foundation repair in league city: The Perfect Tree for a Small Front Yard - 09/19/16 06:29 AM
HELP!!  Calling all arborists or green-thumb types...  would love suggestions for the perfect tree for a small front yard that would need a future foundation repair or new driveway...
I live in League City, Texas... in a platted neighborhood.  My street (the best street in town) is a small Cul-de-sac Street.  I believe we are in Hardiness Zone 9.  It would be nice if we as Realtors have a list of trees to suggest when selling real estate in our areas, since we see regularly what can happen when the wrong types of trees are planted.
Our home was recently constructed by a typical builder … (0 comments)

League City, TX - Worrell Team, REALTORS, GRI, CNE (RE/MAX 1st Class)

League City, TX - Worrell Team, REALTORS, GRI, CNE

League City, TX

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RE/MAX 1st Class

Address: 16821 Buccaneer Lane, Suite 106, Houston, TX, 77058

Office: (281) 948-7042

Author Bio: Brian Worrell, leader of the Worrell Team, is a Realtor specializing in League City, Clear Lake and surrounding areas in the SE Houston Metro area, also known as the Houston Bay Area. Brian grew up in the Houston area and received a BBA in Marketing from the University of Houston. He and his team strive to provide their clients high-end service in order to gain advantages through unique marketing techniques that have proven effective: cutting edge technology, search-engine optimized web marketing, formal negotiation training, commercial and economic understanding of their clients’ best interests, professional photography, access to legal counsel, as well as other services and techniques that are unique in the industry.

League City and Clear Lake Realtors

© 2004 - 2011 The Brian Worrell Team, Realtors in League City and Clear Lake, TX - 281-948-7042. All Rights Reserved.




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