Right now it might just be the best time ever to send our past clients an anniversary CMA. Some of you might think that in the worst real estate downturn of our lives that might be a lot crazy! Afterall let sleeping dogs lie right. What they don't know won't hurt them will it? Wrong! In Florida,
The cover of the wall street journal today reported that French Fianancier Thierry Magon de La Villehouchet apparently took his life after discovering that his investment fund lost 1.5 billion in the Madoff scandal. When I first read this I was tempted to blog something along of the lines of how
Jenn G at 8:03am December 19 hey- I thought about your posting on becoming a landlord the other day. My brother, who is a law student, just won his first case against his former landlord and was awarded TRIPLE his deposit. So I guess you really want to know the legal stuff of becoming a landlor
Early this morning I twittered the thought: "Thinking about the divergence between escapism and reality. NPR lays off 85 and the Yankees Sign Sabithia for 165 million." Later this morning Reuters reported that Jobless claims have hit a 28 year high at 573,000 and that the past numbers are worse