The move now to have the Ypsilanti Automotive Component Holding plant (ACH) reassessed, in this article, may cost the City of Ypsilanti an additional $600,000 to $700,000 in loss. This comes on the heals of a proposal for the City to place an income tax for resident who live in the City as well ...
Great link to the Mayor's Corner for the City of Ypsilanti addressing the discussion to place a City Income Tax on the November 2007 ballot for vote and just exactly what it is needed for. The proposal is calling for a 1% tax on residents of the City and an 1/2% tax on non-residents who work in ...
Real Estate & Wills and Estates WWJ, our local newsradio station just published an article in their weekly new magazine, RealView relating to real estate and probate. Why is this noteworthy? I was the attorney who was interviewed for the article. If may be found here on their site. It was a gr...
Local Municipality Sells Land to Keep 700 Jobs! Canton, MI just recently approved the sale of 61 acres of land to Poco, Inc, a local manufacturer of safety construction equipment. The sale is contingent on Poco selling additional land to Sysco, the food distributor, for a plant expansion. This ...
University of Michigan-Private Dorms Provide Taxes Good news for the local tax base, but poor news for Ann Arbor's already slow rental market. New plans have been announced by Education Realty Trust that they will build 896 new rooms on North Campus. The company currently has almost 60 other co...
Yahoo Finds Foreclosures? It seems that more & more foreclosure sites just keep popping up to help potential buyers find the homes. With more foreclosures coming on the market and often good deals on them. Yahoo has stepped in to assist people in finding the foreclosures by adding a new foreclo...
Internal Revenue Service-Taxing on Short Sales On March 27th I wrote a blog piece on how you may be liable for taxes on a loan that is partially forgiven as part of a short sale. Now, I have found an article that details this, but takes a hard approach toward the IRS. This is nothing new for th...