Is that something like "The Goose that layed the Golden Egg?" Sure feels like it. Can you believe it??? An actual Buyer that has a perfect credit score, low debt ratio and money down and doesn't have a home to sell!!! What more could a Real Estate Agent want now days??? Well, Iv'e finally got on...
in Orlando Florida. Tomorrow is the last of her 35 radiation treatments for breast cancer. I speak with her every day (long distance...for almost 4 years now since I moved away) even if we speak for only 5 minutes. I can't believe she has been such a trooper through all this. She has kept the bes...
THE ELECTION IS OVER!!! And since I don't speak on Politics or Religion... I will end it there. Now everyone is wondering what will happen next??? Just have to wait and see. As for the Real Estate Market I certainly hope we see some positive movement in the near future. One huge obstacle is past ...
Actually I guess it depends on the size or the community. Wow, it just looked astounding!!! While visiting some friends in Orlando Florida last weekend I was simply amazed at the number of signs in one neighborhood. There are signs everywhere; in every neighborhood!!! It looks to be a field day ...
Especially when your celebrating your Birthday with a bunch of your old friends and (long time) colleagues. A wonderful was had by all on Saturday evening. Actually, celebrating was a bit early but I just hate to travel the roads on Halloween!!! YUK YUK!!! The weather was great but then it start...
Brrrrrrrrr, Even in South Carolina it gets chilly (and even COLDER in the winter) in the Fall. This morning our themometer read a chilly 37 degrees AND there was frost on several of my plants and lawn. SORRY, I HONESTLY DIDN'T HAVE A PUMPKIN OUTSIDE, JUST A FAKE ONE INSIDE). Saw several cars that...
This week a few members of our Church got together and Car/Van pooled on a day trip to North Carolina, (starting in Spartanburg, SC) along scenic highway 11 to "Strawberry Hill", (a great tourist spot and known for their wonderful breakfasts) and then on toward "Chimney Rock" area for photo sh...
Yes, I'd say quite a bit of difference. But today actually it's some of both. You see, it's been raining (the wet type) outdoors just about all day (tropical storm hanging around the Carolinas). So it seems to me that if your finished with all the days work, then it is a perfect time to sit back ...
In New Home communities I mean. Our office markets several Builders new home communities and homes just haven't been poping up like in previous months. But lately I have seen it in our communities and several others around the area, which all have new construction homes going up and near completi...
I mean... when talking about today's Real Estate market and they ask "how are things going?". It can be a real see-saw. Some say it's wonderful and some say it's, well, not so wonderful. I'm hearing lots of both. Guess it's kinda like "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" or "Depends on what si...