The Ramblings of a Baltimore Area Realtor

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Real Estate Agent - Coldwell Banker Realty - MD RE License 579412
Why Baltimore? Home buying and selling tips and advice for the Baltimore area Real Estate market. Things to see and do in the Baltimore area.



2016 in Reflection2016 was a difficult year in many ways and I, for one, am glad it is drawing to an end and can't wait for 2017 - the best year ever, to start.  As we put ourselves out there on social media we have to be prepared for the back lash and for the possibility that we will become targ...
I am Passionate About Home OwnershipWhat are you passionate about?  I believe that everyone should have the ability to own a home regardless of where they enter the marketplace.  Homeownership stabilizes neighborhoods, family units and the economy.  For every home sold 2 jobs are created.  When j...
Morgan State University Live Near Your Work ProgramThere are a number of down payment assistance programs in the City of Baltimore that help would be home buyers with the down payment they need to buy a home.  If you work at Morgan State University you can get up to $3,500 in grant funds to help ...
City Neighbors Charter School Enrollment Season is Here in Baltimore!All three City Neighbors Schools are in the midst of the 2017-2018 enrollment season. With no entrance criteria, their schools are open to any students living in Baltimore. They encourage you to attend an open house to learn if ...
SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO LUTHERVILLE On Saturday December 17, 2016 @ 10am Mark your calendars!  Santa Claus will be coming on the Firetruck on the morning of December 17th starting at 10:00 am. The ride will begin at 10am and circle through the neighborhood!  Listen for the firetruck siren as he...
LUTHERVILLE CHRISTMAS DECORATING CONTESTWe have had one December holiday decorating weekend under our belts following Thanksgiving, so therefore, we can announce the start of our 2016 Light Decorating Contest!  Hooray!  The categories are as follows! Send a note to Rita Nabhan to nominate yoursel...
Glen Burnie, Maryland - Market Update for the Week Ending December 4, 2016  Glen Burnie is located south of Baltimore City in Anne Arundel County and offers many affordable housing opportunities for those relocating to Ft. Meade and Annapolis.  Glen Burnie is located north on 97 from rt 50 or no...
These are some great tips for would be home buyers preparing to buy a home.  If your Realtor has experience and has been in the business a while, like I have, I am sure they will have experienced several scenarios and will caution their buyer clients about spending money, especially during the hl...
Lutherville Real Estate Market Report The Week Ending December 3, 2016 Lutherville is located outside the Baltimore beltway north of Towson and is bordered to the east by Towson’s Hampton neighborhood, to the north of Ridgely Road by Timonium and on the west by I-83. As of the 2010 census there w...
Catonsville Real Estate Market Update Year to  December 2, 2016 Catonsville, Maryland is located in Baltimore County and has a population of about 41,567 at the 2010 census. The community lies to the west of Baltimore City along the city’s border.  University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) ...

June Piper-Brandon

Creating Generational Wealth Through Homeownership
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Buying a house, selling a house, home buying tips and advice, Advice, Market Conditions, Listings in Baltimore. June Piper-Brandon | Create Your Badge