core real estate advisors: Do Long Island House Hunters Prefer New Homes? Yes and No...
- 04/24/16 09:05 AM
Several different surveys confirm that if you ask American consumers which they prefer, close to twice as many say they would choose to move into a brand new home rather than an existing one. But—and there are several important ‘buts’—when it comes to today’s typical Nassau and Suffolk County house hunter, that answer can be a little misleading. For one thing, house hunters who don’t even check out Long Island’s pre-owned house listings are few and far between. In actuality, when someone begins to think seriously about buying their next home, it’s highly unlikely they will be able to resist taking at (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: Suffolk County Buyers and Sellers Differ…Except in This
- 04/02/16 06:39 AM
Right now, just a few days into spring, we are right at the start of Bellmore’s peak real estate selling season. I’ve always found it odd that you don’t hear much about it—but that also makes it the beginning of the buying season, too! As a licensed New York Realtor®, throughout the course of the year I am privileged to act as the agent for both buyers and sellers in many different transactions. The details I’m called upon to manage do vary somewhat depending on which side I am representing in any given sale—but there is one very significant goal that I (1 comments)
core real estate advisors: Springtime in NY Can Prompt Home Décor Disagreements Between Couples
- 04/02/16 06:09 AM
There is something about spring that gets everybody at least thinking about fixing up the house, and it’s that time of year again. Throughout the length and breadth of Long Island, home décor decisions are being pondered. Ambitious landscaping and fix-up plans are being laid, budgets drawn, and troops assembled (the troops will be armed with paint brushes and rollers, hedge clippers and rakes). Perhaps it’s the weather; perhaps the angle of the sun—or maybe even last Sunday’s clock-adjusting exercise—for whatever the reason, this time of year is when we look around the house and decide changes will be made!! It’s also the (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: Property Hunters in Suffolk County, NY Keep an Eye Out for Water
- 03/16/16 02:32 PM
It’s one thing when you see the word “water” figuring prominently in descriptions of Long Island properties. Any time that word comes into play, it’s a cinch that the property in question is more valuable than any waterless neighbors. Everyone knows that a shorefront or beachfront property is likely to be worth more than an identical inland place. In areas like Florida, condos with docks (or even access to a dock) are highly prized. Wherever a lake, river or stream is noted in a listing’s description, it’s likely to add significantly to the asking price—even if it’s only because of a (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: Local Real Estate Technology Addiction Vies with Cat Videos
- 03/16/16 02:18 PM
You wouldn’t think that real estate technology could be as addictive as one of those games like Candy Crush or Angry Birds—but don’t tell that to Money magazine. They researched the subject in depth, and they found that two-thirds of recent home buyers said they were addicted to online listings! Come to think of it, who hasn’t found themselves walking away from the computer, wondering what happened to the last two hours? You shouldn’t blame all that on the real estate-connected sites, because the internet has a way of pulling you away from any task by throwing distractions at you, like the (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: New York House Hunters Find Bargains in ‘Reduced’ Listings
- 03/16/16 02:09 PM
When you are skimming through the Old Bethpage or Roslyn listings, now and then you come across attention-grabbing terms like “one of a kind” or “extremely motivated seller.” “Reduced” is another one. After all, who doesn’t like a bargain? Especially when that bargain is associated with a major commitment, who wouldn’t think it’s worth looking into? Today’s listings may no longer be saturated with short sales, foreclosures, and scores of listings reduced by enormous percentages, but patient Long Island house hunters can still strike pay dirt if they are diligent and methodical. Nevertheless, there are some tried-and-true cautions that need to be (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: New York Home Sales Indicators Less Instructive than Usual
- 03/16/16 11:30 AM
As we enter the spring selling season, it’s only natural to look for clues about what to expect for Long Island home sales. Normally, one of the principal barometers comes from the National Association of Realtors®. Their Pending Home Sales Index is a national compendium of hard data that can be useful for predicting home sales in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. It is both “forward-looking” (an indicator of future activity) and part of a long-standing and continuous sample-gathering procedure. When you take a wide sample of the same data for the better part of a decade (the PHSI has been recorded monthly (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: Long Island Home Prices Affected by Renovation Decisions
- 03/06/16 07:44 AM
Here’s an instant spot quiz— (see what comes to mind within a second or two): You decide to sell your Huntington, NY home, and assuming you had a crystal ball, what’s the most important detail about the sale results? Quick! Answer! If you’re like seven out of ten people, you were curious about the bottom line: “how much did it sell for?” Some people come up with “how long did it take?”—but usually, that’s the second or third choice (“what were the buyers like?” is another contender). It’s hardly surprising, the closer they get to placing their own home on the market, price is foremost (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: Long Island, NY Tenants Benefit from Professional Property Management
- 03/06/16 07:41 AM
Everyone who owns a rental property in New York makes a continuing management decision concerning how much of the day-to-day operational responsibility to outsource. Some are inclined to tackle the nuts and bolts of tenant management, while others are content to leave it to one of Long Island’s professional property managers. If the main motive for acquiring the rental was for its value as a long term real estate investment, there is an increased likelihood that a local Long Island professional property management firms will get the nod. Beyond the dollars-and-cents dimension—which can boil down to a calculation on how you value (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: NYC Testing a New Mortgage Idea: a 3% Down Payment
- 03/06/16 07:38 AM
A recent announcement that should get the attention of a large segment of would-be Nassau / Suffolk County home buyers—particularly those who have been stymied by the difficulty of trying to build their credit scores by paying all the monthly bills on time while simultaneously saving up a pile of cash for a down payment. For too many Long Island nine-to-fivers, the two ambitions are achievable—just not at the same time. Although inflation hasn’t been horrendous, even a modest degree of rising prices causes a crunch for those whose incomes are flat. For many Americans, coming up with the down payment (0 comments)
core real estate advisors: “IoT” and the Future of Long Island, NY Home Automation
- 03/05/16 12:54 AM
Home automation is going mainstream. There: I said it. We all knew it would happen, but some of us hoped it would happen later. The prospect of our house being smarter than we are has been out there since as far back as when the first Terminator movie hit VHS (or was it Beta? Or Betamax?)… Anyway, the “Smart House” idea has always had such a science-fictiony patina, it allowed many Nassau and Suffolk County homeowners the valiant hope that the whole thing might be delayed—at least until there was a flying car parked in every garage. Now it looks like our hopes (20 comments)