broker open house: Feedback. Feed Front. The Broker Open House. - 01/21/10 12:43 AM
The broker open house and the art of coaxing realtors to come.  Hoboken's urban environment poses challenges to the broker open house.  Parking is the problem.  No one wants to give up their spot. No one wants to look for a a spot at your broker open house. I've seen people fall into three camps on this.
1) Lavish.  Go all out with a spread catered by the local gourmet place.  You always know when one of these BOH are happening.
2) Raffle.  Limiting the downside in case people don't show. 
3) Oreos and water.  True. One longtime broker pays lip … (0 comments)

Brian Murray (Prime Real Estate Group)

Brian Murray

Hoboken, NJ

More about me…

Prime Real Estate Group

Address: 98 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ, 07030

Office: (201) 792-4300

Mobile: (201) 232-4568




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