selling: “Thanks, but please tell Mr. Potential Buyer to go suck rocks!” - 01/30/11 07:42 AM
WHOA, HORSEY!! This blog post discusses the seller’s knee-jerk reflex when it comes to “low-ball” offers on their properties.
The first thing I will point out is that I am a Home Stager, so pricing, negotiating, or any part of the sales process is simply not within the scope of my profession. This HAS to be left up to the Professionals.
The reason I am writing this is that I run into the following situation all the time. Most recently, I had a client for whom I had provided Staging services, e-mail me just yesterday.
Their vacant century-character-home here in Edmonton, … (17 comments)

selling: Change those Exterior Listing Photos!!! Pronto! - 12/05/10 09:00 AM
Obviously, ALL of my clients are currently "sellers", but what is often ignored is that they are also "buyers" on the flip side. They have made the decision to list for sale, so obviously they have to start their search for their new home. So, they also fit the demographic of "buyer" when I am working with them. So, I have a first-hand chance to always be researching and asking them questions. This information I get from my clients is invaluable, as it represents what the BUYER, in the current market is looking for.
Whenever the seasons have noticeably changed in … (55 comments)

selling: How do they come up with all of these Home Staging Statistics anyway? - 11/20/10 06:55 PM
I have Realtors®, home-sellers, and potential clients ask me consistently.
As a Home Staging Professional, I love to blog on regularly expressed areas of concern or confusion.
Statistics.... If you have been keen on the Real Estate Market for any amount of time, you have seen or heard all of the claims and numbers regarding the efficacy of Home Staging when listing a property for sale.
•1.  Home Staging sells a property in up to 50% less time, and for 7-10% more money.
•2.  In 2009, over 98% of buyers stated that they created their "short-list" of homes to view solely on the … (6 comments)

selling: Why are most Realtors® so reluctant to utilize such a readily available tool and increase their income by at least 10%? - 11/11/10 03:11 PM
It simply baffles me.
There "IT" is, much like a gleaming gemstone, sitting right in front of Realtors®, yet most of you turn your back, and adopt an attitude of "If it isn't broken, don't fix it".
It is "broken" if you are making less than your full potential!
This is much like continuing to attempt to force a nail into a stud by hand, when there is a perfectly good hammer within reach.
Must I provide you with more blunt comparisons?

selling: It’s Official! Every single household in the WORLD can now obtain our UNPARALLELED Home Staging Services for Success/Sale!! - 10/22/10 09:41 AM
This is going to be the most valuable new tool in the Real Estate Industry!!
How does one Home Staging Professional based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada provide services to anyone in the WORLD, you ask?
How does this end up saving the client 75% of their TIME, and 44% of their MONEY?
I knew you were asking.
I will tell you.
Brought to you by Edmonton, Alberta's Leading Canadian Certified Staging Professional, Rhonda Wilson, CCSPTM, owner of Revealing Assets - Home Staging and Decluttering Services.
What is E-Home Staging?
The "E-Home Staging Package" is an exact mirror service … (3 comments)

selling: Forget Home Staging! Get Back to Basics First! - 09/30/10 05:49 PM
"I tried to explain to him that you can hang tinsel on a pile of feces, but it still is not pretty."
I have written many posts regarding the importance of Home Staging in ANY market.
And, yes, presentation is still paramount! It always will be.
But, this post is solely focused on the fact that cleanliness of a listing property is MANDATORY!
I received a call from a Realtor® asking me to meet him at a listing of his that has been sitting on the market for 90 days.
Now, bear with me. I know in the U.S., 90 days … (8 comments)

selling: We Prove, once again, that Professional Home Staging yields Success! - 07/15/10 06:04 PM
So, the Edmonton Real Estate Board has released statistics for the end of June, and "Days on Market" were up to 47.
I just wanted to share another success story as I believe that the timing is right.
There are still many sceptics out there who don't believe in the importance of Home Staging.
Yet, it was shown that in 2009, 98% of buyers completed their entire search for their new home on the internet. What does that tell us? It tells us that photos are exactly what is attracting the buyers (or not attracting them).
Of course, the buyer will … (0 comments)

selling: Now is the time to bring your best game! - 07/06/10 06:36 PM
So, we have all heard the big news by now.
It was announced last night on the news that there are officially over 9400 listings on the Edmonton area Market as we speak.
Sales have also slowed to a halt for the time being.
That being said, now is the time to pay very close attention to your competition if you have a property on the market.
The goal is to stand out above your competition with your pricing AND your product presentation.
Now, more than ever, attaining the services of a Professional Home Stager to assist you in the preparation of your … (2 comments)

selling: Humans are Spatially Challenged by nature - 07/01/10 04:50 PM
Today's home buyers lead busy, hectic lifestyles.
Today's home buyers, for the most part, will RUN from any property that leaves them with the impression that any sort of "Work" is needed in order to move right in.
"Work" is a dirty word to today's home buyer. They are seeking a "Move-in Ready" property, and are more than willing to pay more for one.
When I refer to the word, "work", I am not only referring to maintenance or upgrades. This issue can trickle down, right back to the beginning of the marketing of the property. How is the property being presented? … (3 comments)

selling: Location, Type of Dwelling, Product, and Price - 05/30/10 07:27 AM
Yes, when selling your property, this is the ultimate set of criteria buyers are looking to satisfy when performing their search.
They will automatically gravitate to their desired geographic area(s), and then refine the search by only looking at the Dwelling type.
The above two criteria sets are completely beyond your (the seller) control. You cannot simply pick up your property and drop it into a more popular area, and you cannot convert your condo into a bungalow.
You, the seller, do, however, have all the control in the world over the last two sets of criteria. And, because the buyer … (0 comments)

selling: Buyer Beware! Yet another sad story to learn from - 03/08/10 08:27 AM
I am a Certified Staging Professional, CSP(TM), and the quality of my workmanship and the level of impact it makes are incredibly important to me. Why wouldn't I put the very best of my creativity, resourcefulness, and expertise into all projects I complete. As a Home Stager, I would be out-to-lunch if I didn't strive to provide my clients (sellers and the Realtor(R)) with my best. After all, if I do a lousy job of Staging a property, it will continue to sit on the market and continue to drain everyone's pocket-books.
Wouldn't that be a great way to make a … (0 comments)

selling: I would Love some feedback and/or input from Realtors(R) - 01/09/10 02:52 PM
As a Professional Home Stager, I find that I can only do so much for my clients to help them sell their home. I do very well at tranforming their home into a neutral, but welcoming and cozy property that should attract maximum attention from buyers. I am also quite talented when it comes to educating the client on what the buyer NEEDS to see in a prospective new home. I also end up providing them with beautiful photographs showcasing their home in the best light possible, and encourage them to use those photos in all of their marketing materials.
All … (15 comments)

selling: Just because "The Holidays" have started, doesn't necessarily mean... - 12/12/09 08:11 AM
Traditionally, the December/January time of year marks the dreaded slow-down in the Real Estate market. We do, however, have to realize that if potential buyers are calling to schedule viewings, they are going to be the most serious of buyers.
During the Holidays, humans are typically more time-bankrupt and financially burdened then at any other time of year. So, if they are making the time to look at a property for sale, chances are they are in a situation where they HAVE to find one to purchase...PRONTO.
Also, if they are making the effort, setting the time aside, and committing to come out … (2 comments)

selling: A note to all Realtors/Real Estate Professionals from a Leading Edmonton Area Home Stager - 11/28/09 08:31 AM
A Staged Property Sells Faster and For Top Dollar. This has been statistically proven time, and time again.
I completely admire and respect the huge number of hats that you, as a Realtor, end up wearing throughout the process of selling a property.
The process is extremely time consuming and labour intensive from start to finish. You work incredibly hard for your income.

A Canadian Certified Staging Professional, such as Revealing Assets, comes in to take care of the least desireable of your tass. A Stager efficiently tackles the more delicate issues such as clutter, cleanliness, repairs, and de-personalization. This … (0 comments)

Rhonda Wilson (Revealing Assets - Home Staging Services)

Rhonda Wilson

Edmonton, AB

More about me…

Revealing Assets - Home Staging Services

Address: 10920-124 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5M0H5

Office: (780) 913-5589

Mobile: (780) 913-5589

Revealing Assets has been Staging properties of all types/sizes in Edmonton, Alberta and surrounding areas since 2009 with a consistent track record of success. Professional Home Staging is an absolutely invaluable tool that, statistically, yields between 298%-500% ROI (return on investment). When providing Home Staging services to our clients (home-sellers, REALTORS, Real Estate Investors/Flippers, Builders), it is our undying goal to do everything within our power to help get their property SOLD in the shortest time-frame possible for the largest amount of money possible. Here, in our ActiveRain Blog, you will find Home Staging Tips and some crazy stories. Enjoy and thank you for stopping by!




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