real estate: Gimmicks - continued...
- 09/17/07 03:11 AM
Last week I blogged about gimmicks in real estate. I specifically spoke about the whole "guaranteed" home selling tactic. I received some good comments from folks. One person in particular encouraged me to take off the sugar coating and to just call it what it is - lying, deception! This person had some strong and accurate remarks about all the nuances of the "guarantee" program. Well, a very interesting thing happened later that day. Please keep in mind that I wrote that blog because this topic was on my mind for no other reason than I do not see (6 comments)
real estate: Real Estate Gimmicks?
- 09/13/07 05:02 AM
Caveat - This is a hot and debated topic amongst real estate agents. It is not my desire to stir up strife. I desire nothing more than an honest look at things. Thus, we have this blog.Have you ever seen an Internet ad, a billboard, or heard a commercial on the TV or radio that resembles this:We Will Sell Your Home in 90 Days - GUARANTEED Or We Will Buy It Or, maybe it looked/sounded something like this: YOUR HOME SOLD GUARANTEED or I WILL BUY IT MYSELF AT AN ACCEPTABLE PRICE This method of getting listings is extremely popular. It (1 comments)
Information, information, information - about what, you ask? Everything! Although a lot of what is written will be about the Schertz/Cibolo area, the scope will be nation wide.