work (2 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Do You Know Where Your Leads Are Leading? We Do
- 02/25/15 08:55 PM
Do you need more leads OR do you need more calling of your current leads? I’d love to hear from you on this. When you reply or email me, choose only ONE of the above options and give details. We estimate that 20% of clients need more leads and 80% need more calling of their current leads. Leads include Seller, Buyer, Clients and SOI leads/people who should be called. Calling can be done by you, Best Agent Business or your buyer's agents. PAIN - a true story: We recently started calling a backlog of buyer leads that were 1-12 months old for a (2 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Billion Dollar Agent Mastermind Retreat and Time Management Tips
- 02/23/15 08:42 PM
I am excited to announce the next Billion Dollar Agent Mastermind Retreat. If you are over $1,000,000 GCI in 2014, or a current client over $500,000 GCI, you qualify to come. We are meeting Mar 12th - 14th. Even if you’re not already a client, I’d love to meet with you. Our core three people to start are myself, a team doing $4-5m GCI, and a solo agent doing about $1m GCI; both with very strong net profit. Our focus is on net profit, and growing net profit solid and fast. See HERE for more information for details. Watch Video Now - Short 2 (4 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Get Your Contacts Out of Your Phone/Facebook and Into Your Database
- 02/18/15 11:01 PM
Question of the Week - Please Reply Do you have Facebook friends or smartphone contacts that SHOULD be in your database as Clients/SOI or Buyer/Seller leads but are not in your database? Facebook - Database Management If you are active on Facebook, you likely have many friends and perhaps some leads which should be in your database. If you’re a client, we can pull/export your Facebook friends, and our Database Management Team can help you code and import into your database so Clients/SOI get Client Marketing and Buyer/Seller leads get worked properly. When you get a new Facebook friend, just (5 comments)
real estate virtual assistance: Five Secrets
- 02/15/15 10:07 PM
I read a book five years ago called The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die. What are the secrets to finding happiness? Why do some people live well and die happy? John Izzo asked thousands of people to identify the wisest person they knew. "The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die" shares what he learned from over 200 people, aged 60-106, whom others said had found the meaning in life. Here are the five secrets Follow Your Heart Leave No Regrets Share More Love Enjoy Life Today Help Each Other Of those, since it was recently Valentine's Day, I would (4 comments)
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