chicago title gilbert: Where Did My Facebook Friend Lists Go? - 12/22/10 01:41 AM
Facebook made another change this week (of course they did).  In the screencast above, I show you how to locate your friend lists if you need to filter the updates in your News Feed.  Anyone that has attended my Facebook workshop knows that these friend lists are central to the use of Facebook as a marketing tool.   If you would like to attend one of the workshops, check out the upcoming schedule. Do you think the new location for the friend lists is better?  Let me know in the comments below... … (3 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Happy Veterans Day! - 11/11/10 02:34 AM
Happy Veterans Day to all that protect us and allow us the freedoms and liberties we many times take for granted...
Many of my family, friends and clients served in the military, and we really need to take time out of our day to thank them for their service.  
Find a Veteran today and tell them thanks!

chicago title gilbert: New Facebook Changes Announced - 10/07/10 04:28 AM
Yesterday, Mark Zuckerberg announced two new features for Facebook. The first is the ability to "Download Your Information" from Facebook to a .zip file. Your posts, photos, and videos are examples of the data you can now grab from Facebook. The second change is a new Group product. Only 5% of Facebook users use the List feature, and Facebook developers are trying to create an easier way for users to engage with the small groups in our lives... To see more about the new Groups, got to … (4 comments)

chicago title gilbert: New Twitter - 09/15/10 03:59 AM
Twitter is giving a face lift.   Photo and video links will be viewable directly on the site via a cool slide out feature.   There are a few other changes as well.    You can check them out on this video.   The changes are nice, but not nice enough to compel me to leave   As you probably know from previous videos, I am a fanboy.   Click on the tag dropdown in the side bar and click on HootSuite.  You'll see... … (2 comments)

chicago title gilbert: HootSuite Streams - 08/26/10 04:28 AM
In part 2 of my HootSuite series, I look at the role of streams.   Streams are the columns of information that you control.   Streams can be from Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, FourSquare and more.   Streams can also be customized searches and also used for keyword tracking.   With streams residing under tabs, the ability to categorize and stay organized is easy.   Tomorrow, we will look at the status update feature... … (1 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Customize Your Facebook URL - 08/20/10 05:19 AM
Did you know you can change the URL to your Facebook profile?   Simply go to and you can customize your URL.   Be careful, however, as you only can change it once.   Double check the spelling before submitting... If you have an Official Page (or pages) on Facebook, you can also change the URL as well.   In order to make this change, you must have at least 25 "likes".   Once again, you only get one shot. Custom URL's for Facebook work well with e-mail signatures and print pieces.   Leave a comment below if you have … (3 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Basic Facebook Page Creation - 08/19/10 08:38 AM

In this video, I show the main steps to creating a Facebook Official Page. Obviously, there is much more to creating a successful. compelling page, but you have to start somewhere. Remember, these pages are visible to anyone with a Facebook account. There are no privacy settings, nor do you have to "friend" someone. Facebook created this option for business marketing.

chicago title gilbert: Facebook Friend Lists - 08/17/10 04:05 AM
Creating Friend Lists in Facebook allows you to control your News Feed and your privacy in a more effective way. If you created a Past Client list, by simply clicking on the list, the News Feed is filtered and only their updates appear.
This can be helpful if you have limited time but don't want to miss an important post from your best source of referral business. As for privacy, Facebook allows different lists to have different privacy settings. This allows you to accept all friend requests, provided you set up a list designed to restrict these "friends" you have … (4 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Spell Check is Your Friend - 08/11/10 03:44 AM
Every day, more agents enter the blogosphere.   A disturbing trend is poor grammar and spelling in some of these posts.   I compare it to a football referee.   When they do everything right, they go unnoticed.  They make a mistake, and they become the center of attention.   Same rules apply to grammar and spelling.   Do it right, it is unnoticed.  Do it wrong and the message you send to readers is quite different than your intended message.   Take the extra minute or so and use the tools technology provides.   Your readers won't notice, but that's … (7 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Arizona HOA's Increasingly Turn to Working Capital Fees - 08/05/10 04:04 AM
As homeowner associations try to beef up their reserves, working capital fees are becoming more prevalent. I can remember when only two associations charged this fee. Now, nearly half of our transactions with the property in a planned unit development have some sort of additional "fee". In the case of a short sale, this can lead to problems. Short sale lenders can refuse to allow the fee to be paid by the seller, effectively reducing the net to the lender. If you are working short sales, pay attention to this latest hurdle... … (5 comments)

chicago title gilbert: A Passion for Knowledge - 08/04/10 05:00 AM
In order to keep up with the latest news and information, you need to have a plan. For me, finding good sources is key. e-mails a daily four to six minute video full of the latest mortgage and real estate related news. Brian and Frank are funny, informative and smart. I also rely heavily on my Google Reader. This is an RSS feed reader that brings my favorite websites content to me. If you don't know about RSS feeds, give me a call and I'll get you hooked up. … (1 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Playing with Prezi - 08/03/10 05:02 AM
If you haven't explored, you are missing out on an extraordinary presentation tool. I have vowed to never prepare another Power Point slide show, unless forced by threat of violence or induced by cash payment. The Prezi below was prepared to run on a loop at ARMLS's Twilight Training. The ability to use scale and zooming allows the presenter to highight and emphasize critical points in the prezi. Let me know what you think, and if you have any questions or would like a quick lesson, just drop me a note. .prezi-player { width: 550px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; … (0 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Short Sale Payoffs - 07/29/10 04:07 AM
Short sale payoffs require special attention.  Some of these payoffs are 5-6 pages long with conditions that must be met or the payoff will not be accepted.  Two important items for escrow are the expiration date of the letter and the method of delivery of the funds.  If the payoff is not received by the date specified on the payoff letter, it will be rejected by the lender.  It is important to watch this date if the escrow is delayed.  The agent will need to obtain an extension and an updated payoff letter in this case. Some lenders are requiring "certified … (1 comments)

chicago title gilbert: The Truth-in-Lending in Under 2 Minutes - 07/27/10 03:28 AM
The Truth-in-Lending document (also known as the TIL)  is the most mis-understood document in the loan package.   Many notaries or escrow officers gloss over the document, calling it the "Confusion in Lending", or some other funny name in order to avoid actually explaining the numbers.     Over 6000 signings ago, I took the time to thoroughly understand the TIL.  I wanted to be able to explain the document to borrowers that wanted more than the standard TIL brush-off.   In this video, I try to explain the TIL in under two minutes.  Let me know if you think I … (0 comments)

chicago title gilbert: FHA Loan Documents and the Seller - 07/23/10 03:58 AM
Since the majority of our transactions involve FHA financing, I want to point out one quirky fact about these deals.   Seller signatures are required on a few of the loan documents.   Also, both agents are required to sign one or two of the documents as well...   This is the reason we wait to schedule the seller until after we receive the loan package.   This is also a good reason to work with a lender that delivers documents early to escrow. … (0 comments)

chicago title gilbert: My Tax Records are Wrong! What Can I Do? - 07/22/10 04:53 AM
Video No. 29 in my quest for 100 videos in 100 business days...
Nick Bastian of fame called yesterday with a question from one of his clients.   The client wanted to know why the County Treasurer still had the name of the previous owner on the tax records.   There are a couple different reasons why this happens.   The deed may have recorded with the wrong legal, or the County Treasurer may have made a mistake transferring the data.  Both are fixed easily, as I explain in this video...

chicago title gilbert: Preliminary Title Report - What Should an Agent Review? - 07/21/10 03:34 AM
When an agent receives the preliminary title report, what do they need to review?   I highlight some key areas that agents need to check.   Some agents I questioned told me they simply put the report into their file.   This is not the answer I was hoping for.   Escrow needs agents to check Schedule A for accuracy and Schedule B for any items that may require special attention.   If an agent is not familiar with the PTR, I've included a link to a great breakdown of the report How to Read the Preliminary Title Report … (5 comments)

chicago title gilbert: Preparing the Pre-Audit - 07/19/10 07:25 AM
What goes into preparing the pre-audit?   I discuss the process, including the most important piece of the puzzle, review and approval.   The lender and both agents need to carefully review the pre-audit.   Escrow will need approval from them to proceed with the buyer and seller signings.   The HUD-1 does not arrive with the loan package, it is produced by the escrow officer... … (0 comments)

chicago title gilbert: When Can My Buyers Sign? - 07/16/10 05:01 AM
It's one of the most common questions we get.  Our answer is always the same.  As soon as we prepare the HUD-1 and get lender approval, we'll get your client in to sign.  Experience has shown that trying to schedule clients any earlier in the process is futile. What are your experiences with this? … (3 comments)

chicago title gilbert: The Ed Thomas Story - Faith, Courage, and Forgiveness - 07/15/10 03:59 AM
Last night on the ESPY's, the Ed Thomas family won the Arthur Ashe courage award.   If you don't know the story of the high school football coach from Parkersburg Iowa, you must watch the video by clicking the link below.   In my opinion, the message delivered in this story is one that will stay with me forever, especially when things get tough.   If you need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move forward,  please watch this story.   I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below... The Ed Thomas Story … (0 comments)