greenville 291 acres for sale: Update on Tropical Storm Fay - 08/22/08 08:22 AM
I am so thankful we don't live in an area that is greatly affected by tropical storms and hurricanes.  The most we usually get here in SC is some wind and maybe some rain. It has just started raining here a little bit and the wind has been blowing most of the day but nothing compared to what some of the other states are dealing with. The story below reports that 6 Florida deaths have been blamed on tropical storm Fay. Our prayers definitely go out to these families and to everyone that is in the path of this storm. We pray for your … (0 comments)

Connie Rice, Connie Rice & Partners - Greenville, SC Real Estat (Keller Williams Greenville Central)

Connie Rice

Connie Rice & Partners - Greenville, SC Real Estat

Simpsonville, SC

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Keller Williams Greenville Central

Address: 421 SE Main St. Ste. 201, Simpsonville, SC, 29681

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