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Services for Real Estate Pros - Marte Cliff Copywriting
Thoughts, ideas, insights, and tips on writing for real estate - from a former real estate broker turned real estate copywriter.



Over the past few days my copywriter friend Kay Faulk has been talking about web copy she's writing for a real estate client. I had commented on what an intersting market they had there in Branson, Missouri - where they were hit especially hard by the real estate crisis because so many of their h...
If you as a real estate professional had a listing client who declared that they were going to paint the bathroom chartreuse before the house went on the market, what would you do? Would you say "Oh, OK" and let it go at that? I doubt it! You'd explain that a more neutral color, or at least an "i...
When you write marketing copy you usually make some statements about the service you provide. And then, you just might assume that your readers know why it matters to them. But we all know how dangerous it is to assume. Instead, make sure they know the reasons why. One easy way to be sure you're ...
Mimi said it all - this is just plain wrong. In spite of years of progress, blatant racism is alive and well in the White House. And this is just one of the ways he's trying to divide America. How about we all pull together FOR America, and elect a new President who sees all colors and all econom...
This was a night for close encounters... and I'm glad we're home!My husband and I had to drive up to Sandpoint this evening and we were feeling glad that the highway was bare and dry in spite of this morning's snow. It was turning out to be an easy drive after all. Just past Laclede we saw a line...
Using psychology in marketing is a good idea, but this marketer forgot an important ingredient: First, build trust. Do you ever get spam mail that makes you nervous about even clicking on "unsubscribe?" I do, and this message from this morning is one of them: This is today's message, from my frie...
The good news is... I've reached the #3 spot in Idaho. The other news is... I do believe this is as high as I can go. Mind you, I don't mind, because I thoroughly enjoy reading the words posted by #1 Deborah Byron Leffler of Boise, and #2 Janna Rankin Scharf of Coeur d'Alene. Active Rain just wou...
This morning's email included a request for a recommendation on LinkedIn - and I really don't know what to do with it. The request came from a fellow Active Rain blogger - someone I think is probably well worth recommending. But I don't actually know that. I've never worked with them - never even...
What bothers me is that the citizens go along with more and more restrictive rules. What will it be next? Banning their surfboards? Not allowing a picnick basket? Robrt Ringer calls this ever-increasing loss of freedom "gradualism." We just gradually give up more and more little bits of freedom u...
Tonight a friend sent me a fun little quiz, the purpose of which is to reveal your accent. That, of course, is supposed to reveal where you're from. According to this, I talk as if I'm from the Great Lakes area - which is funny because I've never even visited there. What really amazed me was the ...