baldwin and mobile counties: Code of Dress has got to be shorts - 07/01/07 03:19 PM
My truck themometer was 101. The dress code in LA (Lower Alabama) has now become shorts. "Well, my wife thinks I have great looking legs?" Anyway, I inspected a 100 hundred year old house with a stairway leading into the attic. My Infrared Themometer read 146 degrees and this was a cloudy day. My fellow Inspectors, this is not a place for the faint of heart. We do not have to enter if it is to hot, especially if we are in the residence alone. In LA, cool basements are few and far between but HOT ATTICS are everywhere.
Don't forget … (22 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: Bright Future!!! - 05/22/07 12:58 PM
I was called back to my home town, Satsuma, Alabama, to do an Inspection this past Saturday afternoon. For your information, we have a Steel Mill coming to town. We also have a NASCAR racing facility with six tracks headed our way. My Realtor friend said Real Estate is breaking loose. The prospect of thousands moving to our part of the country is causing the sale of homes and land to start moving. He and his staff were working all weekend showing property.
I am excited at what the future holds for the Alabama Gulf Coast, Baldwin, Mobile and Washington Counties.

baldwin and mobile counties: Mother's Day - 05/12/07 02:39 PM
This past May 9th, my Mother passed away 40 years ago. I can still picture this  5 ft. 4 inch lady who loved to sing. Me and her sang a duet together when I was 12. I'll never forget that night. She saw that I went to church every Sunday and she took me.
She was the personal secretary of the President of a local Paper Mill until I was 6, after that she stayed home with me and my brother. Boy, could she cook. She loved to bake and there was always cakes, pies, or cookies in our home. This … (8 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: Are you well off if you can cool your crawl space? - 05/10/07 03:26 PM
What a nice Cottage. Close to the Bay. The Cottage was a rebuild. They kept the framing, hardwood flooring and doors. There were very few problems that would make a Home Inspection Report juicy, you know, a Realtors nightmare. The home was around 1300 sq. ft., I could sell my children and it would be the perfect house for me and Gin.
I finished the inside and outside, then grabbed my coveralls and headed for the crawlspace. I opened the side hatch to entered to find "Dirt". I hate to get dirty. All the duct work was in here which means … (4 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: Who Took The Copper? - 05/09/07 03:16 PM
I received a call from a client who was interested in buying old houses in Mobile. He needed an inspection as soon as possible. He was dealing with a seller out of California. I made an appointment to meet him last Friday afternoon. He walked me across the street from his business where a house stood that was built in the thirties. It reminded me of the neighborhood I grew up in, living room, dinning room, kitchen, bath and two bedrooms. I began in the inside and noticed the plumbing was not turned on. The house had been vacant for a … (12 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: FEMA - 05/02/07 04:51 PM
Spent a day traveling to get FEMA certified. You can never have to much education. I went to and filled out the application and then registered for the nearest class. It was not be a problem for any Home Inspector. If a weather catastrophe should hit anywhere in these United States or it's Territories, there is an opportunity to make some extra monies.
All of FEMA's work is contracted out to two contractors. FEMA provides the computers and the program isn't to hard. If you are interested, check them out.

baldwin and mobile counties: I'd rather work than talk? - 04/24/07 06:39 AM
The hardest part about the Home Inspection business is talking. I mean, talking up our business. I'd almost, (maybe not almost, but close), rather go to the Dentist than speak to Realtors at their morning meetings. Ginnie makes me but on my "Sunday go to Home Inspections clothes". I don't see that I look much better either way but, I guess, Ginnie thinks I need all that help I can get.
I think, on my next meeting, I'm gonna talk about my truck.  They ought to hire me just for my truck. Boy!, do I have a fine truck! "That's a good … (1 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: Talking to, my daughter, Ivy's classroom. - 04/23/07 03:16 PM
Ivy's teacher called me to show my pictures from working in Americas, Georgia in the aftermath of the Tornados, March 1st.  I also showed my pictures of meeting Former President Jimmy Carter and Mrs. Rosalynn Carter. We had a great time and we were received very well. My daughter said that I did not even embarrass her. That was good news.
After my presentation, the class asked questions. Amazing what 5th graders can ask. I shared with them how Math, Science, History, Geography, and English were used in an Inspection. We had a wonderful time. I'm a "Fortunate Dad".
Just thinkin,

baldwin and mobile counties: How Bout This Attic! - 04/20/07 01:39 PM

I inspected a house for a young couple, fixing to get married, on Wednesday afternoon. This house was built in 1977 and was rebuilt in 2002 after it had sustained substantial fire damage. The house was 1400 Sq. Ft. and was rebuilt to code. It looked like this couple was getting something real nice for a starter home.
I went out to the truck and got my ladder so I could climb through the scuttle hole into the attic and was surprised to find the rafters charred black. The owner had changed all the visible wood structure in the house except … (2 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: The New "Shoot-Zoo"! - 04/15/07 07:41 AM
I got up this morning to take the dog out. Ginnie got a new dog yesterday,  a "Shoot-Zoo". I can't bring myself to say the real name. I'm afraid Momma will here from Heaven and come back and wash my mouth out with soap. Any how? It was cold when I took the Shoot-Zoo out for her know what.
 Too cold. Winter in April, unheard of! Winter in the South, unacceptable! Winter during Spring Break, not allowed! Maybe hurricane season will be pushed back to November. I doubt it? It's warm weather that gets people out of their "Old" homes and gets … (2 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: We must be smater than a 5th Grader! - 04/12/07 02:08 PM
What do you do between inspections?
We, as Home Inspectors, have no excuse for doing less than our best at all times. In our world of quick and easy information, education is all around us. The all wise Solomon said that "Iron sharpens iron". I was at a Chamber of Commerce function this evening when I had the opportunity to meet a new Home Inspector in our community. A very nice Guy. I welcomed him as I would like to be welcomed. We had something in common, we wanted to make a living and take care of our families. I pray this … (4 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: Ginnie's a Great Help! - 04/09/07 03:48 PM
While I am answering the phone and out Inspecting homes, Ginnie is finding Real Estate offices to for us to visit. She tells me when our appointment is and I leave an opening in my schedule. She gets our presentations ready and off we go. She makes sure everyone has an introduction package and I introduce us to a new group of Realtors.
I'm the kind of person who just wants to work. God has sent the right girl for me. If you do not know "Cartier Fine Home Inspections" today, if it is up to Ginnie, you will know "Cartier … (2 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: Opportunity...Right Here! - 04/06/07 11:02 AM
I've meet some great people right here on Active Rain. Inspectors. Realtors. Home Stagers. Many of you live right here on the Alabama Gulf Coast. Right here in my on backyard. Opportunities arise when I am able to enter an office and ask for someone that I have met here. We already have something in common, Active Rain.
For you familiar ones, "Nice meeting you!"
I inspected a home for a couple transferring here, Alabama Gulf Coast, from Michigan. They were, somewhat, fearful about moving to a hurricane prone area especially after hearing all the news about Katrina. I felt an anxiety attack … (2 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: I Wanna Go Fishing! - 04/04/07 03:26 PM
I saw on the news tonight where the Alligators are waking up. The temperature of the water is getting warmer and warmer. My fishing license is starting to itch in my wallet. Last year Ginnie gave me a Pier Cart for Father's Day and it is fixing to come out of hibernation. I can smell the Gulf salt air as I talk about it. Get my drift?
Every "Good" Home Inspector ought to take a day off and go fishing. I enjoy surf fishing and fishing off piers. It won't be long before the Spanish Mackerel will be running. My wife's parents have … (3 comments)

baldwin and mobile counties: Coupons or Not? - 03/31/07 01:52 PM
I just received a call, So-n-So is offing a  $$$$$ coupon off his/her home inspection. Well, I would like to know your thoughts on giving coupons. Do they help you get more business or is it a marketing tool you would rather do without.
If you use coupons, would you give examples for others to see and how do you offer these coupons to you prospective clients. I am interested in seeing and hearing how coupons help your Home Inspection business.
Jerome Cartier                                                 

baldwin and mobile counties: Business Network International (I tried it) - 03/28/07 03:23 PM
I was invited to a business networking group called "Business Networking International" this morning. A Realtor from our Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce mentioned that they needed a Home Inspector in there group. The meeting started at 7:30 AM sharp. You get points if you are there on time and points taken away if you are late. I was a guest this morning so that didn't matter. I was on time anyway.
I was introduced and asked to give an intro to my Home Inspection business. When I finished everyone clapped. Then everyone began to give a one minute intro to their business … (2 comments)


Jerome Cartier

Cartier Fine Home Inspections

Fairhope, AL

More about me…

Cartier Fine Home Inspections, LLC

Office: (251) 490-3212

Mobile: (251) 490-3212

About things we see and do as Home Inspectors here on the Alabama Gulf Coast.



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