wylie texas: 100 Years: A Visual History #1
- 07/13/10 08:13 AM
Wylie to Dedicate First Public Art Project July 19 "100 Years: A Visual History" a Mosaic by Montage 48/61 Wylie, TX, Monday, June 21, 2010 - Join Mayor Hogue, the City Council, the Public Arts Advisory Board, and Wylie Fire-Rescue for the dedication of Wylie's first public art project, a mosaic by artists Montage 48/61 titled "100 Years: A Visual History". The celebration is scheduled for Monday, July 19, 6:30 pm, at Fire Station #3 on the corner of East Brown Street and W.A. Allen Boulevard. "The artwork will be dedicated to the past and present members
wylie texas: Wylie July Jubliee Street Dance
- 07/09/10 03:23 AM
July Jubilee Street Dance Friday, July 9 - 7 pm Historic Downtown on Ballard Ave The city of Wylie and the Wylie Downtown Merchants Association will host the annual July Jubilee Street Dance July 9 on Ballard Avenue in the downtown area. Headliner Charlie Robison takes the stage at 9 p.m. and will perform until 10:30. Kicking things off at 7 p.m. is the band Placation, made up of Collin County men; Kevin Dean (songwriter, vocals, guitar) and Sanford Hanna (vocals, lead guitar) are from Wylie, and Royce Rushing (vocals, drums) and Rick Holloway (vocals, bass) are from
wylie texas: Wylie Flyers
- 05/27/10 04:20 AM
Another great summer program being offered by the City of Wylie...Wylie Flyers! Summer Track and Field. Wylie Flyers Track Club promotes personal and team achievement, enhanced self esteem, physical fitness and sportsmanship. This club is sponsored by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department in conjunction with the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) Region 7 Summer Circuit Track Season. How to Register: In Person: Bart Peddicord Community Center 100 West Oak Street (downtown Wylie) cash, check, and credit card accepted Online: Cost: $125 per participant Practice beings Monday, May 10th 2010 at Shaffer Stadium
wylie texas: Wylie Wave Summer Camp
- 05/24/10 04:24 AM
What are your kids doing this summer...Check out Wylie Wave Summer Day Camp! The City of Wylie has a great summer program that I think you will be interested in. Each week they are offering a different themed summer camp for 1st - 8th graders featuring arts and crafts, sports, time building, swimming and field trips. Camps: Camp Site: 100 West Oak Street, Wylie TX 75098 Phone: 972.442.8119 Email: recreation@wylietexas.gov Cost: $90.00 per week For more information on living in Wylie Texas please check me out on face book @ Live Wylie Texas. I would love your
wylie texas: Cheap Pet Vaccinations in Wylie
- 05/17/10 03:00 PM
The other day I had to stop in at Tractor Supply in Wylie for some great yard spray called "Pest Away". It's wonderful at keeping the cats out of my flowerbeds. Anyways, I noticed the parking lot was full of people and their pets. Veterinary Medical Care is offering basic pet vaccinations and heartworm test for cheap. What a great service! Tractor supply hpas heartworm preventatives and flea/tick control, so it's a one stop shop! First Saturday of the month from 9am to 4pm outside! So if you live in the Wylie, Murphy, or Sachse area and have a beloved pet
wylie texas: Mom's & More Network in Wylie Texas
- 04/07/10 03:59 AM
Live in Wylie Texas and are looking for a Mom's and More network? Look no more! Moms & More is a networking group offering activities for children and their caregivers. The group meets for playgroups and other activities during the day, evenings, and weekends. All stay-at-home caregivers from Wylie and surrounding communities are welcome, club officials said. For more information, visit www.wyliemomsandmore.org or email diva@wyliemomsandmore.org Call 214.682.4259 for more information on Wylie Homes for Sale, Wylie Short Sales, and Wylie Foreclosures.
wylie texas: Wylie Texas Chamber of Commerce 25th Annual Golf Classic
- 04/06/10 02:21 AM
Friday, April 16, 2010 Woodbridge Golf Club 12 p.m. registration & lunch 1 p.m. shotgun start Sponsorships are available! Sign up online for registration and/or sponsorship http://www.wyliechamber.org/ for more information, call the chamber at 972.442.2804 Call me today for a list of Wylie Homes for sale, Short Sales, and Foreclsoures!
wylie texas: Kindergarten Roundup for Wylie Texas 2010 - 2011 School Year!
- 04/06/10 02:14 AM
Wylie ISD is holding Kindergarten Roundup at all elementary campuses Thursday, April 29, 4-7 p.m. The district offers full-day Kindergarten to students who are five years old, on or before September 1, 2010. Parents attending the orientation will complete registration packets. Students must be registered at the campus for which they are zoned. For questions, contact the campus principal or visit WYLIE ISD *Note-Those students zoned to attend Watkins Elementary opening in August 2010 should register at the campus they are zoned for currently. On a personal note...My son is just finishing up his Kindergarten year and we had the best teacher ever! Thank you Mrs. Patterson!!!!
wylie texas: Taste of Wylie
- 04/05/10 01:58 PM
Treat Your Taste Buds & Help Fill Up the Wylie Texas Food Pantry 16th Annual Taste of Wylie Monday, April 19th 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. First Baptist Church Events Center 200 N. Ballard Street, Wylie Texas The Taste of Wylie is sponsored by the Christian Care Center. At the Taste of Wylie, individuals will get to sample food from numerous local restaurants. Along with the variety of food, Taste of Wylie features a silent and live auction of great items and gift packages. Tickets: Adults $10 ($12 at door) Seniors $8 Children 6 and up $6
wylie texas: Wylie Recycling Customers to get carded!
- 04/05/10 01:05 PM
Wylie residents recycling efforts will soon be subject to closer inspection and grading! Community Waste Disposal customers may soon notice a man going through their recycling carts. The waste collection company has put a "recycling rewards challenge" as motivation to its customers to be more careful about the things they put in their recycling carts. To prevent and educate residents a CWD recycling inspector will visit the carts the day before collection and place one of three tags on the cart. Green tag - Fantastic job and compliant with the recycling program Yellow tag - not too
wylie texas: Treasure Hollow Day Camp by Girlscouts of Northeast Texas
- 04/01/10 01:52 AM
Treasure Hollow Day Camp Space Odyssey June 14-18, 2010 Wylie United Methodist Church 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration: Thursday, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. Wylie United Methodist Church 1401 Country Club Road - Wylie Or Mail Registration To: Treasure Hollow Day Camp 420 Ashland Dr. Wylie, Tx 75098 Cost: $50 for Registered Girl Scouts $62 for Non-Registered Girl Scouts Registration Deadline April 15 The cost includes day camp t-shirt, patch, cookout, program supplies and FUN! For More Information Call: Dawn Goff 972.442.0592 Debbie Brown 972.442.3772 *Registration Forms and Financial Assistance Forms Available
wylie texas: Wylie Race Against Crime
- 04/01/10 01:27 AM
Presented by: WCPAAA In Support of the Wylie Police Department The mission of the Wylie citizens Police Academy Alumni Association is to promote and enhance the relationship between the Wylie Police Department and the community through continued law enforcement education and support of the department's efforts. Date: May 8, 2010 Event Schedule 6:30 to 8:30 am - Late registration 8:00 am - 1 mile family fun walk begins 8:30 am - 5K run begins 8:30 am - 10K run begins 10:30 am - Awards & Festival Further details at www.wyliecpaa.org Registration Fee: $20 - Adults - Until
wylie texas: In-Sync Exotics Easter Egg Hunt
- 03/31/10 02:11 AM
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 3rd, 11am to 4pm Join the Lions, Tigers, Leopards and more for a full day of fun! Egg Hunt begins at noon (separate hunt for kids 5 and under) Games, Prizes, Face Painting, Crafts, Concession, and More! Big Cats get Eggs and Treats at 3:00 pm Proceeds will benefit the 43 animals in care. Requested Donation: $12 per adult and $9 per child (3-12 yrs) 3430 Skyview Drive, Wylie Tx 972.442.6888 Insyncexotics.com For more information on Wylie, Sachse, Murphy Events or Real Estate call 214.6824259.
wylie texas: Wylie ISD Common Phone Numbers
- 09/02/09 05:15 AM
Campus Phone Numbers Courtesy of Cindy Roeschen - The Trinity Group - Keller Williams - 214.682.4259 Cindy@TheTrinityGroup.org - www.TheTrinityGroup.org
wylie texas: Wylie's New Civic Complex
- 11/03/08 08:44 AM
City Facilities Civic Complex to Break Ground this FallConstruction Documents are nearing completion for the City of Wylie's new civic complex which includes a 45,737 sq. ft. City Hall, 47,159 sq. ft. Recreation Center and 43,934 sq. ft. Library. Approved by voters during the 2005 Bond Program, the complex will be located on the East side of FM 1378 between Brown Street and FM 544. Designed by nationally known firms Architexas and Holzman Moss Architecture, the complex features green building and energy saving initiatives. Many of the materials are native to Texas including Austin Stone and Mesquite ingrain flooring. Special consideration
wylie texas: City of Wylie Lifts Water Restrictions
- 08/07/07 04:05 PM
City Lifts Mandatory Water Restrictions Wylie, TX - In response to North Texas Municipal Water District's end to the mandatory water restrictions, the City of Wylie is lifting its restrictions effective immediately. NTMWD is now moving from its Stage 3 Drought Conservation Plan to implementation of a Water Conservation Plan. The City of Wylie will be working in conjunction with the NTMWD Member Cities to develop this plan. Upon completion, the Water Conservation Plan will be presented to Wylie City Council for their discussion and possible adoption.
wylie texas: Summer Fun at Lake Lavon
- 07/06/07 01:10 PM
With all the rain we can finally head to the Lake Lavon for some family fun again! Lake Lavon is more than 121 miles of shoreline, two full service marinas, excellent fishing, great sandy beaches, and camping! Swimming: Six swim areas can be found at Mallard Park, Pebble Beach Park, East Fork Park, Collin Park. All except Collin Park are available to the public, and have restrooms. Collin Park requires a user fee to ender the day use area. Boats: There are 16 boat ramp facilities, including 8 with courtesy docks. The East Fork Harbor marina, within walking distance of East Fork Park offers 135 slips
wylie texas: McCreary Estates & Sterling Chase Subdivision, Wylie Texas
- 05/07/07 03:56 AM
Questions or concerns can be emailed to McCrearyHOA@verizon.netor contact Susan Garrett, Community Manager Capital Consultants Management Corporation 1515 Heritage Drive, Suite 100 McKinney, TX 75069 PH: 972-529-6967 FAX: 972-529-9330 sgarrett@ccmcnet.com If you have an afterhours emergency, contact CCMC at 972-260-4260. http://www.mccrearyestateshoa.com/
wylie texas: Riverchase Subdivision in Wylie, TX
- 05/07/07 03:43 AM
Riverchase is one of the few gated DR Horton subdivisons in Wylie, Texas. To find out more about this subdivison or if you live in this subdivison feel free to log on to www.riverchasehoawylie.com. This helpful website will keep you in the loop regarding legal documents, local infromation, and calendar of events.
wylie texas: The Wylie View
- 05/01/07 09:21 AM
My neighbor turned me on to this great website http://TheWylieView.com. It's a great place to express your opinons and find out what is going on in the Wylie area. The Wylie View takes prides in offering the Wylie Texas community current information, building relationships and sharing information. We've helped families in need, reunited lost pets with loved ones, and even donated time, money and goods to local Wylie charities. There are many topics of discussions to read and reply to, so jump on in and make yourself at home. Who knows, you might even make a friend or two!