jonathan mitchell: Creatively Save Yourself from Foreclosure
- 01/10/08 05:50 AM
Here in the Antelope Valley, we are experiencing what the majority of the country is going through. People who got into their homes through "trick" loans are now on the verge of losing them to the banks. Often times, their payments have doubled from the time they purchased. Unfortunately, very few of those individuals consider talking to a property management company. That of course, means that they are resigning themselves to foreclosure when they have not yet exhausted all of their options. Foreclosure rates here are higher than many of us have ever seen. When someone calls us and says (3 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Rental Market "No-Nos" #1 Burning Eyeballs!
- 12/20/07 02:00 PM
I could smell my eyeballs tear ducts were sizzling like bacon on a skillet. My retinas were trying desperately to claw their way out of my pupils to find some shade. I felt as though I were basking on the surface of the sun...and jumping eyeball first into every solar flare that erupted from its surface. The day started out innocently enough. I got a call from someone who was interested in renting out their Antelope Valley home and was looking for a property management company to come take a look. What I didn't realize was that his house would be (7 comments)
jonathan mitchell: The Difference Between Winners and Losers
- 12/13/07 01:45 PM
Not long ago I read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" which is an awesome book. It had an interesting quote that read, "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn." It occurred to me that this quote basically sums up the reason that some people fail where others succeed. The point of the quote is not to imply that some people never lose but rather to show that there is another way to look at defeat. I have always viewed defeat as more as a setback than a total failure. I guess that is because I am unbelievably stubborn! There are people that you come into (17 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Costly Secrets of Renting your Home
- 12/10/07 09:34 AM
Here in the Antelope Valley, we have a surplus of homes on the rental market. As of today, we had about 220 homes listed in ONE source of advertising. That is quite a bit for an area this size. The majority of the houses listed for rent these days are rented out by homeowners who have chosen to manage the properties themselves. As a property management company, we try to educate people on what is required to rent a home. Unfortunately, many of them have no idea what the laws concerning rentals are! For example, if you are a homeowner in Lancaster, (11 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Based on a Handshake...How to DOOM your Rental Property
- 12/05/07 07:52 AM
Working for a property management company here in the Antelope Valley, I get several calls from people who have doomed their rental property by making the same tragic mistake. Generally, they will call me asking about our fees and services. After answering several questions about how we screen tenants and how much we can rent their home for, they drop the bomb... "If I sign up with you, can you evict my tenant who is not paying the rent?" AAAaahhhhh!!! It is an unfortunate fact that human beings are often taken advantage of. One reason being that we generally WANT to trust our fellow man. Equally unfortunate (38 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Top Three Ways to Torpedo Your Rental
- 11/25/07 05:43 AM
Here is Southern California the rental market is gaining momentum. As a property management company here in the Antelope Valley, That is great news! As I have said in other blogs, there are several factors that have led to the condition that the market is currently in. I am not going to dive into that topic again, but I am going to talk about the problems that keep so many people from maximizing the potential of their rental homes. In a market like this, you almost have to TRY to keep your home from renting. Here are a few ways that (21 comments)
jonathan mitchell: When You Rain...It Pours
- 11/24/07 12:52 PM
Not too long ago, I wrote a blog entitled "All Hail the Turkey! Destroyer of the Market!" It basically talks about the fact that the rental market here in the Antelope Valley tends to slow down during the holiday season. This year however, a different trend seams to be emerging. For the past few weeks I have been getting several calls from people who are in a hurry to rent out their homes. I have also been flooded with calls from people who need to rent a home quickly! Now, I suspect that there are a few reasons for this phenomenon. (4 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Sell Your Soul to Your Clients...
- 11/11/07 01:26 PM
There have been several times during the course of my life when someone unloaded on me about every reason that they hated where they were living! I always think two things. First, if it is sooooo bad, then why are you still here? Secondly, I love where I live. It seems to me that for the vast majority of people in the world, they are living where they are because they either like it, or are unwilling to move. It is during times like these that I realize the importance of selling your soul to your clients. Of course, I (7 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Destroying Your Killer Instinct
- 11/05/07 07:07 AM
When most people hear someone mention a "killer instinct" they conjure up images of assassins and blood thirsty serial killers engaging in grisly carnage. In most instances, this would be a fairly accurate portrayal of the phrase. Traditionally, it means destroying anything weaker than yourself to advance your own agenda. However, there is a far more sinister instinct that leads to more deaths and health complications per year than you could ever imagine. Let me set the stage for the killer. As many of you may be aware, the housing market is suffering through some pretty grisly times right now. (10 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Master of Your Domain
- 11/03/07 07:35 AM
For all of you Seinfeld fans out there, I am afraid that you are going to be disappointed by this post! For those of you who have no idea what that means, you may find this post more interesting... When it comes to real estate and the rental market, what does it mean to be the Master of your domain? I am sure that every one of us has a different definition. For some it may mean that your face appears on more billboards and toilet stalls than any other Realtor in the area. Others may say that to be (7 comments)
jonathan mitchell: All Hail the Turkey! Destroyer of the Market!
- 10/29/07 07:53 AM
Ahhh...the holidays. Is there anything more enjoyable and satisfying about the holiday season than porking out on a bunch of turkey, stuffing, and pie? I think not. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine: Tryptophan. I am sure that the vast majority of you are aware of this friend even if you have never been formally introduced. You see, tryptophan is an amino acid found in turkey that is responsible for a rise in the level of serotonin, the chemical that causes relaxation and sleep. In the past few years there has been some debate (32 comments)
jonathan mitchell: The Rental Market is on Fire!
- 10/24/07 09:44 AM
Ever since the Countrywide crash, the rental market in Southern California has taken off. I suspect that there are many reasons for this, but I would hazard a guess to say that the main reason is this: It is harder than ever to qualify for a home loan, that good quality people are turning to the rental market instead! Before the crash, applicants in my area were coming to us with an average credit score of about 550. Since the crash, our applicants average scores have risen impressively. This leads me to the conclusion that people who could have been (14 comments)
jonathan mitchell: A Convenient Truth
- 10/22/07 08:56 AM
An interesting phenomenon has come to my attention lately. With foreclosures on the rise and people struggling to make their mortgage payments, it seems as though people would be anxious for a way out. Surprisingly however, very few of them will even consider renting out their properties. I have had a hard time trying to understand what could possibly keep someone from considering that route as an option. For example, I spoke with someone not long ago who had their home on the market hoping for a sale. They had it listed at about $60,000 higher than the competition, and (10 comments)
jonathan mitchell: A High Desert Six Pack
- 10/21/07 01:50 PM
I have noticed that several of my favorite bloggers have been doing a "six pack" blog to reminisce about their most popular writings. In light of that discovery, I figured, what the heck? I may as well slap up my six just for giggles! Ladies and gentlemen, a drum roll please... Topping my charts was a blog that I wrote about personal maintenance... 1). Good Looking People Succeed More Often That blog got pretty good reviews, so I followed it up with a sequel: 2.) Good Looking People Succeed More Often...Part Deux! I then wrote a blog about my life motto and philosophy... 3). Grab Life (2 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Stand Up Comedy is No Longer Funny!
- 10/13/07 05:23 AM
I was inspired to write this post after realizing that I was becoming more and more of a target for stand up comedy. Of course, being the good natured fellow that I am, I usually don't mind being the cause for someone else's laughter. However, with the gas prices the way they are, I have come to the conclusion that other people's merriment at my expense is no longer comical. Ah, the stand up... For those of you who did not see this coming, I am not talking about the Dane Cooks of our time. Nay, I am talking about (5 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Blogging with a Vengeance!
- 09/22/07 12:24 PM
Well, to all of those who read this blog, I have a confession to make. I have not been able to summon any kind of creative juices for quite some time now. My last few blogs have kinda fizzled out, and I am stuck in a rut! I am always amazed by the people here on AR that are able to continually post blogs day after day and keep each one interesting! Sure there are those who post endless "market condition" reports. A fairly easy way to squirt out a blog per day, but the people who have my (9 comments)
jonathan mitchell: How to Get the LEAST from Active Rain!
- 09/07/07 04:32 PM
A thought occurred to me today while I was perusing the latest and greatest from Active Rain. You see, I have a long list of people that I have subscribed to. I am constantly looking for more great bloggers to keep track of due to the fact that there is so much to be learned from people here in the Rain! Anyway, I have come to the realization that there are basically two types of people here in the Rain. There are the people who genuinely want to learn and share information with their peers, and there are those who (13 comments)
jonathan mitchell: WWIII: The Battle with the Ants...A Blogumentary
- 09/05/07 12:38 PM
My house invaded earlier this year in a surprise move that has resulted in a massive list of casualties. So far, all of the casualties have been on the side of the enemy, but they are casualties none the less. These sneaky interlopers can be found crawling out from under baseboards, switch plates, and doors. They seem to have an unlimited supply of soon as one dies, five more take its place on the front lines... I may be fighting a losing battle. Blast those ants!! How many of you have ever been under a full fledged war over (11 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Real American Heroes
- 08/29/07 07:11 AM
Every now and then, a real hero is born. I have had the pleasure of knowing a few of them in my lifetime! A hero to me is the kind of guy who is selfless and self-sacrificing. The guy I am going to focus on today is my cousin Jim. Jim and I were great friends growing up. We had a blast building forts in my parents garage, playing tag football against our brothers, and generally just being kids! As I grew up, my sense of values began to develop. I became someone who is extremely patriotic. Although I never served in the military, (36 comments)
jonathan mitchell: Maniac Media Causes Widespread Panic!!
- 08/28/07 12:00 PM
A thought occurred to me a few days ago. Our media seems to have a tremendous influence over the vast majority of the American public. Often times, the mere absence of our media would cause many cases of widespread panic to ripple by virtually unnoticed! Let us take for example, the Y2K bug. AAAHHHH!!! Look at the chaos that followed that tragedy. We had major bank software crash, Wall Street collapsed, rioting and looting were the order of the day, and life on our planet ceased to exist...right? WRONG!! Absolutely nothing happened. I have a friend who bought a huge (14 comments)