activerain community support: A HUGE Milestone ----- 9 Years On ActiveRain
- 03/20/16 09:19 AM
So, the majority of ActiveRain members claim that they are ‘just’ blogging for business; although for me, it goes much further, much deeper than that. In fact, the majority of us started out blogging, commenting and eventually, doing Active Rain Meet Ups and Gatherings. These ‘getting to know each other’ events are called ‘connecting’. In March of 2007 I joined ActiveRain (Randy Prothero invited me!) and took a baby step forward in writing my first post ever. That post was in fact, the epitome of the start and then the depth of how an ActiveRain Blogger blooms. The larger reality is
activerain community support: Top 3 Blogging Tips on ActiveRain
- 09/05/15 04:14 AM
Seeing as this is a post on the emotional aspect while blogging, please note that these are things I learned in the beginning of my blogging life on ActiveRain. It helped me to realize that just because people commented on my post, I had to step in the other person’s shoes so I could see the possibilities of where the person was coming from. I once had a post (a whole page long post) about me and why I kicked their posts out of the group I created, “Positive Attitude for the Weary Soul” (PAWS for short). I didn’t realize how negative
activerain community support: What Does ActiveRain Mean to All of Us?
- 07/19/15 07:40 AM
Over the course of the last month, I have seen our ActiveRain “old timers” or even the new timers (who left the platform for a few months), start trickling back in to meet and greet the old and new…including me. WHY? Because we started seeing the ActiveRain we grew up with appear once again before our very eyes. I started blogging on ActiveRain in March of 2007 (after lurking about a few times from the November before) and it was then that I took that leap into writing my first post. I had read a negative post and wanted to let the
activerain community support: ACTIVERAIN CONTEST: Defining Gratitude and GOALS
- 10/31/14 02:47 AM
November …. In the Fall Season, leaves change colors, Halloween just passed, a bit of cooler weather after a long heat wave so we put on that sweater in chilly evenings. One may also think of the Thanksgiving Feast and a Day of Gratitude. Regardless if we celebrate the upcoming holidays or not…. I know that 2014 will be coming to an end and I need to start planning for the year 2015! I can safely presume that the one way to achieve this is…..POSITIVE THINKING. I am grateful for what I DO have….and try not to
activerain community support: NON ENTRY for the FALL SEASON and Defining GRATITUDE CONTEST
- 10/31/14 01:55 AM
MY NON ENTRY (I am hosting the contest!) ACTIVERAIN DEFINING GRATITUDE AND GOALS CONTEST FALL SEASON---Defining Gratitude (Sally's Story for the November Contest) I have a 3 year old grandson, and one more grandson due the first week in December. It took ten years for my daughter to have a child and frankly, we all didn’t think she would bear any children at all. Miracles happen, and I truly believe that if I let go of the things I have no control of, then mysterious things ….most likely positive ones…will happen in its wake. In other words, I do live
activerain community support: CONTEST WINNERS---Spring Ideas for Business and YOU!!
- 04/07/14 02:21 AM
CONTEST WINNERS---Spring Ideas for Business and YOU!! Our ActiveRain Contests are designed to motivate our members to participate in a group challenge. I can’t stress enough that MOST of our members follow the rules for each contest ….or at the very least follow the theme so that they can be rewarded with extra points and in return will motivate others. This particular contest also gave the readers ideas on how to balance their time. In this case, it gave them a chance to look at themselves to see where they needed improvement. If we can improve ‘self’ the
activerain community support: PLAGIARISM….Are Those Words REALLY Yours???
- 03/11/14 02:25 AM
The bottom line is this…IF YOU DID NOT WRITE IT…Don’t copy and paste it in your blog!!! Nothing is more profound than showing the entire world...who you are. We do this by writing about our local areas, our real estate industry/profession and even about the history of our neighborhoods. My blog contains all this and more. I AM the person behind these words and my information is true and the best of my knowledge. But, let's get back to the topic. Did you know that copy and pasting the work of others is STEALING? Think about the following BEFORE
activerain community support: "Spring Ideas for YOU and Your Business"--AN ACTIVERAIN CHALLENGE
- 03/01/14 01:01 AM
Spring. During the Spring Season most all of us think about making way for the new. No matter if it’s Spring cleaning for the home or some type of change during the Spring, we are definitely looking for new ideas to improve ….something. If you aren’t then consider this: With the cold weather all around us (yes, we have cooler weather in Hawaii too!) we definitely have some time for a challenge, right? Let’s think of some new ideas for our business as well as improving our relationship with ‘self’. Hmmm, how can we do that? This ActiveRain Challenge will
activerain community support: I FINALLY MADE THE MILLION CLUB! WOOHOO!
- 12/19/13 08:51 AM
I have to tell you that I am amazed that I FINALLY made it to the MILLION DOLLAR (Point) Club. I have been spending the last year enjoying my grandson in between work but it came at a cost. It took me LONGER to get here. But hey, family is the top priority for anyone’s life, right? Instead of telling you why it took so long, let me tell you about the perks of being an ActiveRain Member since March of 2007. · I CONTINUE to receive leads and even closed transactions from my blog at ActiveRain. I once received
activerain community support: ActiveRain OAHU Winter Meetup 2013!
- 12/08/13 12:34 PM
ActiveRain Meetup Zippy’s Waipio Gentry December 06, 2013 The “purpose” of the ActiveRain Meetup is to “connect with other members of ActiveRain”. It gives us a sense of meeting those members because most of the time we are connecting with others nationwide online. Our meeting consisted of long time members Randy Prothero, Maureen Fukumoto and ….moix. A new member Michele Efron-Youngblood came in hopes of learning more about ActiveRain and what WE do. I did a little write up…mainly for Michele so that maybe she would consider joining over 300k members of the Real Estate
activerain community support: WINNERS FOR THE ActiveRain PRE BIZ AND PRE PERSONAL PLANS!
- 12/08/13 01:59 AM
After reading MANY of the entries I KNOW I need to implement more into my Business Plan AND My Personal LIFE plan as well! The first thing I am going to implement into my Business Plan is to send out Holiday from Hawaii Cards. I know I won’t be able to send out to everyone but I am going to make it a goal to send out to past and present clients. For my personal ME time I have already bought my ticket to North Carolina for January. I plan to help with my grandson and step granddaughter while my daughter
activerain community support: Meeting ANOTHER ActiveRain Member Dawn Maloney!
- 11/14/13 10:29 AM
I am ever so longing to be able to attend on the NAR conferences, a CRS Sellabration or even just attend an ActiveRain Meetup in a big city with many of our members attending. Okay, so that doesn’t always work out in my favor. L tell you what, it’s just as exciting when an ActiveRain member comes to vacation here and I get to meet them! One such event I felt may not happen was my planning with Dawn Maloney for a meetup. We had storms and not such good weather but I got a phone call from
activerain community support: Our Legacy on ActiveRain ---and Our Written Words
- 07/13/13 03:01 AM
We have been growing our ActiveRain Real Estate Network since the summer of 2006. It has grown into one of the largest real estate platforms that have a ‘hands on approach’ with the staff helping all of us to achieve a common goal. MORE BUSINESS. While being a member on ActiveRain since March of 2007 I have tried to be a driving “POSITIVE” source in ActiveRain. It never fails to amaze me how we can take a negative and turn it into a positive. ….OR Vice Versa. DO YOU DRIVE READERS AWAY FROM YOUR BLOG? The Legacy We Leave Behind:
activerain community support: "Spring –A Time for CHANGE"! CONTEST WINNERS 2013!
- 05/06/13 03:52 PM
ThePOSITIVE ATTITUDE for the Weary Soul was founded in June of 2007 to give a ‘safe haven' to those who needed a place to go when the soul got weary. This group has continuously grown and we continue to have these contests to support our ActiveRain Community and its members. "Spring –A Time for CHANGE"! contest brought the ActiveRain members together with their creative minds to participate in this contest and motivated others to jump right on in too! With two components to think about…..there was plenty to think about and offer us a load of ideas: What you will change this Spring Season
activerain community support: 6 Years on ActiveRain- Member, Ambassador and Gramma in Hawaii
- 04/10/13 02:51 AM
I had past my 6th Birthday Year as a Member on ActiveRain last month! How could I possibly have done that? The ActiveRain Real Estate Network has always been the best marketing tool to represent who I am, real estate and Hawaii Housing Market information, Oahu, Hawaii and Mililani local area information and more! In fact, I closed a transaction last month with my client that I first met back in 2005 who found me on internet from a blog I wrote on ActiveRain! Since that time she bought a condo and a townhouse. She sold the townhouse in 2011 and the
activerain community support: MY FOLLOW UP- on Health Related Goals
- 04/01/13 02:51 AM
I made a commitment to follow through with my getting healthy and staying healthy! I started with GOALS and did my FOLLOW UP---My Health Related Goals for 2013. I am now doing my follow up and will continue doing these follow ups for not only AR and the groups, but for ME. I have succeeded (and my husband too) in making those goals a lifetime commitment. I now have lost 13 pounds (yes, doing it very slowly) and have kept up with my stretches and exercise. My husband lost 23 pounds but hey…he needed to get rid of more
activerain community support: "Spring –A Time for Change” -An AR Contest
- 04/01/13 02:22 AM
"Spring –A Time for Change” Contest Spring. When I think of the Spring Season my thoughts are of the season itself. Nature, spring babies, new flowers and everything fresh and blooming outside. Then I begin to think about new and fresh ideas for my business, my home and family. In Hawaii the seasons aren’t too drastic a change in weather but our winter months are definitely cooler and lots of rain. In between those rainy days, I look outside and there are those that are planting spring and summer flowers. Those of you in cold weather definitely see a
activerain community support: Are the Content and Pictures in Your Blog YOURS??
- 03/11/13 02:44 PM
When I started blogging in 2007, I wanted my blogs to POP.I wanted pictures to accompany the stories and a few times used cartoon pictures that I got off the internet. I went back through my old posts (back in 2007) to make sure I didn't have any pictures inserted in them ....that WERE NOT mine. I had a few. I deleted them quickly as I was learning about NOT using animations, pictures, cartoons that were not mine. Obviously, it was “stealing” and I did not get permission to use them. I always write my own content so I never had
activerain community support: What is More Important? Points or QUALITY Content?
- 12/23/12 03:52 AM
A while back I wrote a post Making My OWN Magic in the World of Blogging and detailed what I do to be a successful blogger. I have continued to believe that quality content will always outweigh my reason for blogging ---compared to POINTS. Granted, the points we receive for blogging , commenting, reblogging and more have always been an incentive, BUT, it isn’t the reason why we blog. With this in mind, writing for my local area (including businesses) and a variety of topics will be key to my business. It can range from real estate, stories
activerain community support: Holiday Greeting Card---APPRECIATION
- 11/27/12 08:54 AM
Holiday Greeting Card Contest-APPRECIATION! (this is not an entry but I wanted to join in on the contest by submitting my own hopes you all get MOTIVATED!!!!) JOIN IN! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Holiday Greeting Card with a theme of APPRECIATION is for: My family and friends: For they are my support and give me strength. I appreciate them for the smallest of things like a pat on the back for a job well done. A small token of appreciation to show I care can mean more to one who may be feeling down. It takes so little to