real estate career: It's All About Attitude
- 11/19/12 08:06 AM
Have you read "The Secret" or listened to Lou Tice lately? Every decade there seems to be a new evangelist touting the answer to success or happiness (shouldn't they be synonymous?) After every national election, the worriers worry about the devastating impact of the party controlling Congress. From where I sit, there are darn few things we can control - but the most important thing we can control is our personal attitude. You are what you think (all the evangelists agree on that)! As the holidays approach consider giving yourself a gift this year...a gift your entire community will appreciate:
real estate career: Inspections: Before or After?
- 10/22/12 04:29 AM
Our office recently received a referral from an out of state broker. Since the condition of the home is a challenge, she recommended we have an inspection before putting it on the market. This is not standard practice in our area. In fact, even though a home is priced with the understanding there are “issues,” often buyers take the listed price and deduct the cost of the potential repairs. The referring broker indicated that most sellers in her area had the inspection done before listing and provided a copy to all interested parties. It gives the buyers a comprehensive overview
real estate career: Size Matters
- 10/15/12 10:05 AM
In the many years I've managed Real Estate branch offices, disputes over mistakes or misrepresentations of the square footage on a listing have come up every few years. And while the industry has evolved to alert the buyer of the importance of investigating the size of the home they are purchasing, the process feels cumbersome. Most brokers use the square foot measurements from the county tax records. We know those can be inaccurate and confusing. Tax records don’t always catch up with homes that get remodeled and added on to with, accessory dwelling units, finished basements, etc. Listing brokers have