true grit: True Grit is The "ONE" Skill Most Successful People Share - 10/30/22 06:18 PM
"Grit, the raw endurance, perseverance, and passion that keeps you going despite obstacles." Anonymous
Is grit a matter of nature or nurture? 
According to research by Angela Duckworth, author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, grit is a question of nature and nurture, not one or the other. 
For decades, I have worked in real estate and related industries, and seen individuals come and go. In my personal and entrepreneurial practice, one element separates the successful from the unsuccessful—grit.
It is impractical to teach grit in school. The characteristics of grit detach genuine entrepreneurs from wannabes. 
We interpret grit as "persistent and determined—the virtue … (24 comments)

true grit: New To The Business?  Startup Skills They Don't Teach In School - 02/14/22 08:07 PM
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." – Walt Disney, Disney founder
Academic business programs across the country do a good job teaching business theory. But theory gets you only so far. You need many skills for success as an entrepreneur, and the only problem is that exactly NONE of those are taught in schools. Any schools. Anywhere. Zero.
Why? Because these are skills that entrepreneurs develop only through on-the-job experience.
Startup Leadership
Yes, you can learn what it takes to be a good leader in a classroom setting. But, learning what it takes and "being" a good leader are … (60 comments)