ga: Rethinking Buyer Agency..
- 01/12/24 12:10 PM
Rethinking Buyer Agency… Ga. law PROHIBITS brokers (and agent) from representing a buyer as a client without first entering in to a written agreement. That has always been the case. But honestly, until recently, I have perceived the buyer agency agreement as a binder between myself and the buyers, and I believe buyers percieve it the same. My belief has been that if I do a great job the buyer will be loyal to me and we will have a successful relationship. Once we got to the point of actually making a written offer on a home I would do the buyer
ga: Good Thing! I won't buy your home if it doesn't sell!
- 08/03/18 11:37 AM
If I don’t sell your home I will NOT buy it! If you are in any way thinking of selling your home you have no doubt heard or seen these ads. I will not make that offer and here is why! In my opinion it is a marketing gimmick to get in the door. People hear and see the ads and instinctively know there are strings attached but call anyway. They figure if the agent is that confident it must be worth checking out. What are some of those possible strings? Every offer is a little different but here are some examples. Seller
ga: How much is real estate commission?
- 02/16/18 06:47 AM The true answer is that commissions are negotiable. However just because they can be negotiated does not mean they will be negotiated. Many agents and brokerages have policies that will not allow the agents to charge any less than a certain percentage. Several years ago I was interviewing different companies to potentially hold my license. On was very specific that i could not list a home for less than 6% even if it was friends or family. Anything less would "devalue" their brand. I did not choose them. Here in Ga 6% is fairly common and that is usually split evenly between the listing agent
ga: What to expect from the home inspection
- 07/31/14 01:41 AM
What to expect from the home inspection: Here in Ga it is common with residential sales contract to allow a "due diligence" period as a part of the contract. There are actually many things that can happen during due diligence but for today i just want to put in a few quick words for both buyers and sellers regarding the home inspection. Here is the general advice that I give to a buyer. Typically the report will be 20-40 pages. Don't panic!!! That is normal. There will pages and pages of things that the inspector has noted. Again, don't panic. Most of these
ga: Buy for $0 down at todays great rates!
- 05/08/14 11:42 PM
Buy a home for $0 down? Do you make less than $53,000 per year and want to buy a home but the down payment is stopping you? Call Me! If you make more than $53,000 you can still use the program but there are geographic limitations. ********* I had quite a few questions after my FB post yesterday. I will try to expand and clarify a little. Of course if you ever have any real estate questions do not hesitate to call or email me! 770-656-9134 *To buy for $0 down you need good credit. Call
ga: The Agent with the Sign in the Yard!
- 04/14/14 11:07 PM
This article was written for Colorado but it is the same here in Ga. The agent with the sign in the yard represents the seller! If you are thinking of buying a home get a buyers agent. Therre is $0 cost to you and it can save you thousands of dollars and save a lot of headaches. Are you thinking of buying or selling a home? Give me a call! Get full service listing, save $1,000's in commission, Buyer Rebates The Agent with the Sign in the Yard! In the State of Colorado a real estate agent becomes an agent for the Seller when
ga: 1820 StoneBridge Way, Marietta ga 30064
- 02/20/14 03:58 AM
ga: Southern Charmer is Entertainers Delight!INSTANT EQUITY!
- 02/12/14 08:41 AM
ga: Woodstock,Towne Lake with In Law Suite
- 02/08/14 09:54 AM
ga: Tortoise v. Hare home markets
- 01/06/14 11:03 PM
I have said for a long time that Metro Atlanta is a "tortoise" market. I have used that analogy many times. We dont get the big price run ups like Phoenix, Las Vegas, or L.A. But those areas have seen market price declines many times before. According to records from FHFA the recent decline in our area was the only significant decline in over 35 years. But like any market, you need to be in for the long haul. If you think like the tortoise you can win! ****** From today's DSNews: Are 'Tortoise' Markets Beating 'Hares' In Home
ga: Bryan Ellis Newsletter interview
- 12/16/13 12:51 AM
I was recently interviewed by the Bryan Ellis Investing letter that goes out to a couple hundred thousand investors all over the country! ***************
Atlanta, Georgia has been at the top of a lot of lists these days, and that makes its real estate of prime interest to investors. For starters, according to a recently-published Forbes study, more than half (54 percent) of all real estate purchases in Atlanta are for cash and made by investors, indicating that the investing community in the area is still both flush and active. Furthermore, Atlanta and Atlanta-area home values have climbed significantly over the
ga: 2008 Manchester Way, Roswell Ga
- 05/16/13 10:23 PM
ga: Why Warren Buffet is so dang rich...
- 05/10/13 12:45 AM
Why Warren Buffet is so dang rich... "Find a need and fill it" unknown Some of you may have read my previous post about current adventure in home flipping, Flip this house-My Version . I promise a progress update soon however today is related but different. The project is a manufactured,double wide, home on a half acre in a subdivision of other manufactured homes. It's a nice neighborhood build in the late 80's in Acworth. There is a premise in real estate that fair market value is the price met by a willing buyer and willing seller without
ga: Appearing on Family Feud
- 02/20/13 10:44 PM
Family Feud ... The Answer Is A few of The Southard kids and host Steve Harvey When we were kids we would sit and watch Richard Dawson and Family Feud all the time! My mom loved the show and applied for us to play but we never got on. For the last several years the show has taped here in Atlanta and last spring we decided to audition and hopefully play in our moms honor. On the same day that the world heard that Richard Dawson passed away we got word that we were going
ga: Buying or selling a Home in Alpharetta, Ga
- 02/16/13 12:35 AM
Buying or selling a Home in Alpharetta, Ga Are you searching for a home in Alpharetta, Ga.? Here is the only Alpharetta Home Search you will ever need! There are two mls systems in metro Atlanta and this search includes BOTH so that you see ALL the Alpharetta homes for sale. Get full service listing, save $1,000's in commission, Buyer Rebates Create and Save Your Own Custom Search Foreclosure listings - See allAlpharetta bank owned homes Search Alpharetta Homes by Price Range Alpharetta homes up to $100,000 Alpharetta Homes $100,001-$150,000 Alpharetta Homes $150,001-$200,000 Alpharetta Homes$200,001-$250,000 Alpharetta Homes $250,001-$300,000 Alpharetta Homes $300,001-$350,000 Alpharetta Homes $350,001-$400,000 Alpharetta Homes $400,001-$500,000 Alpharetta Homes over $500,000 Search
ga: Buy or Sell a Roswell Ga Home
- 02/05/13 01:14 AM
Buying or Selling a Home in Roswell, Ga Are you searching for a home in Roswell, Ga.? Here is the only Roswell Home Search you will ever need! There are two mls systems in metro Atlanta and this search includes BOTH so that you see ALL the Roswell homes for sale. Get full service listing, save $1,000's in commission, Buyer Rebates Create and Save Your Own Custom Search Foreclosure listings - See all Roswell bank owned homes Search Roswell Homes by Price Range Roswell homes up to $100,000 Roswell Homes $100,001-$150,000 Roswell Homes $150,001-$200,000 Roswell Homes$200,001-$250,000 Roswell Homes $250,001-$300,000 Roswell Homes $300,001-$350,000 Roswell Homes $350,001-$400,000 Roswell Homes $400,001-$500,000 Roswell Homes
ga: Buy or Sell a Woodstock Ga Home
- 12/11/12 10:40 AM
Buying a Home in Woodstock, Ga Are you searching for a home in Woodstock, Ga.? Here is the only Woodstock Home Search you will ever need! There are two mls systems in metro Atlanta and this search includes BOTH so that you see ALL the Woodstock homes for sale. Get full service listing, save $1,000's in commission, Buyer Rebates Create and Save Your Own Custom Search Foreclosure listings - See all Woodstock bank owned homes Search Woodstock Homes by Price Range Woodstock homes up to $100,000 WoodstockHomes $100,001-$150,000 Woodstock Homes $150,001-$200,000 Woodstock Homes$200,001-$250,000 WoodstockHomes $250,001-$300,000 Woodstock Homes $300,001-$350,000 Woodstock Homes $350,001-$400,000 Woodstock Homes $400,001-$500,000 Woodstock Homes over $500,000 Search by school, zip code, property type, number
ga: Kennesaw Georgia, Buying or Selling a home
- 12/11/12 09:41 AM
Buying a Home in Kennesaw, Ga Are you searching for a home in Kennesaw, Ga.? Here is the only Kennesaw Home Search you will ever need! There are two mls systems in metro Atlanta and this search includes BOTH so that you see ALL the Kennesaw homes for sale. Kennesaw Mtn Battlefiled Photo: from Flickr creative commons by terra2055 Get full service listing, save $1,000's in commission, Buyer Rebates Create and Save Your Own Custom Search Foreclosure listings - See all Kennesaw bank owned homes Search Kennesaw Homes by Price Range Kennesaw homes up to $100,000 Kennesaw Homes $100,001-$150,000 Kennesaw Homes $150,001-$200,000 Kennesaw Homes$200,001-$250,000 Kennesaw Homes $250,001-$300,000 Kennesaw Homes $300,001-$350,000 Kennesaw Homes $350,001-$400,000 Kennesaw Homes $400,001-$500,000 Kennesaw
ga: 155 Brownsville Rd for Rent
- 11/21/12 08:59 PM
ga: 4515 Verdant Woods Ct., Powder Springs, Ga 30127
- 11/12/12 01:51 PM
Welcome Home! 4515 Verdant Woods Ct Powder Springs, Ga 30127 * See the video tour ** * View Larger Map*