reverse equity line of credit: Los Angeles, California Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer takes exception to CNN's unhelpful Help Desk Segment - 06/15/11 12:53 PM
Los Angeles, California Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer takes exception to CNN's unhelpful Help Desk segment                                                                                            Just before I went on vacation, I watched a segment from CNN's Help Desk. They had a certified financial advisor offering his opinion on Reverse Mortgages. Rarely do I bother responding to inaccurate information but this time I decided to speak out against self proclaimed experts who engage in tub thumping. I'm publishing it here because I really don't expect CNN will ever correct their facts. I believe it's important that the public at large have the facts, not opinions.  I hope the information below … (1 comments)

reverse equity line of credit: Save the Seniors! A Los Angeles based Reverse Mortgage Loan Officers offers some perspective. - 06/07/11 09:05 AM
Someone asked me about my experiences with seniors recently.  She wanted to know how I knew any given senior actually had the mental capacity to execute a Reverse Mortgage.
I didn't have to think too long about the time I was called to a senior's residence by a caretaker who wanted me to come out and discuss a reverse mortgage with the lady of the house. 
When I arrived I met the caregiver, Bill, at the door.  He smiled cordially and invited me in.  He introduced me to Mrs. Smith, a sweet woman who sat comfortably in her padded rocking chair … (4 comments)

reverse equity line of credit: Los Angeles based Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer and Mom visit the Doctor's office - 06/06/11 04:32 AM
A Los Angeles based Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer and Mom visit the Doctor's office
Not so long ago I took my mother to her primary care physician for a check up.  We were scheduling a follow up appointment and I remarked to the nurse that we couldn't make an appointment before 11 am since it's taking Mom a little longer to get going in the morning these days.                                                             
"You're telling me", the nurse exclaimed.  "Yesterday I asked my mother to go somewhere with me on Wednesday.  She said 'I couldn't possibly go anywhere on Wednesday."
"I asked her, 'What do … (0 comments)

reverse equity line of credit: Reverse Mortgages Redondo Beach, CA - 04/06/11 12:25 PM
Reverse Mortgages Redondo Beach, CA
Have you been considering a reverse mortgage in Redondo Beach?
Some Loan Officers and Bankers will tell you to "just go do a Home Equity Line of Credit" instead of getting a Reverse Mortgage.  Is that really a good strategy for someone on a fixed income?
Personally, I don't think it is.   In my area of Redondo Beach, CA I'm seeing the result of a lot of people who took a Home Equity Line of Credit instead of a Reverse Mortgage.
Before the financial crisis knocked the wind out of most people's investments the banks were encouraging their clients … (0 comments)




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