It was REALLY dark out when I left to meet a potential new client this morning. Pouring down rain, true Pacific Northwet rain. Narrow driveway, kinda weird shape. REALLY DARK out. Pouring down rain. Unfamiliar driveway. Lots of old trees and stuff around. Lots of cars already parked there.And I m...
There's more news about making mental health care fair. I follow newsletters and websites about mental health: Disability Scoop is one of them. A September 16, 2024 Disability Scoop article by Michelle Diament announced Biden administration changes to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity...
Thank you Target!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT STATEMENT IS NOT A PAID ENDORSEMENT. Just gratitude for the little things - I've got a few clients who use SodaStream products - NEITHER WAS THAT STATEMENT A PAID ENDORSEMENT - and it is a nuisance and bother to dispose of the canisters. Target participates in ...
Hoarding Disorder mental healthcare and support - there's encouraging news!!! I admit, when the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging July 2024 report The Consequences of Clutter: How Hoarding Disorder Affects America's Older Adults, First Responders, and Their Communities came out, I expected t...
Not the day I planned for! I was proud as a peacock. Found the bus I needed, gonna save parking money, tolls, gas, wear and tear on the car. Got on it easy. Made my way to the The Greater Seattle Business Association (the GSBA) Economic Development Conference, hosted by Amazon this year, a new ve...
I'm reblogging Mr. Thomas's post because it is relevant for some of my clients. He looks at the challenges around selling a hoarded home quite thoroughly.   As a seasoned real estate professional and investor who's seen it all, I can tell you that selling a hoarder house is no small feat. Whether...
My professional society, the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD), provided testimony to the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging Aging Committee Majority Staff report The Consequences of Clutter: How Hoarding Disorder Affects America’s Older Adults, First Responders, and Their Commu...
A colleague in the ADHD support services world taught me about the Huberman Lab. WOW. And WOW and WOW again. Just a quick browsing through the subjects and I'm quite sure this remarkable man and his team are providing self-help tools as powerful as those created by institutions such as The Greate...
Stupid little stuff, DUH stuff, makes me happy. I admit it. When I talk to clients about organizing, I use myself for illustrations of the possibilities. For example, my kitchen is so small I don't have a pantry. I've had to take bookcases, stick them in my bedroom, and that's my pantry.I also 'f...
Money therapy. No, not retail therapy. The Financial Therapy Association, on its homepage, defines the effort as"A process informed by both therapeutic and financial competencies that helps people think, feel, communicate, and behave differently with money to improve overall well-being through ev...

Lauren Williams, CPO,CVOP

Professional Organizer: Puget Sound homes
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