state of florida: Florida's proposed tax amendment is a start toward reform - 12/05/07 09:51 AM
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - ConfuciusWhen those of us first started pressing the issue of tax reform several years ago, few would listen. Fast forward to today and it's another story. Tax reform is the most consequential issue now facing our state. Over the past 20 months, we have seen the movement intensify and have watched the Legislature often fail to take significant action. Finally, lawmakers did act by mandating limited rate rollbacks, and now, in less than two months, Floridians will be faced with a proposed constitutional amendment that will give us the … (0 comments)

state of florida: How is Florida Doing? - 11/30/07 04:14 AM
Gov. Charlie Crist promised to make Florida government more accessible to the public, and a new Web site seems to do just that. Florida Performs compiles data from a variety of sources to provide a synopsis of the Florida's current state of affairs on major issues. And it appears to be balanced, citing the bad news as well as the good. Under health it notes that the state ranks 47th out of 50 for access to services; and under housing, it calls the current situation "worsening" in a sector that is "a key indicator of the state's economy as a whole." … (0 comments)

Steven Bastian (Coldwell Banker)

Steven Bastian

Coral Springs, FL

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Coldwell Banker

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