spokane remax agent: Your Spokane, WA. Relocation Team! - 06/27/23 08:16 AM

   BethAnn and Bill Long RE/MAX of Spokane  www.BethAnnHomes.com 
Your Spokane, WA Relocation team!      BethAnn 509-362-4607
"BethAnn in Spokane" and her husband Bill are both life long residents of the beautiful city of Spokane, WA. For 19 years, BethAnn has been assisting people relocating to Spokane, and she is passionate about her home city! Bill retired in 2020, and is now a licensed Realtor assisting BethAnn in her established career.
Spokane is a very beautiful city, with 4 distinct seasons. There are many reasons people choose to relocate to Spokane, here are just a few: cost of living, natural surroundings, lakes, mountains, … (5 comments)

spokane remax agent: May 2023 Spokane, WA real estate market Stats! - 05/06/23 10:55 AM
May 2023 Statistics are out for the Spokane Washington Real Estate Market.
These refelect April 2022 VS April 2023.
We are experiencing less sales overall , by 32%. The number of listings over last year at this time is double, making it a great time to buy!
Selling in the Spring market is always the most favorable.
Let me know if you have any question.
BethAnn in Spokane

spokane remax agent: Nov. 2022 Spokane, WA. real estate market statistics - 11/10/22 07:31 AM
It's November, 2022- and the market is speaking. The "median" home price in Spokane has fallen 12.4% since May, but is still up 6.5% over October of 2021.With 34.1 % less closings than this time last year, we see it is much more difficult to put a deal together, where seller is ok with the softer prices- and buyer is ok with the higher interest rates.Some people choose to sell/but based on market conditions. But most people move for personal or professional reasons.Personally, I am thankful that the housing market is less "frantic" than it was in the last few years.Carefully … (2 comments)

spokane remax agent: Spokane Real Estate market report June 2022! - 06/06/22 06:30 PM
The Spokane, WA.  Real Estate estate market is one of the most popular in the Nation presently. This is the latest stats, comparing May 2022 to May of 2021. If you have anyquestions, I would love to connect!  BethAnn Long RE/MAX of Spokane 

spokane remax agent: September 2021 Spokane WA Real Estate - 09/19/21 07:49 AM
Greetings from Spokane WA.
The market statistics in September, reflecting back on Aug. 2021 shows the historically enormous % of our average home price as up by 27.4%  over Aug. 2020.
The demand is just far too much for the available supply of homes. 
I am seeing less offers per listing, reflecting the fact that more buyers tend to be out in the Spring. When people ask " how is the market?" it is important to note that each price range could vary on answers, so digging a little deeper on the neighborhood, price range is key.
The Spokane area continues to get a lot … (0 comments)

spokane remax agent: Spokane WA Real Estate Market Report Feb. 2020 - 02/08/20 08:19 AM
Spokane WA Real Estate Market Report Feb. 2020 ( reflecting last months numbers )
The Spokane WA. market statistics are out for January 2020.  Each month they come out for the prior month, and I usually post the entire year over year numbers, however I chose to use the Jan. 2019 VS Jan. 2020 numbers in this article.
More homes were closed in Jan. 2020 than the prior year by 18%. I am hoping this is telling for whats to come! Because our inventory ( number of homes for sale ) has been SO tight the past few years I was happy to see … (1 comments)

spokane remax agent: Why are people are Relocating to Spokane WA ? - 03/25/18 04:33 PM
Why are people are Relocating to Spokane WA?
As a lifelong resident of Spokane, WA. I would like to speak to the fact that Spokane WA is the number ONE city in the USA according to Realtor.com where the inbound/outbound ratio is the highest. What does this mean ? At the time of their study which was published (3/1/18)  by Sabrina Speianu, Economic Analyst with realtor.com states:
"In Q4 of 2017, Spokane had a very high ratio (2.8), which means it received 2.8 times more views from residents of other metros looking at Spokane properties compared to Spokane residents looking at properties in … (1 comments)

spokane remax agent: Why I chose to be a RE/MAX Miracle Agent - 09/06/16 02:51 PM
I was truly moved when I learned more about the partnership RE/MAX has with Children's Miracle Network.  One of the most important things is that every dollar donated stays in local communities.
For me, this mean each dollar donated from my transactions goes to Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane WA. 
As a " Miracle Agent " I will be placing a sign rider on each of my listings to help draw attention to this worthy cause.   As stated by RE/MAX  on our official site :
"Giving back is a priority in the RE/MAX culture. All over the world, RE/MAX agents make a difference in their … (3 comments)

BethAnn Long, Realtor, CRS, e-PRO, CLHMS Spokane Wa Real Estate (RE/MAX Inland Empire)

BethAnn Long

Realtor, CRS, e-PRO, CLHMS Spokane Wa Real Estate

Spokane, WA

More about me…

RE/MAX Inland Empire

Address: www.BethAnnHomes.com (website), 907 W 17th Ave , Spokane , WA, 99203

Office: (509) 362-4607

Mobile: (509) 362-4607




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