dryer vent repair: “Dryer Vent Repair” Man in Phoenix, Arizona offers 3 Good Reasons for “Dryer Vent Cleaning”
- 09/10/08 04:43 AM
When reminded of maintenance that needs to be done around the home many people are guilty of putting it off. This could be for a number of reasons, including being busy, distracted or overwhelmed. Maybe you're waiting for the next paycheck to hire it done or just procrastinating. One very important area to get into a good maintenance habit with is the clothes dryer. Of the 15,000, plus dryer fires that occur each year in the US, most of them can be prevented with proper dryer vent cleaning and maintenance.
Prevent a Home Fire
The biggest threat from a (0 comments)
dryer vent repair: “Dryer Vent Cleaning” “Dryer Vent Repair” Scottsdale, Arizona
- 09/09/08 08:36 AM
Don't let your dryer start a fire; keep your home safe and sound. Dryer Vent Wizard professionally inspects and cleans clothing dryers for homeowners and in commercially-owned buildings. Poorly maintained dryer vents cause fire hazards and cost substantially more to operate.
Why Dryer Vent Cleaning is so Important! •· Dryer vents clogged with lint cost $18-24 more per month. •· There are 15,500 fires every year caused by dryer vents. •· Dryer manufacturers recommend you clean your dryer vent every year. •· Regular dryer vent maintenance prolongs the life of your dryer.
Murrieta, CA - Greg Longe, co-president of Dryer Vent Wizard (DVW), Dry Clothes, Safe Homes, announced the awarding of a DVW franchise in Arizona. Chris Wiley will service Maricopa County.
Dryer Vent Wizard, Dry Clothes, Safe Homes is a national franchise company specializing in dryer fire prevention and "urgent response" dryer vent cleaning and dryer vent maintenance, repair, replacement and alterations. "I make sure all my customers understand the importance of dryer vent (0 comments)
Glendale, AZ-Chris Wiley is the owner of Dryer Vent Wizard in Maricopa County, Arizona. He was interviewed recently and he said it is his policy that all technicians who work for him help to educate consumers on dryer fire safety. "The job is not complete until each customer understands their dryer vent system, how it works, and how to properly maintain it between annual professional cleaning and repair," said Chris. "Home (0 comments)
Dryer vents clogged with dust, fiber, and lint are responsible for nearly 30% of all dryer fires, making it a top contributor to dryer fires. To reduce this risk, clean lint screens and traps before and after every use. Carefully wash lint screens with soap and water at least once a month to remove residue buildup from dryer sheets. Also, be sure your dryer vent system is up to code according to city, (0 comments)
When you do your spring cleaning, there's no doubt one of the rooms you clean is your laundry room. If you're really ambitious you may pull the washer and dryer out and sweep around them, get any gunk from dripped soap off the surface of them and even dig out all those single socks that have fallen behind the dryer. You may, however, totally overlook the dryer lint filter, thinking you clean it out every time you do a load. But, you may be surprised at how much you are not (0 comments)
dryer vent repair: Dryer Vent Wizard of Phoenix, Arizona offers tips to Prevent Dryer Fires: "Dryer Vent Cleaning" "Dryer Vent Repair" "Dryer Vent Maintenance"
- 08/03/08 07:14 AM
One night at just after 8pm a fire broke out in North Londonderry. Located in the tight nit community of Bockman's Mobile Home Park, a neighbor saw flames coming from a drier vent and he called the fire department. According to neighbors, the home owner had "Left the dryer going when he went off for a bit, when he came back, the firemen were hard at work." Lorraine Cookson told Londonderry Hometown Online News, "He has two dogs, one was with him and the other was in the home. Soon after the Londonderry Fire Department arrived at 8:09 they brought the dog out (0 comments)
Clothes taking several cycles to dry: A lot of people think this just means the dryer is old or the heat element is wearing out. This is rarely the case. There is usually an air flow problem caused by the vent being obstructed with lint build up Clothes smell moldy or they are unusually hot when they come out of the dryer No visible lint (0 comments)
Phoenix, AZ--Clothes dryers are reported as being a major cause of house fires, costing millions of dollars in damages, deaths and injuries, each year. In the United States, it is a law that all gas dryers must be vented to the outdoors. Dryer Vent Wizard advises consumers to have their dryer vent systems professionally inspected to be sure they meet the codes of cities, states and manufacturers.
Greg Longe and his partner, John Lynch franchise Dryer Vent Wizard, dry Clothes, Safe Homes, (0 comments)
dryer vent repair: Dryer Fires can be Prevented: Get a Free Dryer Vent Safety Check Kit
- 07/26/08 12:28 PM
Mar. 24--A fire in a laundry room early Thursday morning demonstrates the importance of having properly working smoke detectors in the home, the Yuma Fire Department says.The 4 a.m. fire in the home at 2862 S. 18th Ave. set off a smoke detector that awakened the residents, who then began fighting flames and meanwhile called the Yuma Fire Department.Firefighters extinguished the fire before it could spread beyond the laundry room. There were no injuries."It's just a good example of how (smoke detectors) save lives and protect property," said Mike Erfert, public information officer for the fire department.Smoke detectors are "very cheap (5 comments)