broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, December 2012 Data
- 01/07/13 08:40 PM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of January 8th 2013. WOW, it's been much too long since I created a market report for the Broad Ripple area! I hope your year has started off on a positive note. December 2012 sales were realatively low compared to recent years past. In addition, the number of active listings is relatively low compared to recent years. Average current days on market is 121. Happy Home Buying/Selling!
Broad Ripple Village is bound by Kessler Boulevard East Drive on the south, (2 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, May 2011 Data
- 06/11/11 05:16 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of June 11th 2011. May was an interesting month for the Broad Ripple Real Estate Market....The number of listings increased quite a bit due to a large influx of condos that entered the market. The highest priced single family home is probably bit overpriced and I suspect it will eventually drop down into the 300K range. Pending listings are down from the previous month and the number of sales in May 2011 compared to 2010 were about half likely because (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, April 2011 Data
- 05/17/11 03:27 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of May 17th 2011. It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to post a market report. Been bit of a hectic year this year! Without further ado...Here's this month's market report. The good news is that pending listings and sold listings have increased dramatically! Broad Ripple Village is bound by Kessler Boulevard East Drive on the south, North Meridian Street on the west, the White River on the north, and North Evanston Avenue on the eastBroad Ripple Village (1 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, January 2011 Data
- 02/09/11 12:08 PM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of Februrary 9th 2011. Excellent News! January 2011 went out with a bang (in a positive way)! The number of closed sales increased 350% over December and 233% over sales from January 2010. While Indianapolis Real Estate did not suffer the same drastic losses in property values, our market did essentially come to a grinding halt during this recession. Let's hope this is an indicator that the market is recovering. Broad Ripple Village is bound by Kessler Boulevard East Drive (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, December 2010 Data
- 01/05/11 10:27 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of January 5th 2011. Can you believe we are officially into the year 2011? Time flies, that's for sure... There was a significant decrease in the number of active listings between November and December. This was largely because 17 listings expired in the month of December, in addition to, an increase in the number of pending listings. Sales in 2010 were half the number of sales in the same month 2009; however, the average sales price was significantly higher. In (2 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, November 2010 Data
- 12/06/10 07:51 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of December 6th 2010. There are a few things I'd like to note in this month's market report: 1. I recently changed companies on November 15th, 2010. Please bear with me while I get all of my websites, blogs, etc. updated to reflect my new company info. I am happy to be part of the Keller Williams family. 2. I changed the boundaries in my BLC (MLS) search to more accurately reflect data specific to Broad Ripple. While the boundaries for Broad (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, September 2010 Data
- 10/09/10 03:41 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of October 9th 2010. I did slap myself on the hand because I failed to post a market report for August. I apologize. If you are interested in August data, please feel free to contact me and I'll provide info regarding the number of sales, min/max price, and the condo vs. single family ratio.... September data, in many ways, looks much better than the July data. The number of active and pending listings are up. The sold listings showed a significant increase (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, July 2010 Data
- 08/02/10 02:19 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of August 2nd 2010. July was a relatively slow month in regards to real estate activity. Last year's sales were double what they were this year. Most numbers were down compared to last month except the number of solds which actually were up 31% over June's numbers. UPDATED REMINDER: The extension of the Tax Credit for New Home Buyers (or those that haven't owned in 3 years) requires you close on your home before October 1st. Your purchase agreement should have been fully executed by April (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, June 2010 Data
- 07/15/10 09:38 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of July 15th 2010. First, I'd like to apologize for getting this data out so late in the month! June was an interesting month in that the number of closed transactions saw a dramatic decrease from the previous month and even the same month, previous year. In May 23 transactions were closed. Even June 2009 closed 18 transactions, while only 9 were closed in June of this year. This was a bit surprising considering the tax credit expiration (although the date to (1 comments)
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of June 1st 2010. Interesting trend for the Month of May...The number of closed transactions (sales) skyrocketed! Can you guess why? My money is on the expiration of the tax credit and the requirement to close by July 1st. Outside of the large number of sales for the month, the numbers were mixed in regards to listings vs. price. The listings were down with prices either being up or down depending on which state of a transaction (active, sold, pending) you're (1 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, April 2010 Data
- 06/02/10 11:29 PM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of May 10th 2010. April was an interesting month...While it didn't pack quite the same punch as March, it did display an obvious indicator about the tax credit. Pending listings saw a 55% increase over March which would indicate quite a few people jumped in on a home purchase before the expiration of the tax credit. REMINDER: The extension of the Tax Credit for New Home Buyers (or those that haven't owned in 3 years) requires you close on your (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, March 2010 Data
- 04/06/10 11:36 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of April 5th 2010. WOW, What a month! March sales saw a significant increase over last year's sales. In addition, the average sales price was much higher than last year. Not only did sales do well, there were six additional properties listed in the month of March which brings the current number of active listings to 74. All in all, these numbers are very promising. Not only did we see better numbers than we did last month, but we saw (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, February 2010 Data
- 03/01/10 05:00 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of March 1st 2010. There was a significant increase in the number of sold listings between January (3) and Februrary (8). Februrary also saw an increase in the number of active listings. Let's hope that's an indicator of consumer confidence in the local market. Spring is just around the corner which will also bring a flurry of activity to the market. The extension of the Tax Credit for New Home Buyers (or those that haven't owned in 3 years) in addition (2 comments)
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of February 9th 2010. Pending listings had quite an increase since the December report. We went from 4 pending listings in December up to 13 in this month's report. This is excellent news considering January is typically a slow month. The extension of the Tax Credit for New Home Buyers (or those that haven't owned in 3 years) in addition to existing homeowners being able to receive a credit will hopefully keep the positive activity flowing. Broad Ripple Village is (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, December 2009 Data
- 01/06/10 10:15 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info Happy New Year to you all! Can you believe it's 2010? Seems like Y2K was just yesterday! Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of January 6th 2010. Active listings were up by one while Pending, and Sold listings were down in December compared to November, Just as there was a decrease in November, the decrease in numbers is to be expected especially considering we were in the midst of the holidays. Sales were double the 2008 numbers which is excellent. The extension of the Tax Credit for New Home Buyers (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, November 2009 Data
- 12/12/09 06:27 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info First I'd like to apologize for getting this data out so late this month. I usually post on the first Monday of the new month. Regardless, I hope you find this information useful... Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of December 12th 2009. Active, Pending, and Sold listings were down in November compared to October, but that is to be expected nearing the end of the year. The good news is that November sales this year were up %800 compared to last year! %800 you say! (0 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, October 2009 Data
- 11/11/09 02:27 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of November 10th 2009. Good news for October sales...They were up compared to September (8 sold), in addition to being up from October 2008 (10 sold) sales! The extension of the Tax Credit for New Home Buyers (or those that haven't owned in 3 years) in addition to existing homeowners being able to receive a credit will hopefully keep the positive activity flowing. Broad Ripple Village is bound by Kessler Boulevard East Drive on the south, North Meridian Street on the (3 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, September 2009 Data
- 10/05/09 07:56 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of October 5th 2009. Sales for Broad Ripple Village was down compared to August; however, this is typical as we begin to enter the "slow season" of real estate which is usually during the winter season... August 2009 total number of sales was up, 8 this year compared to 6 sold in August 2008. The major difference is that the average sales price last year was much higher than prices for this year's sales. The good news is...I suspect sales may pick (2 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, August 2009 Data
- 09/04/09 11:04 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of September 4th 2009. August 2009 data is similar to August 2008 statistics in that the number of homes sold was 17 this year compared to 16 last year. Last year's sales price was considerably higher with the maximum sales price being $510,000 and the Minimum $142,000. All in all, the news isn't bad. Broad Ripple Village is bound by Kessler Boulevard East Drive on the south, North Meridian Street on the west, the White River on the north, and North Evanston Avenue (2 comments)
broad ripple village: Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Report, Indianapolis IN, July 2009 Data
- 08/10/09 10:37 AM
Broad Ripple Village Real Estate Market Info Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of August 10th 2009. Things were looking up in July over June as the sales were up; however, the number of pending listings was cut in half. GOOD NEWS!!! The number of sales in July 2009 (24 sold) was over double the number of sales for July 2008 (10 sold). We've finally hit a month that actually saw an increase in sales over the previous year for the same month. Let's hope this trend continues... Broad Ripple Village is bound by Kessler Boulevard (4 comments)
My plan is to provide neighborhood profiles for some of the more popular neighborhoods/communities in and around the Indianapolis area. In addition, information regarding the current market conditions in and around Indianapolis and any other news or information of interest.