reverse mortgage for purchase: Los Angeles, California Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer takes exception to CNN's unhelpful Help Desk Segment - 06/15/11 12:53 PM
Los Angeles, California Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer takes exception to CNN's unhelpful Help Desk segment                                                                                            Just before I went on vacation, I watched a segment from CNN's Help Desk. They had a certified financial advisor offering his opinion on Reverse Mortgages. Rarely do I bother responding to inaccurate information but this time I decided to speak out against self proclaimed experts who engage in tub thumping. I'm publishing it here because I really don't expect CNN will ever correct their facts. I believe it's important that the public at large have the facts, not opinions.  I hope the information below … (1 comments)

reverse mortgage for purchase: New Senior Scam in Torrance, CA coming to a neighborhood near YOU! - 06/10/11 11:38 AM
A friend of mine just sent me a red alert from the Torrance Police Department on a new senior scam.  Suspects are targeting seniors claiming a fender bender took place when nothing had actually happened.  They even have a damaged Toyota Matrix 4-door Hatchback to show the senior and claim they were hit.  Then they convince the senior to give them cash instead of calling the police or submitting an insurance claim.
Folks, these kinds of crimes are eventually copy-catted so please warn seniors and everyone you know.
Incidentally, if you'd like to subscribe to the Torrance PD's Youtube Channel, just … (3 comments)

reverse mortgage for purchase: Save the Seniors! A Los Angeles based Reverse Mortgage Loan Officers offers some perspective. - 06/07/11 09:05 AM
Someone asked me about my experiences with seniors recently.  She wanted to know how I knew any given senior actually had the mental capacity to execute a Reverse Mortgage.
I didn't have to think too long about the time I was called to a senior's residence by a caretaker who wanted me to come out and discuss a reverse mortgage with the lady of the house. 
When I arrived I met the caregiver, Bill, at the door.  He smiled cordially and invited me in.  He introduced me to Mrs. Smith, a sweet woman who sat comfortably in her padded rocking chair … (4 comments)

reverse mortgage for purchase: Los Angeles based Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer and Mom visit the Doctor's office - 06/06/11 04:32 AM
A Los Angeles based Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer and Mom visit the Doctor's office
Not so long ago I took my mother to her primary care physician for a check up.  We were scheduling a follow up appointment and I remarked to the nurse that we couldn't make an appointment before 11 am since it's taking Mom a little longer to get going in the morning these days.                                                             
"You're telling me", the nurse exclaimed.  "Yesterday I asked my mother to go somewhere with me on Wednesday.  She said 'I couldn't possibly go anywhere on Wednesday."
"I asked her, 'What do … (0 comments)

reverse mortgage for purchase: Reverse Mortgage for Purchase, a Loan Officer covering Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside and Ventura Counties Explains - 04/08/11 10:57 AM
Reverse Mortgage for Purchase, a Loan Officer covering Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, and Ventura Counties Explains

If you live in Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside or Ventura county and are 61 years of age talk to me about improving your retirement lifestyle with a Reverse Mortgage for Purchase, also known as the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase.
At first glance it may seem confusing, but it’s actually as simple as a regular reverse mortgage. The difference is that the reverse mortgage is done on a house you want to purchase instead of the house in which you … (0 comments)




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