Market Statistics CriteriaStatus: Active, Back on Market, Contingent, New, Price Change, Re-activated, Temp Off Market, Pending, Closed, Expired Area: Plainfield Property Type: Detached Single, Attached Single, Two to Four Units, Mobile Home, Land, Deeded Parking/Boat Slips, Multi Family 5+,
Active ListingsMLS #StatStreet #Str NameSfxList PriceSold PrClsd Dt# RmsBedsBathsList Mkt TmMkt TmRemove05014515ACTVLOT 63GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE $303,990 1042.168568504033941ACTVLOT102GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE $343,990 1042.11027102706003995ACTVLot 28GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE $357,990 732.133433406291485A
Active ListingsMLS #StatStreet #Str NameSfxList PriceSold PrClsd Dt# RmsBedsBathsList Mkt TmMkt TmRemove06197755ACTV25744SUNNYMERE DRIVE $387,500 1042.113913906313991ACTV13216skyline $399,000 942.1353506325330ACTV25617SUNNYMERE $449,900 1143.12420806281413ACTV25764SUNNYMERE DRIVE $471,900 104
Active ListingsMLS #StatStreet #Str NameSfxList PriceSold PrClsd Dt# RmsBedsBathsList Mkt TmMkt TmRemove05014515ACTVLOT 63GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE $303,990 1042.167167104033941ACTVLOT102GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE $343,990 1042.11013101306003995ACTVLot 28GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE $357,990 732.132032006291485A
Mortgage NewsThe New World of Real Estate Prior to the Great Depression, federal law gave banks the authority to terminate mortgages whenever they chose. In fact, a bank's only obligation to a borrower in this situation was to provide consumers with a notice instructing them to ei
Currently for Sale ComparablesMLS #StatStreet #Str NameList PriceSold PrClsd Dt# RmsBedsBathsList Mkt TmMkt Tm06097271ACTV24549OTTAWA ST.$359,800 842.122322306322770ACTV15216EYRE CIRCLE$394,000 1043212106276920ACTV15210LINCOLNWAY$417,900 10436519006286377ACTV15229Hamlin$418,900 10435637606
Currently for Sale ComparablesMLS #StatStreet #Str NameList PriceSold PrClsd Dt# RmsBedsBathsList Mkt TmMkt Tm05014515PCHGLOT 63GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE$303,990 1042.166666604033941PCHGLOT102GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE$343,990 1042.11008100806003995PCHGLot 28GRANDE POPLAR CIRCLE$357,990 732.1315315062
Want to find out more area statistics...let me know and I will post all who read this have a great day!!
Recently Sold ComparablesMLS #StatStreet #Str NameList PriceSold PrClsd Dt# RmsBedsBathsList Mkt TmMkt Tm06237236CLSD25609SUNNYMERE COURT$399,900$385,00008/25/2006942.1817005294330CLSD13348BLAKELY DRIVE$399,900$401,27503/03/20061042.1666606234723CLSD13221SKYLINE DR$425,000$419,00009/08/2006104
Total number of results: 51DETACHED SINGLECLOSED LISTINGS - Detached Single MLS #Street #CPStr NameCityArea# RmsBedsBathsLOList PriceSold PrClosed DateStatus Date1 062864385607 Steamboat CirclePLAINFIELD54463279923$179,900$177,00011/08/200611/08/20062 0619524822047WPETOSKEY CTPLAINFIELD544631231