mel ahrens realtor: What Every Seller Should Know About Home Prices - 12/16/22 09:41 PM
What Every Seller Should Know About Home Prices
If you’re trying to decide whether or not to sell your house, recent headlines about home prices may be top of mind. And if those stories have you wondering what that means for your home’s value, here’s what you really need to know.
What’s Really Happening with Home Prices? It’s possible you’ve seen news stories mentioning a drop in home values or home price depreciation, but it’s important to remember those headlines are designed to make a big impression in just a few words. But what headlines aren’t always great at is painting the … (1 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Sellers May See Less Buyer Competition - 10/04/22 09:44 AM
Buyers: You May Face Less Competition as Bidding Wars Ease
One of the top stories in recent real estate headlines was the intensity and frequency of bidding wars. With so many buyers looking to purchase a home and so few of them available for sale, fiercely competitive bidding wars became the norm during the pandemic – and it drove home prices up. If you tried to buy a house over the past two years, you probably experienced this firsthand and may have been outbid on several homes along the way.
But here’s the news you’ve been waiting for: data shows clear signs bidding … (2 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Your Net Worth & Owning A Home - 10/03/22 11:00 PM
How Owning a Home Builds Your Net Worth
Owning a home is a major financial milestone and an achievement to take pride in. One major reason: the equity you build as a homeowner gives your net worth a big boost. And with high inflation right now, the link between owning your home and building your wealth is especially important.
If you’re looking to increase your financial security, here’s why now could be a good time to start on your journey toward homeownership.
Owning a Home Is a Key Ingredient for Financial Success A report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) details several homeownership trends, including a significant gap in net … (3 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Prepping Your House For Sale This Fall - 10/03/22 10:54 PM
How To Prep Your House for Sale This Fall
Today’s housing market is different than it was just a few months ago. And if you’re thinking about selling your house, that may leave you wondering what you need to do differently as a result. The answer is simple. Taking the time upfront to prep your house appropriately and create a solid plan can help bring in the greatest return on your investment.
Here are a few simple tips to make sure you maximize the sale of your house this fall.
1. Price It Right One of the first things buyers will notice is the price of your … (2 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Considering Buying vs Renting Your Home - 09/30/22 10:52 AM
Rents continue to increase. Renters are paying someone else's mortgage and increasing their landlord's equity. Call me if you would like to discuss buying a home versus renting. I can help you as you consider your options.
If you would like additional information on the real estate market (including lender contacts) in Hood River and Wasco County, I can assist you.

mel ahrens realtor: How To Think Strategically as a Buyer in Today’s Market - 12/02/21 03:43 PM
The game of chess can provide incredible lessons to apply to all aspects of life, including the homebuying process. Chess requires you to plan and think about your strategy from the very beginning of the game.
The homebuying process, like chess, requires strategy and planning. Here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your plan is as strong as possible when you begin your home search.
Pre-Approval: the Best Opening Play To Make as a Homebuyer It’s important to have a great opening play when you’re buying a home. And the best move you can make when you … (0 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Hood River Blood Drive - April 7 & 8, 2020 - 04/06/20 12:43 PM
There is a significant shortage of blood due to cancellations from the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an even greater need for blood donations due to blood drives being canceled.
Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
The American Red Cross is having a blood drive in Hood River this week. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drive is:
Tue, April 7, 2020, 9:30am - 3:30pm, Insitu Waucoma Building, 902 Wasco … (1 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Updated - Wasco County Residential Sales Activity January 2020 - 02/10/20 01:29 PM
An additional January 2020 home sale ($375,000 in Maupin) was reported today (02/10/20). This additional home sale revised the January 2020 Wasco County Residential Sales Activity report I provided a few days ago. The revised report follows.
During January 2020, twenty-four (24) homes sold in Wasco County, ranging in price from a low of $60,900 to a high of $467,900. The average sales price for homes sold in Wasco County was $244,100  ($42k less than Dec 2019) with a median sales price of $248,000. The average square footage of the sold homes was 1,662, with a median of 1,737 square feet. The … (3 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Wasco County Residential Sales Activity January 2020 - 02/05/20 09:03 PM
During January 2020, twenty-three (23) homes sold in Wasco County, ranging in price from a low of $60,900 to a high of $467,900. The average sales price for homes sold in Wasco County was $238,400  ($48k less than Dec 2019) with a median sales price of $241,000. The average square footage of the sold homes was 1,664, with a median of 1,680 square feet. The average Days on Market (DOM) was 124 days, with a median DOM of 42 days. The average DOM was impacted by three (3) home sales selling after more than 400 days. Excluding these long DOM homes, … (3 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Hood River Bridge Single Lane Closure January 31, 2020 - 01/31/20 08:28 AM
The Hood River Bridge will have single-lane closures on January 31, 2020.  The closure is due to repair inspections of the guardrails. The single-lane closures will begin at 9am and last until the repairs are completed.
Plan accordingly and expect minimal delays (10-15 minutes) with traffic backups. Flaggers will be assisting drivers as they proceed through the work zones. Drive safely and keep an eye out for workers.
For more information, you may call the Port of Hood River at (541) 386-1645 or email

mel ahrens realtor: Reminder The Dalles Blood Drive Tomorrow Jan 28, 2020 Please Donate - 01/22/20 12:21 AM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
The American Red Cross is having a blood drive in The Dalles tomorrow. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drive is:
Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 12:30pm - 6:30pm, Ft Dalles Readiness Center, 402 E Scenic Dr, The Dalles, OR 97058
Can't make it to the blood drive in The Dalles? Good news, there are other … (0 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Reminder - The Dalles Blood Drive Jan 28, 2020 - 01/22/20 12:17 AM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
REMINDER: The American Red Cross is having a blood drive in The Dalles later next week. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drive is:
Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 12:30pm - 6:30pm, Ft Dalles Readiness Center, 402 E Scenic Dr, The Dalles, OR 97058
Can't make it to the blood drive in The Dalles? Good news, … (2 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Reminder Hood River Blood Drive Tomorrow Jan 28, 2020 Please Donate - 01/22/20 12:12 AM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
REMINDER: The American Red Cross is having a blood drive in the Hood River tomorrow. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drive is:
Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 1:00pm - 6:00pm, Oregon National Guard Armory, 12th & Belmont, Hood River, OR 
Can't make it to the blood drive in Hood River? Good news, there are … (0 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Reminder - Hood River Blood Drive Jan 28, 2020 - 01/21/20 07:46 PM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
REMINDER: The American Red Cross is having a blood drive in the Hood River next week. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drive is:
Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 1:00pm - 6:00pm, Oregon National Guard Armory, 12th & Belmont, Hood River, OR 
Can't make it to the blood drive in Hood River? Good news, there … (0 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: The Dalles Blood Drive January 28, 2020 - 01/18/20 03:48 AM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
The American Red Cross is having a blood drive in The Dalles later this month. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drive is:
Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 12:30pm - 6:30pm, Ft Dalles Readiness Center, 402 E Scenic Dr, The Dalles, OR 97058
Can't make it to the blood drive in The Dalles? Good news, there … (1 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Hood River Blood Drive January 28, 2020 - 01/18/20 03:44 AM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
The American Red Cross is having a blood drive in the Hood River later this month. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drive is:
Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 1:00pm - 6:00pm, Oregon National Guard Armory, 12th & Belmont, Hood River, OR 97031
Can't make it to the blood drive in Hood River? Good news, … (0 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Hood River County Home Sales December 2019 - 01/18/20 03:13 AM
During December 2019, twenty-seven (27) homes sold in Hood River County, ranging in price from a low of $130,000 to a high of $989,000. The Hood River County average sales price was $427,600 and the median sales price was $430,000 during December 2019. The average square footage of the sold homes was 1,756, with a median of 1,755 square feet. The Average Days on Market (DOM) was 79 days, with a Median DOM of 40 days.  The average sale price was approximately 4.7% less than the average original list price during December 2019 for Hood River County.
There were 21 homes sold in … (3 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Wasco County Residential Sales Activity December 2019 - 01/02/20 04:11 PM
Wasco County Residential Sales Activity December 2019
During December 2019, twenty-five (25) homes sold in Wasco County, ranging in price from a low of $69,000 to a high of $525,000. The average sales price for homes sold in Wasco County was $286,700 with a median sales price of $300,000. The average square footage of the sold homes was 1,997, with a median of 1,995 square feet. The average Days on Market (DOM) was 95 days, with a median DOM of 65 days. The average DOM was impacted by two (2) home sales selling after 665 and 216 days, respectively. Excluding these long … (3 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Bingen Area Blood Drives December 17, 2019 - 12/15/19 12:42 AM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
The American Red Cross is having two blood drives in the Bingen/Hood River area this Tuesday. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drives are:
Tue, Dec 17, 2019, 9:30am - 3:30pm, Insitu Eagle Point, 901 E Columbia River Way, Bingen, WA 98605
Tue, Dec 17, 2019, 9:30am - 3:30pm, Waucoma Building, 902 … (1 comments)

mel ahrens realtor: Hood River Area Blood Drives December 17, 2019 - 12/15/19 12:38 AM
There is a significant shortage of blood this time of year.  Did you know in the next hour, 1,800 people will need blood in the United States. And another 1,800 the following 60 minutes. That is 43,200 people in one day who need blood. Donating blood saves lives. 
The American Red Cross is having two blood drives in the Hood River/Bingen area this Tuesday. Please donate as you could help save a life.  The blood drives are:
Tue, Dec 17, 2019, 9:30am - 3:30pm, Waucoma Building, 902 Wasco St, Hood River, OR 97031 OR
Tue, Dec 17, 2019, 9:30am - 3:30pm, Insitu Eagle Point, 901 … (0 comments)

Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly Right Real Estate, Customized Choices for your Real Estate Needs (Kelly Right Real Estate)

Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly Right Real Estate

Customized Choices for your Real Estate Needs

Hood River, OR

More about me…

Kelly Right Real Estate

Address: 4966 Hillcrest Rd, Parkdale, OR, 97041

Mobile: (509) 540-1309




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