online education: Requirements Released by the Appraisal Foundation for the 2010-11 USPAP Distance Education Courses
- 04/17/09 06:27 AM
"The Appraisal Foundation (TAF) and CompuTaught, a leading developer of computer-based real estate education and part of Cengage Learning, have partnered to develop online versions of The Appraisal Foundation’s 2010-2011 15-Hour National USPAP Course and 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course." The online versions of these courses will be offered through the CompuTaught learning system and will begin with the 2010-11 edition of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). This week The Appraisal Foundation (TAF) released the detailed functional requirements for the next USPAP cycle online courses. Education providers developing their own equivalent online versions of the National USPAP Courses (0 comments)
online education: Announcement from the Appraisal Foundation in Regards to Partnership for USPAP
- 01/21/09 04:35 AM
Just released; a press release announcing formally the partnership between CompuTaught and the Appraisal Foundation to develop the 2010-2011 USPAP in an online format. In addition, CompuTaught will be developing the USPAP instructor re-certification course online for the 600 plus Certified USPAP instructors. (0 comments)
online education: New York Sales & Broker Prelicnese Courses Now Available Online!
- 01/11/09 11:14 AM
We started a new marketing campaign showcases our 20 years in distance learning. Tag line "Define Yourself with the Best" Rolliing it out in NY because they have just changed their law allowing distance leanring for Prelicensing courses. The last real big state that has not changed their laws. (4 comments)