fairbanks realtors: Bullwinklette and Friends
- 04/08/09 11:32 PM
One of the tidbits we always pass along to folks new to Alaska is to mind your pets and children when outside and never leave them unattended. Bears, wolves, and moose are routinely spotted in local neighborhoods. While we're a little bigger than the fictional town of Cicely on Northern Exposure, we still regularly see critters wandering around town oblivious to the urban sprawl. This is still their country. I snapped these photos this afternoon near the Airport Way/University Avenue intersection. Although there were lots of rubberneckers and a few people, including yours truly, snapping photo's, Mamma and Baby were too
fairbanks realtors: Fairbanks AK Real Estate - 2970 Drum Avenue
- 09/28/08 06:52 PM
fairbanks realtors: Sell our home? Nah, we just like the sign.
- 09/19/08 11:54 PM
This will undoubtedly go down as one of the most bizarre days I've had in real estate since... well, ever. I spent the morning with a very nice couple from Offutt, AFB looking to move back to Alaska next spring when they retire. After meeting them for coffee this morning to go over our list of homes to see and review the information packages we set off to see if we could find their dream home. Prospect #1 - Advertised as a "stunning charmer" by an obviously far sighted listing agent. It was anything but. I swear I saw bigfoot under
fairbanks realtors: Fairbanks Alaska Real Estate Month in Review August 2008
- 09/17/08 11:31 AM
Fairbanks Alaska Real Estate Month in Review - August 2008 What a crazy month. We bid adieu to Lehman, then watched as Bank of America swallowed Merrill Lynch and now the Fed has nationalized AIG. Rumors of a similar fate surround the few other giants left standing. The real estate and finance landscape is changing daily and at a record pace. To say we’re living in interesting times would be an understatement. The good news is that the Fairbanks real estate market continues to move forward despite near catastrophic news from the financial powerhouses on Wall Street. Locally, home sales picked
fairbanks realtors: $3,269
- 09/05/08 02:15 PM
Folks have been speculating on the number for weeks. How much will it be? Today the wondering ended with an announcement by Lt. Governor Sean Parnell this morning that the 2008 Permanent Fund Dividend amount would be $2,069 plus an additional one time resource rebate of $1,200 to all eligible Alaskans. The total payout for 2008 for each eligible man, woman and child is $3,269. The one time resource rebate payout was approved by Governor Palin and approved by the legislature last month. “The royalty dollars that flow through the state are the people’s wealth,” said Parnell. “The $1,200 resource rebate
fairbanks realtors: Is it over already?
- 09/03/08 09:59 PM
What, just a short time ago, was a lush green lawn has turned into a bed of golden birch and aspen leaves. I love the colors of fall but I'm just not sure I'm ready to usher in another fall/winter season just yet. Where the hell is Al Bore-Gore and global warming when I need it? As they always are, the summer of 2008 was filled with family, good friends and memories that will last a lifetime... or until senility sets in, which for those of you who know me could be any day now. All told there were 33 guests
fairbanks realtors: The check's in the mail...
- 08/20/08 10:14 PM
With spiraling fuel costs putting many Interior Alaska families in the unenviable position of having to choose between food or heat, the Governor and Legislature have decided to take action. While it can't be described as a perfect solution... I'm not even sure one exists… the Governor and Legislature have made a step in the right direction. With fuel costs among the highest in the nation and winter fast approaching, participating Alaskan's can expect to see an additional $1,200 "resource rebate" included with their Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend this year. This one-time energy relief payout from the state treasury is the
fairbanks realtors: Jack frost nipping at my nose....
- 08/19/08 09:16 PM
Alright, we put up with the frigid winter temps, the slick icy roads and the diminished daylight for the majority of the year so we can have warm, dry arctic desert summers. I don't know where our summer went this year but it certainly won't be described as warm and dry. First came the incessent rain followed, of course by flooding and now the national weather service is telling us to prepare for the first frost of the season. Truly? Sorry to disappoint you egghead weather folks, but we've already crossed that disgusting weather bridge. The photo below was taken two
fairbanks realtors: A two Gold medal family
- 08/19/08 09:16 PM
Former Fairbanksan and UAF multiple national champion, Matt Emmons, has won the Silver in the 50 meter prone rifle event in Beijing. Emmons won the Gold for the same event at the 2004 Summer Olympics. Together with his wife, Olympic sport shooting champion Kateřina Kůrková of the Czech Republic, they now hold five Olympic medals. Congratulations Matt & Katerina on a job very well done! Photo courtesy of Tzatziki
fairbanks realtors: Fairbanks Alaska - Bucking the 'Zillow' trends...
- 08/12/08 05:59 AM
This morning I open up the 'net and start reading the news (my how times have changed I tell you) and the first article I come across is from Bloomberg; One third of new owners owe more than house is worth. "Almost one-third of U.S. homeowners who bought in the last five years now owe more on their mortgages than their properties are worth... Ok, so that's not exactly new news, is it? Can anyone say 'declining market area?' :) Aside from the "negative equity and declining prices are making it difficult for homeowners to sell property for a profit" (duh)
fairbanks realtors: True Confessions: I love short red heads...
- 08/06/08 07:31 PM
Can you blame me? Dear Diary... Kathy has been laughing at me lately. We've been puppy sitting this little angel for the past week and for someone who didn't have much use for four legged pillows a few years ago, this little munchkin has stolen my heart. I'm gonna catch the devil from a certain slingback-less eye-talian friend, but I can't help it. This is about the sweetest little thing I've ever seen. We took these tonight while playing in the yard. If only we could bottle that energy. :) This post has absolutely nothing to do with real estate whatsoever
fairbanks realtors: Schandelmeier Joins Yukon Quest
- 08/05/08 07:39 AM
Yukon Quest organizers appoint John Schandelmeier as trail coordinator. In response to critics who argued the Quest trail was poorly maintained, the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race appointed Quest veteran John Schandelmeier for a newly created trail coordinator position. Schandelmeier has completed 16 Yukon Quest Races and won two; once in 1992 and again i 1996. John went on to found the Taiga 300 race and worked on improving the Gin Gin 200 ad Copper Basin 300 trails. The Yukon Quest is an annual 1,000 mile sled dog race from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory to Fairbanks, Alaska. Much like the Iditarod,
fairbanks realtors: Spaulding Interiors - "The" furniture store in Fairbanks
- 08/02/08 10:33 PM
Since when does a new house mean new furniture? If you ask Kathy it's in the fine print on page 43 of the marriage contract. I don't know where my reading glasses are so I'll have to take her word for it. We've built several homes over the years and it seems that with each new house comes a new slate of furniture. Sure, the antique pieces and family heirlooms get moved under the watchful eye of my better half. But it's inevitable that certain rooms in the house seem to undergo a transformation with each change of address. We have
fairbanks realtors: Eielson AFB to host the President & First Lady
- 08/02/08 10:34 AM
The White House announced today that President and Mrs. Bush will make a stop at Eielson Air Force Base en route to South Korea and Thailand before spending three days at the Olympics in Beijing, China. Officially designated as a refueling stop veterans and active duty personnel from both Fort Wainwright Army Post and Eielson Air Force Base will get the change to hear the President speak on a variety of military related subjects. The Richardson Highway, which runs directly parallel to the runway at Eielson, will be closed for security purposes during the arrival and departure of Air Force One.
fairbanks realtors: Chena River Flood Declaration - Fairbanks Alaska
- 08/01/08 07:19 AM
Chena River Flood Declaration - Fairbanks Alaska Houston, we've got a problem. It's official. We're a disaster area. The Fairbanks North Star Borough issued a disaster deceleration this morning. Citing damage to more than 500 homes, the Borough Assembly has requested emergency assistance from Governor Palin. The last time the Tanana River was this high was during the disastrous 1967 flood that devastated Fairbanks. The resolution says "substantial damage is occurring due to high water and river current on the Tanana River, the Salcha River and the Chena River, resulting in damage to over 500 private residences with an estimated 1,000
fairbanks realtors: Fairbanks Alaska - Real Estate Review - 7/20/2008 - 7/26/2008
- 07/29/08 07:54 AM
Hi, Folks. It looks like the Fairbanks real estate market is still somewhat in flux. Existing home sales continue to dominate the market. New construction homes are still relatively soft despite a current Energy Efficiency rebate offering from Alaska Housing. Lets get the bad news out of the way first. This week 12 homes were sold in Fairbanks; the third week of declining home sales and the lowest sold since the first of June. The average days on the market, while on a decline in June, has increased to 175 for the week ending July 26th. This is a 33% increase
fairbanks realtors: Fairbanks Alaska; New home buyer finds money in house...
- 07/22/08 11:56 AM
... and you can too! ANOTHER NEW HOME SOLD Another smart Fairbanks home buyer just qualified for the $7,500 new construction rebate. This 3 bedroom 2 bath home on a wooded one-acre lot qualifies for the new construction Energy Efficiency Rebate from AHFC. In the past five years more than 460 new homes representing $100.4 million have been built whereas only 238 ($56 million) have been built in Fairbanks. Why buy new? * More choices in design/layout/amenities * Lower maintenance costs * Lower heating/cooling costs * Quality of construction Now, there's a whole new reason to buy new. Buyers who purchases
fairbanks realtors: Fairbanks Alaska Real Estate Review - 6/22/2008 - 6/28/2008
- 06/30/08 06:53 PM
Fairbanks Real Estate - Week in Review - 6/22/2008 - 6/28/2008 Jesse Clifton, Broker Associate Do you remember the story about the little engine that could? Just like that little engine the Fairbanks real estate market is surviving the housing slump that has derailed many real estate markets around the country. For the week of June 22-28, 18 homes closed escrow. The majority of those (67%) continue to be sales in North Pole, although interestingly, they aren't new construction homes. New construction represented less than 1% of homes sales this week. Days on the market dropped somewhat this week from
fairbanks realtors: The weather is here.... wish you were beautiful
- 06/27/08 12:16 PM
Sorry folks, I couldn't resist. The sun is shining with only a few clouds in the sky - for now. It's supposed to rain later today and tomorrow but it won't matter. The worst day of fishing beats the best day of working, right? We made it down to our favorite spot on the river without incident and have even been so lucky as to have the place to ourselves. No doubt that will change tomorrow but for now it's peaceful and just about as close to perfect as you can get. One of the attractions that have kept us in
fairbanks realtors: 9th Army Band Free Concert - Fairbanks Noel Wein Library
- 06/25/08 08:57 PM
The 9th Army Band, stationed at Fort Wainwright, has an upcoming concert performance on June 26, 2008 at 7:00PM at the Noel Wien Library. Tuba Player MSG Roger Ridenour leads the ensemble that features 1SG James Thaxter and SFC Andrew Phelps on trumpet, SGT Dale McSwain on horn, and SGT Vincent Lawyer on trombone. 9th Army Band Sample Performance. If you haven't heard the Band perform, you should make time to come hear them play. They truly do a magnificent job. Request a performance of the 9th Army Band at a military function (PDF) or a civic performance. Following this performance,