A friend sent this tonight, and after I smiled my way through it, I decided I had to share.
According to the local real estate agents I've talked with, "Nothing is selling" around our part of the woods - Priest River, Idaho. Maybe they're right, but I have a hunch that some agents ARE getting out there selling real estate instead of talking about how bad things are. I just don't get out
Who can love a company that's just plain dumb and pretends to be otherwise? Since I'm a copywriter instead of a Realtor, I see B of A from a consumer's standpoint... and sure don't like what I see! My home mortgage was with Countrywide - which as you know was taken over by B of A. One of the firs
I loved Homer's comparison of real estate to fishing, so have to re-blog this one. Not long ago I wrote an article for EzineArticles.com about how marketing is like fishing. The next one will be about what you do after the fish is on the hook... As for me, I'll keep on enjoying my part in this fi
I did a little writing for Corey and so had the opportunity to learn all about the opportunity he's offering. With no cost and the opportunity to gain added exposure and relevant links back to your own site, I don't know why anyone would pass it by.Cost-free Opportunity for Real Estate Profession