activerain friends: A HUGE Milestone ----- 9 Years On ActiveRain - 03/20/16 09:19 AM
So, the majority of ActiveRain members claim that they are ‘just’ blogging for business;  although for me, it goes much further, much deeper than that.  In fact, the majority of us started out blogging, commenting and eventually, doing Active Rain Meet Ups and Gatherings. These ‘getting to know each other’ events are called ‘connecting’.
In March of 2007 I joined ActiveRain (Randy Prothero invited me!) and took a baby step forward in writing my first post ever. That post was in fact, the epitome of the start and then the depth of how an ActiveRain Blogger blooms.  The larger reality is … (77 comments)

activerain friends: What Does ActiveRain Mean to All of Us? - 07/19/15 07:40 AM
Over the course of the last month, I have seen our ActiveRain “old timers” or even the new timers (who left the platform for a few months), start trickling back in to meet and greet the old and new…including me. WHY?  Because we started seeing the ActiveRain we grew up with appear once again before our very eyes.
I started blogging on ActiveRain in March of 2007 (after lurking about a few times from the November before) and it was then that I took that leap into writing my first post.  I had read a negative post and wanted to let the … (26 comments)

activerain friends: I FINALLY MADE THE MILLION CLUB! WOOHOO! - 12/19/13 08:51 AM
I have to tell you that I am amazed that I FINALLY made it to the MILLION DOLLAR (Point) Club. I have been spending the last year enjoying my grandson in between work but it came at a cost. It took me LONGER to get here. But hey, family is the top priority for anyone’s life, right?
Instead of telling you why it took so long, let me tell you about the perks of being an ActiveRain Member since March of 2007.
·         I CONTINUE to receive leads and even closed transactions from my blog at ActiveRain. I once received … (108 comments)

activerain friends: ActiveRain OAHU Winter Meetup 2013! - 12/08/13 12:34 PM
ActiveRain Meetup
Zippy’s Waipio Gentry
December 06, 2013
The “purpose” of the ActiveRain Meetup is to “connect with other members of ActiveRain”.  It gives us a sense of meeting those members because most of the time we are connecting with others nationwide online. 
Our meeting consisted of long time members Randy Prothero, Maureen Fukumoto and ….moix. A new member Michele Efron-Youngblood came in hopes of learning more about ActiveRain and what WE do.

I did a little write up…mainly for Michele so that maybe she would consider joining over 300k members of the Real Estate … (10 comments)

activerain friends: Meeting ANOTHER ActiveRain Member Dawn Maloney! - 11/14/13 10:29 AM
I am ever so longing to be able to attend on the NAR conferences, a CRS Sellabration or even just attend an ActiveRain Meetup in a big city with many of our members attending.
Okay, so that doesn’t always work out in my favor. L tell you what, it’s just as exciting when an ActiveRain member comes to vacation here and I get to meet them!
One such event I felt may not happen was my planning with Dawn Maloney for a meetup. We had storms and not such good weather but I got a phone call from … (15 comments)

activerain friends: Our Legacy on ActiveRain ---and Our Written Words - 07/13/13 03:01 AM
We have been growing our ActiveRain Real Estate Network since the summer of 2006. It has grown into one of the largest real estate platforms that have a ‘hands on approach’ with the staff helping all of us to achieve a common goal.
While being a member on ActiveRain since March of 2007 I have tried to be a driving “POSITIVE” source in ActiveRain.  It never fails to amaze me how we can take a negative and turn it into a positive. ….OR Vice Versa.
The Legacy We Leave Behind: … (64 comments)

activerain friends: The Connections We Make on ActiveRain---Meeting Neal Bloom - 06/17/13 12:05 PM
I started blogging on ActiveRain  in March of 2007, and I have made friends over the years with many an ActiveRainer. The connections I have made on this Real Estate Network have been rewarding for the information I’ve received, referrals to and from other members, creating my website in a blog format and actually getting to meet many of them….way across the Pacific Ocean.
Lucky I live Hawaii!  That is one of the slangs we use when we are telling others that we are fortunate to live in Hawaii. When it comes to comparison on meeting others I’ve made friends with … (36 comments)

activerain friends: Aloha Tower Marketplace-- History, Memorable Events and ActiveRainers! - 04/24/13 03:19 PM
The ALOHA TOWER is a historic landmark listed in both the state and national registers. It was the tallest building in Hawaii when it was built in 1926 at a cost of $190,000. The Aloha Tower Clock was installed in the tower in 1926 as well.  Made with precise German movement by the E. Howard Clock Company of Boston, it is still weight driven and the pendulum keeps rhythmic time…tick tock, tick tock …and weighs an astounding 7 tons.
Back in the day, (not sure the exact dates but around the 50’s) my uncle took care of the Aloha Tower Clock … (3 comments)

activerain friends: 6 Years on ActiveRain- Member, Ambassador and Gramma in Hawaii - 04/10/13 02:51 AM
I had past my 6th Birthday Year as a Member on ActiveRain last month!  How could I possibly have done that? The ActiveRain Real Estate Network has always been the best marketing tool to represent who I am, real estate and Hawaii Housing Market information, Oahu, Hawaii and Mililani local area information and more!  In fact, I closed a transaction last month with my client that I first met back in 2005 who found me on internet from a blog I wrote on ActiveRain! Since that time she bought a condo and a townhouse. She sold the townhouse in 2011 and the … (29 comments)

activerain friends: Different Perspectives Could Change Your MIND - 12/23/12 02:51 AM
We’ve all wondered, pondered, assumed and presumed. This THINKING can drive us nuts if we allow it to interfere with taking a step back and being patient. Pick up the phone with a problem you’re having instead of pounding the keyboard as if stomping your feet, or call your client instead of assuming the worst.
When in doubt ASK!
This tip applies to all walks of life, all careers and industries and basically just a part of life. Why?
We can NOT live on assumptions. Assumptions are NOT facts and everyone has different thinking, different opinions. It's called being human … (2 comments)

activerain friends: Holiday Greeting Card---APPRECIATION - 11/27/12 08:54 AM
Holiday Greeting Card Contest-APPRECIATION! (this is not an entry but I wanted to join in on the contest by submitting my own hopes you all get MOTIVATED!!!!)  JOIN IN!
My Holiday Greeting Card with a theme of APPRECIATION is for:
My family and friends: For they are my support and give me strength.  I appreciate them for the smallest of things like a pat on the back for a job well done. A small token of appreciation to show I care can mean more to one who may be feeling down. It takes so little to … (17 comments)

activerain friends: The First Thanksgiving....and What We Tell The Children - 11/22/12 02:25 AM
In my adolescent years,  I knew that Thanksgiving Day meant it was the time to give thanks but I didn’t know why.  I also knew it meant a huge feast and prayers of thanks.
I read a story ‘for kids’ and in simple form, but I wanted to write an even simpler story for my Grandson, Brayden.  I want to be able to tell him all about the history of Thanksgiving. Children ask MANY questions which will require an answer, right?

Here’s my story for baby Brayden when his question about Thanksgiving arises:
Gramma!  Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?  To … (10 comments)

activerain friends: Meeting a Long Time ActiveRain Member--The People Behind the Words. - 11/14/12 01:54 PM
If any member thinks like me, then you long for the day you actually get to meet a member who has become an online friend,  a trusted advocate and peer.  One who you would trust to refer a client and to discuss any topic in the world with.
This particular Community Member of ActiveRain not only helps out another member but gives sound advice. Well, this kind of sounds like me HAHAHA…but seriously, Debe Maxwell is one of those people that just grows on you over the years. 
I got to finally meet Debe and her wonderful husband Ray.  They … (27 comments)

activerain friends: 5 YEARS and Counting - My ActiveRain Experience - 03/25/12 07:05 AM
It’s my 5th Birthday Year as a Member on ActiveRain!    The ActiveRain Real Estate Network has always been the best marketing tool to represent who I am, real estate and Hawaii Housing Market information, Oahu, Hawaii and Mililani local area information and more!
There is no other online network I know of that has the personal and ‘hands on’ approach with their members to give them direction and a helping hand like ActiveRain and I have to start this 5th Anniversary blog by thanking them.
There are ActiveRain Staff Staff members who have a wonderful ‘blogside manner’ but … (66 comments)

activerain friends: ActiveRain Reflections and Connecting the Dots - 01/01/12 03:10 PM
Today marks the first day of 2012. A shout out of “Happy New Year” and wishing each other a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2012 is the holiday greeting for most. After a shout out to all I immediately reflect on years past and going in to my 5th year of blogging on ActiveRain. 
For all documentation purposes I joined as a member on March 10th, 2007. It intrigued me and I wondered just how one was to communicate through the written word and use it for business and referrals?  Until I grasped that concept …I just wrote and ‘mingled’ … (10 comments)

activerain friends: ActiveRain Community Support- A Happy Holiday Wish To ActiveRain - 12/25/11 04:19 AM
It all started back in March of 2007 when I finally decided to accept an invite from Randy Prothero and start blogging on ActiveRain. I jumped right in not knowing what I was doing and actually started doing it for ‘fun’. Then I started reading from other members about why they blog and how they get business and referrals from other members who they connected with.
It’s been a long journey to gain experience of the whole ActiveRain who, what, when, how and why about blogging although it’s been a rewarding time indeed!  With business, referrals and the most important..the … (52 comments)

activerain friends: A Christmas Treasure - In Memory of Jamie Caulk and Lillian Caulk - 12/24/11 05:21 AM
Carol Grub, Cyndee Haydon and friends started a project and I was contacted by Cyndee regarding “THE JAMIE & LILIAN CAULK MEMORIAL PROJECT” for our friend and fellow member Missy Caulk and her family .  There was no hesitation from me  to ‘get the word out’!!! 
Missy Caulk, mother of Jamie and grandmother of Lilian, experienced a grief that is unimaginable to me as I have not experienced the loss of a child or grandchild.  This loss and tragedy happened to Missy’s family within a few weeks time of each other with first the loss of her son Jamie in … (13 comments)

activerain friends: Good Food, Good Company and ActiveRain - 11/24/11 05:02 AM
My regularly scheduled appointment with my acupuncturist yesterday not only was another successful session but an enlightening one as well. You see, my time spent at his office is not only for some alternative medicine for a few medical issues but also to listen to the information he has stored in his memory bank.
We all can learn something from someone. 
He explained this: 
‘Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday of the year because…
There are no expectations for gifts or anything.
It’s just time spent enjoying the company of family and friends.
I thought about this just for a moment....and … (17 comments)

activerain friends: A Future ActiveRain Birthday Bash at Gordon Biersch in Aloha Tower Marketplace - 06/25/11 06:43 AM
**I REALLY REALLY want to Win a Piece of AR History and be the envy of my java-addicted friends!**
Back in January of 2008 Hawaii Randy Prothero and Celeste WooHoo Sally Cheeseman worked hard to get the FIRST AND ONLY Hawaii Active Rain Gathering at Gordon Biersche Lanai planned. Many ActiveRain members were coming for the Hawaii CRS Sellabration so we decided to get together and meet some of our online friends.

Gordon Biersche is located at the Aloha Tower Marketplace (1 Aloha Tower Dr # 1123 in Honolulu, HI 96813) in Honolulu Harbor and is Hawaii's first brewpub. With … (16 comments)

activerain friends: Building or Tearing Down Your Reputation Online - 04/14/11 10:35 AM
We can never say it enough. YOUR ONLINE LEGACY dictates the person you are ...just as in real life. I wrote the following article two years ago and i just bet that some may find it useful or tear it down because they don't believe that their typewritten word can hurt them...or help them.
Our reputation is all we have in this business. The Real Estate Industry has enough negative only compound it with the negative attitudes of some. Bantering about your political preference or religious views while cutting down another is as bad as watching the crap on television.

Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman, (RA) AHWD CRS ePRO OAHU HAWAII REAL ESTATE (Liberty Homes)

Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman


Mililani, HI

More about me…

Liberty Homes

Address: 95-221 Kipapa Drive, Suite E-3, Mililani, HI, 96789

Mobile: (808) 375-1404

Office: (808) 625-1776

Reading my blog will give you the human side of this Real Estate Industry Professional as well as allowing you to walk beside me through my writing about Hawaii Real Estate & our Local Area. As a resident of Honolulu County Hawaii for 42 years you will get a tour of a lifetime. Specializing in Hawaii Relocation Military VA Home Buyers you can be rest assured you will be in good hands. I LISTEN to YOUR needs and give you sound advice. Hawaii Relocations, Hawaii Military Relocations, Mililani Hawaii Real Estate, Living in Hawaii, Army Navy Air Force Marines in Hawaii. Read more at




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