taxes: Learn More About Local Tax Dollars - 02/13/08 04:45 AM
Is your local government spending twice as much as it did five years ago yet crying that it's poor? Or have local officials been wise caretakers of local tax dollars. In an effort to educate Floridians about their own local government income and spending, Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink has announced the launch of "Your Local Government Dollars and Cents," which can be found on her Web site at It gives Floridians easy access to their local government's revenues and expenditures. "I encourage every Floridian to use this tool and get more involved in how their local tax dollars … (0 comments)

taxes: Property insurance: Improving but not there yet - 12/27/07 07:09 AM
One year ago, property insurance topped FAR's list of real estate stories for the year, but things have improved - slightly. In January, a special session of the Florida Legislature boosted the state's reinsurance fund, lowering risk for insurers. But savings were less than promised, so the state started carrying a bigger stick when insurers requested rate adjustments. Add to the mix a legislative change in the state's insurer, Citizen's Property Insurance Corp., that froze rates and expanded coverage, and Florida property owners now have a few more affordable choices.A key component of the ongoing battle, however, cannot be legislated or … (0 comments)

taxes: Tax tips for real estate developers and investors - 12/11/07 07:21 AM
As 2007 comes to an end and planning for 2008 begins, real estate developers and investors should consider some tax tips that could save money for companies in the long run:
1. Properly account for lease income. You may be accounting for your lease income for tax purposes based on the cash received or on the terms of the lease agreement. However, a Code section specifically addressing leases may require the income to be accounted for differently.2. Determine if you are a dealer or an investor. Do you know your status as either a dealer or an investor for tax purposes? Proper … (0 comments)

taxes: Florida's proposed tax amendment is a start toward reform - 12/05/07 09:51 AM
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - ConfuciusWhen those of us first started pressing the issue of tax reform several years ago, few would listen. Fast forward to today and it's another story. Tax reform is the most consequential issue now facing our state. Over the past 20 months, we have seen the movement intensify and have watched the Legislature often fail to take significant action. Finally, lawmakers did act by mandating limited rate rollbacks, and now, in less than two months, Floridians will be faced with a proposed constitutional amendment that will give us the … (0 comments)

Steven Bastian (Coldwell Banker)

Steven Bastian

Coral Springs, FL

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Coldwell Banker

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