coldwell banker bain: It's All About Attitude - 11/19/12 08:06 AM
Have you read "The Secret" or listened to Lou Tice lately? Every decade there seems to be a new evangelist touting the answer to success or happiness (shouldn't they be synonymous?) After every national election, the worriers worry about the devastating impact of the party controlling Congress. From where I sit, there are darn few things we can control - but the most important thing we can control is our personal attitude. You are what you think (all the evangelists agree on that)! As the holidays approach consider giving yourself a gift this year...a gift your entire community will appreciate: … (2 comments)

coldwell banker bain: Veterans Day 2012 - 11/12/12 07:41 AM
As a “Veteran”, I wanted to write a post today that centered on the sacrifices that all Vets endure to preserve the “American Dream”, and provide the freedoms for all in the uniquely American value of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.  Instead, I will use the words of another from Coldwell Banker, Nick Colletti, who is also a Veteran and who summed up nicely, what I was feeling. – Mike Winkler, Principal Managing Broker - Issaquah
 Taken from Blue Matter, the official Blog for Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC
 Guest Blog Post by Nick Colletti
 “Appreciate the little things … (0 comments)

coldwell banker bain: My name is George Roth, and I am a REALTOR® - 11/05/12 03:46 AM
My name is George Roth, and I am a REALTOR®.  It is an honorable distinction to be a member of a strong organization such as the National Association of Realtors®.  I proudly emblazon the logo on my business cards and marketing materials, as well as use their brochures and information in client presentation packets.  Most colleagues I work with do the same thing, and so do most REALTORS® across the country.
Why is it then – that with all the advertising, marketing, merchandising and discussion – would so many people mispronounce the word “Realtor”?  Almost every day I hear someone say … (0 comments)

coldwell banker bain: Distressed vs. Non-distressed Housing Market - 10/29/12 09:51 AM
Some national reports site that the improvement in the housing market has been in better neighborhoods and for non-distressed properties. There is no question we have a bifurcated market.
Nationally non-distressed properties are down on average 25% from the peak while the distressed property market is down 40%. Numerous charts show the non-distressed segment has shown far more (relative) price stability than the overall market.
Whether you call it a bifurcated market or a market duality it is interesting to analyze the impact of distressed sales on the overall market. When valuing a home I think it’s important to understand what … (2 comments)

coldwell banker bain: Size Matters - 10/15/12 10:05 AM
In the many years I've managed Real Estate branch offices, disputes over mistakes or misrepresentations of the square footage on a listing have come up every few years.  And while the industry has evolved to alert the buyer of the importance of investigating the size of the home they are purchasing, the process feels cumbersome.
Most brokers use the square foot measurements from the county tax records.  We know those can be inaccurate and confusing.  Tax records don’t always catch up with homes that get remodeled and added on to with, accessory dwelling units, finished basements, etc. 
Listing brokers have … (8 comments)

coldwell banker bain: What is it About Culture? - 10/08/12 10:32 AM
Why has office culture and business culture become the buzz word in our industry?
The American Heritage Dictionary (circa 1985) has numerous descriptions for the term culture. My two favorites are:
1.    “The act of developing the social, moral and intellectual faculties through education”
2.    “Intellectual and artistic activity, and the works produced by it”
The culture of a branch is a living, breathing work in progress. It’s the unstated attraction of an environment inviting people to belong simply because it feels right.
All the intellectual recruiting in the world will not … (0 comments)

coldwell banker bain: Mobile Marketing? You May Already Be Doing It! - 09/24/12 02:23 AM
Welcome, and thanks for taking a look at the next installment in a series of blogs by Coldwell Banker Bain Principal Managing Brokers.  I am George Roth, Principal Managing Broker of the Coldwell Banker Bain Anacortes office.

When I was approached about writing for this blog, I was asked to dedicate my story to mobile marketing.  My first reaction was that I didn’t think I was an expert at mobile marketing, but as I began to write down some notes, I quickly realized something – we already ARE doing mobile marketing – and quite a bit of it!  Here’s … (0 comments)

coldwell banker bain: Have you seen all the Coldwell Banker Bain property signs? - 08/27/12 12:54 PM
Have you seen all the Coldwell Banker Bain property signs?
Drive through your local neighborhood and you’ll probably see more friendly Coldwell Banker Bain property signs than you can count on two hands. Take a spin through an affluent community and you’ll see us in the form of Previews International property signs.
It’s like when you’re thinking about buying a new car. Once you have the perfect make and model in your consciousness, you start seeing that car everywhere on the road.
Okay, so you know we’re out there getting stuff done. Lots of people are buying and selling homes, and … (2 comments)

CB Bain (Coldwell Banker Bain)

CB Bain

Bellevue, WA

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Coldwell Banker Bain

Address: 12721 Bel-Red Road #1, Bellevue , WA , 98005

Office: (425) 456-9592



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